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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Grindelwald

Grindelwald tradutor Espanhol

15 parallel translation
Well, they're not here. They're in Grindelwald.
No están aquí, sino en Grindelwald.
Gellert Grindelwald.
Es Gellert Grindelwald.
It's a letter Dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald.
Es una carta que Dumbledore le escribió a Grindelwald.
Tell me, Grindelwald.
Dime, Grindelwald.
- Tell me, Grindelwald.
Dímelo, Grindelwald.
In his hometown of Grindelwald, there has been a massive snowfall.
En su ciudad natal de Grindelwald, ha caído una grandísima nevada.
Towering 1,000 metres above Grindelwald is the notorious Black Horn ridge.
Unos 1000 metros por encima de Grindelwald se encuentra el conocidísimo pico Black Horn.
They think this is related to Grindelwald's attacks in Europe.
Creen que tiene que ver con los ataques de Grindelwald en Europa.
I will not be lectured by the man who let Gellert Grindelwald slip through his fingers.
No escucharé un sermón del hombre... que permitió que Gellert Grindelwald escapara.
I'm not one of Grindelwald's fanatics, Mr. Graves.
No soy admirador de Grindelwald, Sr. Graves.
We'll do our best, Mr. Grindelwald.
Haremos lo posible, Sr. Grindelwald.

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