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Gravely tradutor Espanhol

431 parallel translation
My dear Francois, tell Jean his mother is gravely ill.
Mi querido François, dile a Jean que su madre está gravemente enferma.
Its milk is reserved for the gravely ill, who mop it up with bread brought from afar by the beggars, and given only to the sick.
Se reserva su leche para los enfermos graves que mojan en ella el pan que los mendigos traen de lejos y que también se guarda para los enfermos.
I am gravely displeased.
Estoy profundamente disgustado.
the king is gravely ill
¡ El Rey está gravemente enfermo!
I want to tell you that I'm gravely dissatisfied with that which has come to pass.
Tengo que decirte que me decepciona lo que ha ocurrido. ¿ Te decepciona?
She's critically, gravely ill in Virginia.
Se encuentra en Virginia y está muy enferma.
I mean, the authorities were gravely concerned... Oh. ... with a series of murders, not unlike this one and they were always preceded by the howling of a wolf.
Es decir, las autoridades estaban muy preocupadas... por una serie de asesinatos semejantes a éste, que siempre iban precedidos por el aullido de un lobo.
His Majesty is gravely ailing.
Su Majestad está gravemente enfermo.
He was gravely wounded in June.
Fue gravemente herido en junio.
You have, sir, gravely offended the Company at the time of your return.
Usted ofendió gravemente a la Compañía, cuando regresó.
There's something gravely wrong... or Captain Lewis would have communicated with me sometime during the day.
Pasa algo muy grave... o el Cap. Lewis se habría comunicado conmigo durante el día.
I advise to end the feast, Her Majesty is gravely ill the more important not to frighten the court what if Her Majesty should die all of a sudden
Yo aconsejo acabar la fiesta, Su Majestad está gravemente enfermo lo más importante es no asustar a la corte qué si Su Majestad muriera de repente
- ¿ Grave?
- I thought the Commodore was gravely ill.
- Creí que el Comodoro está enfermo.
It frightened my horse and then came up and gravely offered me help.
Asustó a mi caballo y entonces, apareció y seriamente, me ofreció su ayuda.
Here there are only 2 men one of whom has gravely offended the honor of the other.
Aquí hay dos hombres, uno de los cuales ha ofendido gravemente el honor del otro.
A letter gravely compromising one's position. Of course
Una carta que comprometiera gravemente su situación.
He is gravely ill.
Está gravemente enfermo.
General Jaeger and two members of his staff were gravely wounded this morning... while on a routine inspection tour of the front.
El general Jaeger y dos miembros de su personal... resultaron heridos hoy... durante una visita rutinaria de inspección en el frente.
L'arc de Triomphe and the tower of the engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel which surround the Hôtel des Invalides where are housed those gravely wounded and the illustrious fallen.
El Arco del Triunfo... y la torre del ingeniero Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, que rodean el Hotel de los Inválidos que hospeda a los heridos graves de guerra... y los caídos ilustres.
I would not have intruded had I not been... so gravely concerned over your future.
No te habría importunado así de no sentir... una grave inquietud por tu futuro.
I'm gravely ill!
Estoy grave.
One day he became gravely ill.
Un día enfermó gravemente.
In his quarters, gravely wounded.
En su aposento, gravemente herido.
The marquis is gravely concerned that she reach the ship at Vera Cruz safely.
El marqués desea que llegue sana y salva al barco de Veracruz.
"I have just received your telegram " saying that you will be unable to come to Tokyo "due to the fact that your father is gravely ill."
Recibí tu telegrama diciéndome que no podías venir a Tokio porque tu padre estaba crítico.
Did you... did you know him, Miss Gravely?
¿ Lo conocía, Srta. Gravely?
Miss Gravely, without cutting the hem off truth's garment,
Srta. Gravely, le voy a ser totalmente sincero.
No. Forget you saw me, Miss Gravely.
No, olvide que me ha visto, Srta. Gravely.
Don't say anything to anybody, Miss Gravely.
No se lo diga a nadie, Srta. Gravely.
You're right as rain, Miss Gravely.
Tiene toda la razón del mundo.
Well, Miss Gravely, all I know is nobody buys them.
Lo único que sé Srta. Gravely, es que no los compra nadie.
Thank you for your encouragement, Miss Gravely.
- Gracias, Srta. Gravely.
- You have to show your character, the inner self, the hidden qualities, the true Miss Gravely, sensitive, young in feeling, timeless with love and understanding.
- Enseñe carácter, su verdadera naturaleza, su lado oculto. La auténtica Srta. Gravely : joven de espíritu, sensible, encantadora y comprensiva.
How about the woman and the boy, Miss Gravely and the tramp and... the man who was reading the book, Dr Greenbow?
¿ La mujer con el niño, la Srta. Gravely, el vagabundo y el hombre que iba leyendo?
I've got a date with Miss Gravely. Not you.
Tengo una cita con la Srta. Gravely.
But you invited me, Miss Gravely. At least that's how I remember it.
Me había invitado usted, si no recuerdo mal.
It's, uh, certainly a nice afternoon, Miss Gravely.
Hace una tarde preciosa, Srta. Gravely.
Miss Gravely. The lady I renovated at Mrs Wiggs'this afternoon.
La Srta. Gravely, la dama a la que he transformado hoy.
Come aboard, Miss Gravely, come aboard.
Bienvenida a bordo, Srta. Gravely.
You'd be surprised. You don't quite understand what murder involves, Miss Gravely.
No esté tan segura, no sabe lo que implica un caso de homicidio.
Miss Gravely, a beauty parlour, fully equipped?
- Srta. Gravely, - Un salón de belleza, equipado.
I'm thinking of you, Miss Gravely.
Estoy pensando en usted.
We can't risk complicating Miss Gravely's confession.
No podemos complicar la historia.
Evening, Captain Wiles. Miss Gravely.
Buenas, capitán Wiles, Srta. Gravely.
Me and Miss Gravely might be in the car market. We're looking for a car.
La Srta. Gravely y yo queremos comprar uno.
But as it turned out, it wasn't the captain. Miss Gravely hit him with the heel of her shoe after he attacked her.
Pero era un golpe que la Srta. Gravely le había dado porque le atacó.
Cathy is gravely ill.
Cathy está grave.
Suppose it was Miss Gravely?
- ¿ Y si hubiera sido la Srta. Gravely?
Won't you sit down, Miss Gravely?
- ¿ No va a sentarse, Srta. Gravely?
Miss Gravely, what would you say... if I told you...
Srta. Gravely,

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