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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He did it for me

He did it for me tradutor Espanhol

273 parallel translation
He did it for me.
Lo hizo por mí.
Well, he did it for me.
Bueno, lo hizo por mí.
He did it for me?
¿ Lo hizo por mí?
Whatever he said he did, he did it for me.
Lo que dice que hizo él, lo hizo por mí.
He did it for me last week.
Lo hizo por mí la semana pasada.
I asked him to make a fool out of himself, and he didn't want to, uh, but he did it for me.
Le pedí que hiciera el ridículo, y no quería. Pero lo hizo, por mí.
He did it for me.
Lo hizo por mi.
Why, he wouldn't let her fire me lots of times, and he stood up for me when she beat me, and made her stop it, like he did tonight.
Muchas veces impidió que ella me echara, me defendía cuando ella me golpeaba, la obligaba a detenerse, como esta noche.
In mere justice, let it be said of me, as of a gallant naval hero that what I have done, I did for England, home and beauty. "
En justicia, déjenme decir que como valiente héroe naval que soy lo que he hecho, lo he hecho por Inglaterra, mi bella patria ".
He did it for an honorable reason, but he shouldn't lie to me even to save her skin.
Lo hizo por una razón de honor, pero no debió mentirme para salvar su pellejo.
I mean, he did protect me and give me food, such as it was... and clothes, such as they were, for a few years. - And now, if I can repay –
Quiero decir, me protegió... y me dio comida y ropa en cierto sentido... durante unos años, y ahora, si puedo compensarlo...
Me encontraré esperando que él diga una cierta frase de una cierta manera y cuando lo haga, me volveré loco
And when it come time for them to cut the cake, the band played Kiss Me Again, she put her arms around him, and, boy, did he look scared!
Y a la hora de cortar el pastel, la banda ha tocado "Bésame otra vez" ; y ella le ha abrazado, pero él parecía asustado!
- I did it more for you, than for me.
- Lo he hecho por ti. - ¿ Qué has hecho?
You have no idea what I had to do to get here... and I did it for you!
No sabes lo que me ha costado llegar hasta aquí... ¡ Y lo que he hecho por ti!
Wait until Elwood hears what they did to me. He won't stand for it.
Espera a que Elwood se entere...
He did at one time say to me, "It is a perfect fascination, my attachment for that girl."
Sí me dijo en una ocasión : " Es fascinante mi atracción hacia esa chica.
He did tell me what it was for... Thank you, Henry.
Muchas, muchas gracias.
Tell Mario, it's not because of the slaps, but for the way he did it.
Y dígale a Mario que no es por las bofetadas, - sino por la manera que me las ha dado.
When the Minister sent me he did not say it was for a discussion of biology.
Cuando el ministro me asignó, no me dijo que tenía que hablar de biología.
Listen, I did ask for a permit to visit you to see if it is possible... in general, with what I have to tell you to shed some light to this tragedy that struck my family and all of us, and poor Elinte.
Verá, Sr. Director, me he permitido venir aquí para ver si sería posible con todo lo que voy a decirle ahora intentar ver algo claro en esta desgracia que ha afectado a toda nuestra familia, incluyendo a la pobre Elide.
I was against it for simple security reasons but, yes, he did.
Yo me opuse por simples razones de seguridad pero, sí, lo hizo.
It was for me that he did it.
Fue por mi que él hizo eso.
You don't know how hard it was for me coming to you, after all the evil I did to you.
No sabes cuánto me ha costado venir a verte, después de todo el mal que te he hecho.
I did it to learn about your thoughts, and feelings because, I tell you, Niccolo, I love you and I worry, for you and for me.
Lo he hecho para saber qué es lo que te pasa por la cabeza. Porque te lo repito, Niccolò, yo te quiero mucho. Y me preocupo por ti y por mí.
It's only natural a man's gonna ask, "well, what did he do for me?"
Es lógico que el hombre pregunte, "¿ Y qué hizo él por mí?"
You owe me nothing yet, I did it for the Queen.
He hecho lo que he hecho por la Reina.
- Exactly. Before he did pay me for the drawings he did buy... he sold it already before he paid me.
Antes de pagarme los dibujos que compró... ya los había vendido antes de pagarme.
I did it for me.
Lo he hecho por mí.
God never existed, of course but He did exist for the second it took to do me a favour by putting the ace on that computer.
Dios nunca existió, por supuesto ; pero sí existió durante el segundo que se necesita para favorecerme haciéndole trampa a esa computadora.
It was important for me to let people know and that's what I did.
Era importante que la gente lo supiera, y eso he hecho.
He thought it very odd my leaving when I did. I told him I had to change for footer.
Le pareció muy extraño que me fuera cuando le dije le dije que debía cambiarme para el... fútbol.
I've seen that on cable TV, and it did nothing for me.
Lo he visto en la tele por cable y no me pone nada.
For instance, "So conceited that when he said did I wanna go to bed with him, it was like he was doing me a favor."
Por ejemplo, Así que, cuando el arrogante dijo que si quería ir a la cama con él... Fué como si me estuviera haciendo un favor
When he decided to run for supervisor, he did call me... and I went in to meet with him... and we just hit it off instantly.
Cuando decidió lanzarse para supervisor, él me llamó... y fui a reunirme con él... y nos caímos bien de inmediato.
For what it's worth dead bodies and all, I did have fun.
Por si te interesa aún con cadáveres y todo, sí que me he divertido.
Although occasionally, he also spanked, but as I thought he did it for my own sake I standed it
Aunque de vez en cuando, también me zurraba, no te vayas a creer pero pensaba que lo hacía por mi bien yo me aguantaba
I did oversleep today, but I'll make up for it!
Vale, me he dormido, pero lo puedo recuperar
I tell myself that I did it for my nephews, for my friends, a crazy idea. The truth is that I wanted so much to see you again.
Me digo a mí misma que he venido por mis nietos... que mis amigos me han convencido por esa locura mía... pero la verdad es que tenía muchísimas ganas de verte.
He thought already for where him it would go, did case claim to be hidden?
Si usted tuviera que hacer conjeturas, señor Simpson acerca de dónde podría haber ido Davis, ¿ qué me diría?
I told him I'd consider it if he did something for me.
Le dije que lo consideraría si hacía algo por mí.
I figured if Charles had looked for me... and I'm certain he did... he'd think it wasn't my fault that his letter was returned!
Entonces pensé que si Charles me había buscado, y estaba segura de que Io había hecho, habría entendido que no era culpa mía si le devolvieron la carta.
Well, he wanted to thank me for giving up our trip to Aspen so that you could defend him, but since I did hurt my knee there last year, maybe it was better that I didn't go.
- Bueno, quería darme las gracias... por renunciar a nuestro viaje a Aspen para que pudiera defenderlo, pero desde que me lastimé la rodilla allá el año pasado, tal vez fue mejor que no fui.
- Well, I did think it over, but, well, I mean, working for the firm, it's not really my cup of tea, is it?
Bueno, sí, ya lo he pensado, pero vaya, es que trabajar en la fábrica no creo que sea lo mío, me entiendes?
Always did have me a... mind for names, all the good it done me.
Siempre he tenido... mente para los nombres, eso es bueno.
If you'll think about our little problem along them lines... and you'll forgive me for saying it... maybe he did not deserve to be fired.
Si enfoca nuestro problemita desde esa perspectiva, y si me lo permite, puede que no mereciera ser despedido.
Even though the family did it out of... love... and everyone was happy for me, and they said they'd see me when they got to the Next Emanation... I have to admit, there is a little voice inside of me that is terrified of dying and since I've been talking to you... that little voice has started to get... louder.
Aunque la familia lo hizo con... amor y todos estaban felices por mi, y dijeron que me verían cuando ellos cambiaran a la Próxima Emanación tengo que admitir hay una pequeña voz dentro de mí que estaba aterrada de morir y desde que he estado hablando con usted esa pequeña voz ha empezado a ser más fuerte.
But when you got home... you told me it was worse than death- - what he did for 23 years.
Pero al llegar a casa- - Me dijiste que era peor que morir... lo que te hizo durante 23 años.
For a submissive man, he's real lucky to have found me. Because there are so many out there who have- - maybe not as highly evolved thoughts about it as Bob did, but certainly who have the same kind of yearnings.
Un hombre sumiso como él ha tenido suerte de encontrarme, porque hay muchos por ahí que tal vez no tengan ideas tan evolucionadas como Bob, aunque si los mismos deseos.
He was really good, he was funny, and I had a lot of fun with him, he did some nice things for me, but it was like there was nothing behind him, you know? Wasn't long ago! He...
¡ No hace tanto tiempo!
Did he mention how it looks for me?
- No. No hablamos de ti.

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