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Harding tradutor Espanhol

893 parallel translation
Thus Hutter entrusted his anxious wife to the care of his friends, the wealthy ship owner Harding and his sister.
Así dejó a su apenada mujer al cuidado de su amigo, el adinerado armador Harding y de su hermana.
Hello, young Harding. You're early.
Hola joven Harding, llega temprano.
So you're Harding?
Así que usted es Harding.
He's gone off with Dr. Harding.
Está con el doctor Harding.
- Then I want Dr. Harding out too.
También quiero que libere al doctor Harding.
If anybody in Everytown can adapt to that crude oil for our aeroplanes, it's Harding.
Harding es el único que puede hacer refinar ese petróleo.
Oh, we've had a bit of an argument with Harding lately.
Últimamente hemos discutido un poco con Harding.
Mind that. Now you, Harding, are to assist Gordon with his fuel problem... and place your knowledge of poison gas at our disposal.
Y tú, Harding, ayudarás a Gordon con el combustible y fabricarás para nosotros el gas venenoso.
With the help of that man, Cabal, you have in the cells... and Dr. Harding here... you may even have a dozen of your planes in the air again.
Con la ayuda de ese hombre que tiene encerrado y el doctor Harding puedo hacer que vuelen doce de sus aviones. ¡ Tú!
If you will give me Cabal... and if you leave me free to talk with Harding...
Si me entrega a Cabal y me deja hablar a solas con Harding le prometo que verá sus aviones.
I think we'll manage it all right now that Harding knows his part of the job.
Creo que todo irá bien. Ahora que Harding conoce su trabajo.
There's that chap Harding.
Tenemos a Harding.
Get him! - Go get Dr. Harding.
- Trae al doctor Harding.
Miss Constance Harding?
- ¿ Srta. Constance Harding?
Sounds better than Richard Harding Davis.
Suena mejor que Richard Harding Davis.
Still wish you were Richard Harding Davis.
Sigo prefiriendo Richard Harding Davis.
Miss Harding and Mr. Kieran both have their hands up.
La Srta. Harding y el Sr. Kieran, ambos con las manos arriba.
Tess Harding.
Tess Harding.
Miss Harding.
Srta. Harding.
What would you suggest, Miss Harding?
¿ Y usted, qué sugeriría, Srta. Harding?
Well, that's about all, Miss Harding, except at the end he calls you :
Bueno, eso es todo, Srta. Harding, sólo que él la llama a usted al final :
Yes, Miss Harding.
Sí, señorita Harding.
- Haven't you met Miss Harding?
- ¿ Ya conocías a la señorita Harding?
- He's got Tess Harding with him.
- Tess Harding lo acompaña.
- Harding, I know.
- Harding. Lo sé.
Looking for Miss Harding.
Busco a la señorita Harding.
- Is this Miss Harding's?
- ¿ Es usted la señorita Harding?
This is Gerald Howe, Miss Harding's secretary, speaking.
Le habla Gerald Howe, secretario de la Srta. Harding.
Miss Harding calling the office of Señor Batista.
La Srta. Harding llama a la oficina del Señor Batista.
Where's Miss Harding, please?
¿ Dónde está la Srta. Harding?
- Miss Harding.
- Señorita Harding.
Tess Harding, Pinkie Peters.
Tess Harding, Pinkie Peters.
Miss Harding knew him well.
La Srta. Harding lo conocía bien.
Pardon me, Mr. Harding, but we only have 10 minutes.
Discúlpeme, Sr. Harding, pero sólo tenemos 10 minutos.
Miss Harding...
Srta. Harding...
- Mr. Harding, we have to hurry.
- Sr. Harding, dese prisa.
Good heavens, Miss Harding, you've been in an accident?
¡ Santo Cielo! ¿ Tuvo un accidente, Srta. Harding?
- Yes, Miss Harding...
- Sí, Srta. Harding...
- Oh, Mrs. Harding.
- Disculpe, Sra. Harding.
Miss Harding said you won't.
Nos lo dijo la Srta. Harding.
I must see Miss Harding.
Debo verlo, señorita Harding.
Miss Harding says, if you're making eggs, she'd like some.
A la Srta. Harding le gustaría comer huevos, si los hace usted.
- All right, Miss Harding.
- Bien, señorita Harding.
This is Miss Harding, at Atwater 9-0599.
Habla la Srta. Harding, desde Atwater 9-0599.
- You name it, Miss Harding.
- Diga cuándo, señorita Harding.
This is Tess Harding.
Habla Tess Harding.
- Hello, Miss Harding.
- Hola, Srta. Harding.
I don't wanna be married to Tess Harding any more than I want you to be just Mrs. Craig. Why can't you be Tess Harding-Craig?
No quiero estar casado con Tess Harding más de lo que deseo que seas tú misma, Sra. Craig. ¿ Es imposible que seas Tess Harding-Craig?
Miss Harding...
Señorita Harding...
- No.
- ¿ Harding?
- Harding? - Yes.
¡ Sí!

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