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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He didn't die

He didn't die tradutor Espanhol

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But he didn't die.
Pero no murió.
When Professor Gesellius was escorted into the land of eternal rest he didn't have the desire to die.
Cuando el Profesor Gesellius fue acompañado a la tierra del eterno descanso no tenía ya el deseo de morir.
Yeah, and, honey, lucky he didn't die on board.
Si, y, cariño, suerte que no murió abordo.
- No, he didn ´ t die.
- No, no murió.
It's too bad he didn't die at the Astor.
Qué pena que no murió en el Astor.
But I didn't die and I haven't stayed away, and I want that child.
Estoy viva, no me he marchado y quiero a ese niño.
Yes, I didn't die.
No he muerto.
He didn't die any too soon for us.
Debió haber muerto mucho antes.
He didn't want to die.
Él no quería morir.
Kinkaid didn't have six months to decide if he wanted to die.
Kinkaid no tuvo 6 meses para decidir si quería morir.
Why should he die for a crime he didn ´ t commit
¿ Por qué tiene que pagar por un crimen que no ha cometido?
- I'm sorry he didn't die.
Lamento que no muriera.
He just took a look at you and Frank and decided he didn't love me enough to die for me.
Acaba de decidir que no me ama lo suficiente para morir por mí.
Then he started screamin'that he didn't want "Little Toro" to die.
Y empezó a gritar que no quería que se muriera su "Torito". Y gritaba y lloraba al mismo tiempo.
He isn't gonna die. You didn't kill him.
Escúchame, no le mataste.
And when he was in agony and crying he didn't want to die, "Fool," they told him : Death doesn't exist, you can't touch it ".
Y cuando en su agonía gritaba que no quería morir, le dijeron : "La muerte no existe, no se puede tocar".
Then, on his death bed, he cried he didn't want to die.
Después, en su lecho de muerte, gritaba que no quería morir.
I do! And he didn't die.
Sí... y no murió.
Of course, as I didn't die, no one gets anything.
Pero como no he muerto, nadie se queda con nada.
Maybe he didn't die fighting bullets, but at least he died trying to keep himself in the war rather than surrender.
Quizá no le mataron las balas, pero al menos murió intentando luchar en lugar de rendirse.
And more the pity he didn't die quickly before talking.
Y es una lástima que no muriera antes de hablar.
It's a miracle he didn't die.
No murió de milagro.
I mean, he didn't exactly die.
Es decir, morir, morir, no es muy exacto.
But did he or didn't he die?
- ¿ Pero entonces murió o no murió?
He didn't die of anything catching, did he?
No moriría de algo contagioso, ¿ no?
I didn't know he was going to die.
No sabía que iba a morir.
He didn't die in battle.
No murió en combate.
And even when old Vince Wesley forced me to fight and his eyeball was hanging down on his cheek after and they didn't know whether he was gonna live or die you knew I had no way out.
Incluso cuando el viejo Vince Wesley me obligó a pelear y el ojo le colgaba por la mejilla y no sabían si iba a vivir o a morir tú sabías que no tenía salida.
He says, "He didn't mean for him to die."
Dice que no quiso hacerlo.
I didn't die.
No he muerto.
Oh, why didn't he just let me die?
¿ Por qué no me dejó morir?
Lester wasn't a hero, he didn't just die.
Lester no era un héroe, él no murió.
I didn't choose this position. "I obey without objecting to orders and in the same way I die."
Yo no he elegido obedecer en silencio, pero en silencio obedezco y en silencio moriré.
But I didn't die in Nevers.
Pero no he muerto en Nevers.
- He didn't die three years ago?
- ¿ No murió hace tres años?
And he didn't see my mother die.
Y no vio morir a mi madre.
- I did, didn't I, just to die here - What is wrong?
He vuelto para morir.
No, he broke his nose, but he didn't die
No, se rompió la nariz, pero no murió.
- ¡ Pero no murió!
- He didn't die of indigestion. He was exhausted.
No murió de indigestión sino de cansancio.
Even the doctor thought I would die, didn't he?
Incluso el doctor creyó que moriría, ¿ verdad?
He didn't deserve to die.
Era el que menos merecía morir.
Someone was badly burned, sir. But he didn't die.
Alguien sufrío quemaduras graves, pero no murió.
well He didn't die of old age.
Pues no murió de viejo.
He didn't just die.
No sólo murió.
- Didn't he die in Paris?
- No ¿ Murió en París?
Valerie, he didn't die in the ganymede incident.
Valerie, él no murió en el incidente Ganimedes.
But if I don't get help... they're going to condemn me to die for crimes I didn't do.
Pero si no consigo ayuda a mí me van a condenar a muerte por crímenes que no he cometido
He was a rebel who didn't want to die, even when I was finishing him off.
Un rebelde que no quería morir, ni cuando le di el golpe de gracia.
Apparently, he didn't know he was going to die.
Al parecer, él no sabía que iba a morir.
Apparently he didn't die. - What?
Parece que aquel no se ha muerto.

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