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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He didn't do this

He didn't do this tradutor Espanhol

453 parallel translation
Why do you suppose he sent you up on this job for? He got you up and out of the house as soon as you could walk, didn't he?
¿ Por qué crees que te mandó aquí en cuanto te recuperaste?
Mr Destry had something to do with this, didn't he?
¿ El Sr. Destry tuvo algo que ver con esto?
He was such a nice fella I didn't think he'd do nothin like this.
Era un compañero tan bueno que nunca creí que hiciera algo así.
I can't raise Hank anywhere. He'll never believe I didn't have anything to do with this.
No encuentro a Hank. ¿ No creerás que tengo algo que ver?
Look.. look, I didn't have anything to do with this.
Mire, yo no he tenido nada que ver con esto.
I'm sure he didn't do this.
Seguro que no lo hizo.
Why do you suppose he'd be living in this neck of the woods if he didn't have something to hide. Sure.
¡ Claro!
But you didn't have anything to do with all this until he came to see you.
Pero usted no tenía nada que ver con esto hasta que él fue a verlo.
He didn't want you to do this.
Lo temía.
- He didn't do this.
- Él no ha sido.
But I didn't do this. I don't even understand it. I don't know who- -
Yo no he hecho esto, no Lo entiendo, no sé quién ha podido...
Yellow Feather, he didn't have anything to do with this.
Él no tiene nada que ver con esto.
I only let you do this because I didn't want a disturbance.
He consentido por no alborotar.
Well, why should this Bracco do you a favor if he didn't know you before?
¿ Por qué os hizo ese favor si no os había visto nunca?
Didn't Hitchcock insist that he do this draft?
¿ No insistió Hitchcock en que él hiciera el borrador?
However it seems that he didn't do it on purpose. So, this time I'll let him off the hook.
Como no lo hizo con mala intención lo pasaré por alto.
This night I didn't do anything but ask her to forgive me, all night long.
Esta noche no he hecho otra cosa que pedirle perdón continuamente. ¡ Vamos!
He did what his other pals in this town wanted to do and didn't have the guts.
Él hizo lo que sus otros amigos en esta ciudad quería hacer y no tuvieron las agallas.
Anyway, he do loves children If he didn't, he couldn't have done this
De todas formas, le encantan los niños. Si no, no podría haber hecho esto.
I'm sure he didn't. Oh, well. The way I see it this lot's too busy arguing amongst themselves to do much about anything.
A mi modo de ver este grupo está demasiado ocupado discutiendo entre ellos para hacer mucho acerca de nada.
I didn't do this to mr. accountnant.
No le he hecho eso al señor contable.
This time I didn't do a damn thing.
Esta vez no he hecho nada.
I often intended to do this, but I didn't have enough money.
Ya lo he intentado hacer, pero no tenía suficiente dinero.
He didn't see me do it, of course, but Mr. Lang went to the bank and got that check himself this afternoon and then he came back and locked it in a desk drawer.
- Él no me vio, claro pero el Sr. Lang fue al banco y obtuvo ese cheque esta tarde y luego volvió y lo guardó con llave en su escritorio.
Yes, this morning but He didn`t do anything!
Sí, esta mañana pero no pudo hacer nada!
You. Didn't I see the Marx Brothers do this once? What?
¿ No he visto hacer lo mismo a los hermanos Marx?
Didn't it occur to you to ask him before setting this up if he wants to do it... whether his ideas coincide with yours?
¿ No se te ha ocurrido preguntarle antes si quiere hacerlo, si sus ideas coinciden con las tuyas?
The little one said, "I didn't do this." The big one said, "Yes, you did."
El enano decía : "No he sido yo". El alto decía : "Sí, has sido tú".
This old guy says he didn't do so
Qué haremos? Esto es humillante!
What I did was, I looked in his mean little eyes... and I knew, as sure as there's shit in a goat... if I didn't do what he said... the coroner would be putting in a special order for sawdust... to fill this here slop bucket.
Lo que hice fue mirarle bien en sus ojos crueles y pequeños y tuve la seguridad que si no hacía lo que quería, me mataría.
I didn't have anything to do with this!
Yo no he tenido nada que ver con esto!
He didn't want to do this job.
Él no quería hacer este trabajo.
But I suppose that this is really the story of my father, and that strange, leaf-whispery autumn, when his heart was suddenly too old and tired and too full of yearning and regrets, and he didn't know what to do about it.
Pero yo supongo que ésta es más bien la historia de mi padre, en ese extraño y crujiente otoño, cuando su corazón estaba de repente muy viejo y cansado y repleto de añoranzas y resabios, tantos, que Él no sabía que hacer con ellos.
- She was killed in our house this evening... but I didn't do it.
Ha vuelto hoy de Niza, y la han asesinado en nuestra casa. Pero no la he matado yo.
- Once you've done time, you're never sure with yourself, even if I know I didn't do anything wrong, there's this crisis in the world they write a lot about it.
Cuando tienes antecedentes nunca puedes estar seguro. Incluso sabiendo que no he hecho nada, con la crisis que hay en el mundo... Ellos se dedican mucho a ese tema.
Here was this gay supervisor... who really didn't have to do it... and maybe even might be committing political suicide... and yet he was standing up for what he believed... and making a very strong statement. "
Ahí estaba este supervisor gay... que realmente no tenía que hacerlo... y tal vez incluso podría estar cometiendo suicidio político... y sin embargo estaba de pie por lo que creía... y haciendo una declaración muy fuerte ".
- No, I do. I really do. You know, I didn't want to bring it up this morning and depress you... but I have seen Springsteen in concert.
No quería mencionarlo esta mañana y deprimirte... pero he visto a Springsteen en vivo.
now is this the part where you're suppose to tell me i didn't do anything wrong?
Ahora, esta es la parte donde supuestamente me dices. No he hecho nada malo.
- He didn't do it. Norman was with me until 6 o'clock this morning.
Norman estuvo conmigo hasta las 6 AM.
Sid didn't do this. He didn't do this.
Él no hizo eso.
Me neither, I didn't get into this thing so I can have one more boss to tell me what to do.
- A mí tampoco. No me he sindicado para tener un jefe que me diga qué hacer.
You see, I have this fantasy... and it's something that I've always wanted to try, but I didn't ever think that I'd get to do it until tonight.
Verás, tengo esta fantasía... y es algo que siempre he querido probar, pero no pensé nunca que me gustaría conseguir hacerlo hasta esta noche.
If God didn't want me to do this, he wouldn't have made washcloths.
Además si dios no quisiera esto no haría ropa tan ajustada.
Hold on, I didn't do any of this.
Yo no he sido.
Listen! - I didn't do any of this.
- Yo no he hecho esto.
You've been following this guy for 1500 miles and he didn't do it.
Ha seguido a este tipo más de dos mil kilómetros y él no Io hizo.
- He didn't do this!
- Él no lo hizo!
He was going nuts yelling why didn't they do this, why didn't they do that?
Estaba como loco, gritando por qué no hicieron esto o aquello.
I knew you'd try this. Do you think I didn't notice how you looked at her?
Sabía que haría esto, Riker. ¿ Cree que no lo he visto cómo la miraba?
I didn't figure he had anything to do with this at all.
No imaginaba que tuviera algo que ver con todo esto.
This is an example of something he wanted to do. And he didn't because he was afraid.
Este es un ejemplo de algo que él quería hacer, pero no hizo porque tenía miedo.

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