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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He can't talk

He can't talk tradutor Espanhol

785 parallel translation
Actually it's quite difficult to talk about William Eggleston's work, and he can't tell you the answer either.
Actualmente es bastante difícil hablar acerca del trabajo de William Eggleston, y él no puede darte respuestas tampoco.
This bird you can't understand when he does talk.
Este pájaro de cuenta que no se le entiende cuando habla.
And I don't wanna hear any more talk about it. because Martin's giving up a great career as a research scientist to be a country doctor so he can support a wife.
No quiero oír hablar más sobre eso... porque Martin deja una gran carrera como investigador científico... para ser médico rural y mantener a su esposa.
You'll just make a lot of talk I've avoided. You can't change anything.
Expondré que que lo he matado sin poder cambiar nada.
"Listen here, Aunt Jenny," he said, " you can't talk to all those boys and girls
Dijo : " Escúchame, tía Jenny, no puedes hablarle a todos los niños
I've been ill, so I can't talk to you very long, but before I say good night,
He estado enferma, así que no puedo hablar mucho, pero antes de darles las buenas noches,
He can't talk very much.
No puede hablar mucho.
I see by the files that his rating is A-one and he's an important customer, but I can't find anything personal to talk to him about.
Veo por sus registros que es un cliente de primer nivel... pero no encuentro nada personal para hablar con él.
On her wedding day, the bride can't talk to the groom before he has made his speech.
El día de su boda la novia no debe hablar con el novio antes de hacer su petición.
There's some folks right down the road here got a dog exactly like him, but he can't talk.
Hay unas personas al final de la calle que tienen uno como éste, pero no habla.
It means he can't talk to anybody, and you can't talk to him.
Significa que él no puede hablar con nadie y viceversa.
- He can't talk to you like that!
- ¡ No consentirá que le hable así!
- You mean he can't talk?
- Quieres decir que no puede hablar?
Oh, he can't talk to me like that.
- No puede hablarme así.
A man can talk to his own wife, can't he?
Un hombre puede hablar con su esposa, ¿ no?
He can't really talk.
... para hacer declaraciones.
No, I mean he can`t talk.
Quiero decir que no puede ponerse.
- You're talking, my son. And without Don Peppino, how can I? - Can't we talk without him?
¿ He pedido una casa en la avenida, el gordo de la lotería, el reintegro?
He can't talk!
¡ Ay Dios!
He can't be gotten rid of, with talk.
Esto no se suprime con charla.
There was a witness but he can't talk.
Hubo un testigo pero no puede hablar.
- He can't talk anymore.
Ya no puede hablar.
If he can't talk, it's the end of everything.
¡ Si ya no habla, es el acabose!
- He can't talk to me like that!
¡ No puede hablarme así!
He can't talk that way to us, Nig.
No puede hablarnos así, Nig.
But he won't talk... not as long as he can stand that punishment.
Pero no hablará. No mientras pueda soportar el castigo.
- He can't talk to you.
- No puede hablar con usted.
He can't talk.
Lo he inmovilizado, señor Turner.
No I can't wait I must talk to you now.
No puedo esperar, he de hablarte.
Oh, he can't talk.
- Si no puede hablar.
- He can't talk now.
- Ahora no puede hablar.
This time he's ours and you can't talk me out of him.
Ahora es nuestro y ya no nos lo puede quitar.
Put him where he can't talk to anybody.
Metedle donde no pueda hablar con nadie.
He sits down, can't talk.
Se sienta, pero no puede hablar.
- You mean he's so tough I can't talk to him?
- ¿ Ni siquiera puedo hablar con él?
Well, as long as he won't be around to talk, nobody can tie us into anything.
Mientras no pueda hablar, nadie nos relacionará con nada.
How can he when you won't let me talk to him?
¿ Cómo si no me deja verlo?
- What's the matter, can't he talk?
- ¿ Qué sucede, no puede hablar?
Oh, Mr Oxly! He can't talk!
Sr. Oxly, no puede hablar.
- He can't talk, Emiliano.
No puede hablar, Emiliano.
He simply can't talk.
No puede hablar.
George, talk to him, make him see that we won't harm him..... he can let us live.
Háblales, haz que entienda que no le haremos daño. Puede dejarnos vivir.
So glad he can't talk.
Tan contento que no puede hablar.
But now that he's dead, I suppose I can talk about it, don't you?
Pero ahora que ha fallecido supongo que puedo hablar de ello.
You can talk to him, but I don't think he'll cooperate.
Pueden hablarle, pero no le sacarán nada.
Yeah, he probably can't talk for laughing.
Teme hablar por si nos burlamos de él.
Maybe his ears do stick out and maybe he don't talk fancy, but at least he's got feelings manly feelings, which is more than I can say for you.
Puede que tenga las orejas salidas y que no hable bien, pero al menos tiene sentimientos sentimientos masculinos, algo que no puedo decir de ti.
You can talk in here, he can't understand English.
Puedes hablar aquí conmigo, él no entiende inglés.
He can't talk.
No puede hablar.
I can't do a thing, Mrs. Cargill, until I know his story. He's got to talk.
Nada puedo hacer Sra. Cargill sin saber lo ocurrido tiene que hablar.
He still can't talk.
Todavía no puede hablar.

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