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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He couldn't have done it

He couldn't have done it tradutor Espanhol

107 parallel translation
Oh, he couldn't have done it, Colonel.
Él no pudo haberlo hecho, coronel.
- and he couldn't have done it.
- y no pudo haberlo hecho él.
Then he couldn't have done it.
- Entonces él no pudo hacerlo.
- He couldn't have done it.
- Él no puede haber hecho eso.
Monty, Floyd couldn't have done it, could he?
Monty, Floyd no pudo haberlo hecho, ¿ verdad?
He couldn ´ t have done it.
No puede haberlo hecho.
We know he didn't do it. He couldn't have done it.
Sabemos que no lo hizo, Sra. Blayne.
He couldn't have done it.
No podía haberlo hecho.
Before he did it, sir, I'd have said it couldn't be done.
Antes de hacerlo, hubiera dicho que era imposible.
You know he couldn't have done it, don't you?
Usted sabe perfectamente que él nunca hubiera hecho algo así.
I've told you again and again they couldn't have done it.
Le he dicho mil veces que no podrían haberlo hecho.
Are you saying he couldn't have done it?
¿ Afirma que él no podría haberlo hecho?
And Dick was here with us from the time she left to the time we went to bed. So he couldn't have done it.
Dick estuvo con nosotros desde que se fue hasta que nos acostamos.
- He couldn't have done it alone...
Sí, está bien, pero marcando es como se gana.
He couldn't have done it without your knowledge and memory.
No lo podría haber hecho sin su memoria y conocimientos.
So, you see, he couldn't have done it.
Como verás, el no pudo haberlo hecho.
I couldn't have done it!
¡ Yo no he podido hacerlo!
He couldn't have done it. Oh?
No pudo haberlo hecho.
- He couldn't have done it.
- No pudo haberlo hecho.
Trouble with Friedman is, he couldn't have done it.
El problema con Friedman es que no pudo haberlo hecho.
"He couldn't have done it."
Él no podría haberlo hecho ".
The prime suspect, this Sean character, was swimming in front of 30 witnesses at the time of the shot. He couldn't have done it alone.
El principal sospechoso, ese Sean estaba nadando delante de testigos en el momento del disparo, no pudo haberlo hecho solo, tuvo que tener un cómplice.
But I couldn't have done it if he hadn't saved my life first.
Pero no habría podido hacerlo si él no me hubiera salvado a mí.
He couldn't have done it.
Él no pudo haberlo hecho.
He couldn't have done it.
He couldn't have done it.
- no podría hacerlo.
So, you see, he couldn't have done it.
Como ven, no pudo haberlo hecho él.
Jason couldn't have done it, in his best day, he couldn't carry a little baby, with those little skinny arms of his.
Jason no podría haberlo hecho. En el mejor de los casos, no podría ni con un bebé por lo delgaducho que está.
Yeah, well, I couldn't have done it without our Wally. Where is he, where is the lad?
Sí, bueno, no podría haberlo hecho sin Wally. ¿ Dónde está el muchacho?
- He couldn't have done it.
- No pudo hacerlo.
When he's the one person who couldn't have done it. Yeah.
Cuando era el único que no podía haberlo hecho.
Well, he couldn't have done it alone.
- Bueno, no podía hacerlo solo.
) He couldn't have done it.
No podría haberlo hecho.
The only problem is, he couldn't possibly have done it.
El único problema es que posiblemente no pudo hacerlo.
Hey, I'm serious, man. If I missed somebody or anything... thanks a million for helping out, man...'cause I couldn't have- - whatever- - done it.
Si me he olvidado de alguien... un millón de gracias por ayudarme... porque si no nunca...
He couldn't have done it.Besides, if we plead out, we won't be able to suppress the knifewith that constitution thing.
¡ No puede haberlo hecho! Además... si queremos jugar, estarás capacitado para suprimir el cuchillo con eso de la constitución...
- He couldn't have done it.
- El no pudo haberlo hecho.
It was Davies who stole it, but he couldn't have done it without your help.
Davies la robó, pero no podría haberlo hecho sin su ayuda.
Because he's the only person on Earth that couldn't possibly have done it.
Porque es la única persona del mundo que no era posible que lo hiciera.
- He couldn't have done it.
- El no pudo hacerlo.
Don't you think that when Murchison found out about Reyna's cure... he would know that he couldn't have done it without my help.
Scott escúchame, no tiene sentido cuando Murchison descubrió que Reyna había encontra la cura también sabría que lo había hecho con mi ayuda.
I know he's been depressed recently, but he couldn't have done it.
Sé que estuvo deprimido últimamente, pero no pudo ser él.
And he couldn't have done it without you, so I.... I just thought you'd care to know.
Y no lo podría haber logrado sin usted, así que pensé que le importaría saberlo.
But he couldn't have done it alone
Pero no pudo hacerlo solo.
A man that did go back to tell his part... and brought the horse that he set loose... to them that he caused to suffer, paid respect for the pain that he couldn't fix... now if'n... if'n it happened... that they forgive him, so he didn't have to do to hisself what he wouldn't let be done to him... well then, I guard, that man might think, setting forth afterwards
Un hombre que volvió a contar su historia y trajo al caballo que dejó escapar para los que les causó sufrimiento y presentar sus respetos por el dolor que no pudo solucionar ahora, si sucediera si lo perdonaran para que no tuviera que hacerse lo que no dejaría que le hicieran entonces, creo ese hombre podría pensar al irse más tarde con cualquier bocón que quisiera acompañarlo...
Apparently, he's only been missing a couple of hours, which means she couldn't have done it.
Aparentemente, sólo lleva desaparecido un par de horas lo que significa que ella no puede haberlo hecho.
He couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.
No podría haberlo hecho sin ti.
Maybe he deserved more. It's not my place to say. But he couldn't have done better.
No puedo decir si él merecía algo más, no tengo derecho a decirlo... pero no podría haberlo hecho mejor...
He couldn't have done it.
Él no lo pudo haber hecho.
He couldn't have done it because he was next to me on the couch.
Y él no pudo ser porque, si recordáis bien, estaba sentado junto a mí.
Because that would mean he couldn't possibly have done it.
Porque eso querría decir que él posiblemente no lo pudo haber hecho.

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