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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He didn't kill himself

He didn't kill himself tradutor Espanhol

144 parallel translation
It's not true He didn't kill himself.
¡ No es verdad! ¡ No está muerto!
He didn't kill himself for Christine. pour Christine.
No se mató por Christine.
Well, if Morrison didn't kill her, he certainly set himself up pretty.
Si Morrison no la mató, si es cierto que está todo en su contra.
─ I swear I didn't kill him. He found out I didn't love him and he killed himself.
Descubrió que ya no lo amaba y se suicidó. ¡ Lo juro!
I didn't kill Farrago. He killed himself.
Yo no maté a Farrago, se mató él solo.
He didn't kill himself.
No se suicidó.
Supposing he didn't jump off the boat,... supposing he didn't kill himself, where did he go?
Suponiendo que él no saltara del bote. Suponiendo que no se haya suicidado. ¿ Adónde se ha ido?
- If he didn't kill her, why kill himself?
- Y si no la mató él, ¿ por qué se suicidó? - Eso es.
He didn't kill himself.
Tampoco se suicidó.
The Prince told her last night that if she didn't leave her husband and marry him... he would kill himself.
Anoche el príncipe le dijo que si no se divorciaba para casarse con él... se iba a suicidar.
- He didn't actually kill himself.
- En realidad, no se suicidó.
He knows Juan didn't kill himself.
Sabe que Juan no se suicidó.
I checked it out myself. I found out he didn't kill himself. He was murdered.
He comprobado los hechos y he descubierto que no se suicidó.
The war didn't kill him, he let himself be killed.
La guerra no lo mató, él dejó que lo mataran.
Didn't he try to kill himself in the past?
¿ Había intentado suicidarse hace tiempo?
He didn't kill himself, Willie.
Él no se mató, Willie.
He didn't kill himself.
Él no se mató.
He didn't kill himself, or he wouldn't be coming today.
No se suicidó, o no lo estarías esperando.
Believe me, he didn't kill himself.
No se ha suicidado, créame.
I think he didn't want to kill himself.
Creo que él no quiso suicidarse.
Mr shylock, I didn't say he wanted to kill himself.
Señor usurero, no deciamos que se quiere matar.
Rod didn't kill Tina, and he didn't hang himself.
Rod no asesino a Tina, y no se colgo a si mismo.
Now, if Dan White wants to save himself from the death penalty... he's going to have to prove that he didn't plan to kill anyone that day.
Ahora, si Dan White quiere salvarse de la pena de muerte... va a tener que probar que no planificó matar a nadie ese día.
He didn't almost kill himself.
Él no tenia casi se suicido.
Why did he have to kill himself? Why didn't he just kill her?
¿ Por qué no la mató a ella?
So then he didn't kill himself?
¿ Así que no se suicidó?
I was bullshitting of course. But I didn't know he'd get so nervous he'd kill himself.
No era cierto, pero yo no sabía que se iba a poner tan nervioso que se iba a matar.
- He didn't kill himself, he was killed. That bullet traveled for 20 years.
Mi padre no se suicidó, le mataron.
I mean, he knew you wouldn't kill him if he didn't defend himself.
Quiero decir, sabía que no lo matarías si no se defendía.
He says he didn't want to kill himself, but he's lying.
Él dice que no quiso matarse, que se pasó, pero miente. Se niega a decirme qué le pasa.
Therefore, he didn't kill himself.
Por lo tanto, no se suicidó.
He didn't have to kill himself, Kelly.
El no tenía que suicidarse, Kelly.
If he was pulling at the wire, he didn't kill himself.
Si tiraba del alambre, no trataba de matarse.
He recorded and explained himself how he didn't kill no 33 boys.
El se grabo ye explico a si mismo... como el no mato a 33 muchachos.
He didn't kill himself.
Él no se suicidó.
He didn't kill himself.
ÉI no se suicidó.
No, he didn't kill himself.
No, él no se suicidó.
Jerry didn't kill himself... for an hour after he killed Deri... and I know that during that time... the lucid part of him probably resurfaced.
Jerry no se suicidó... hasta una hora después de matar a Deri... y estoy segura que durante ese tiempo... su parte lúcida volvió a aparecer...
What if he didn't try to kill himself tonight?
¿ Y si no se intentó suicidar esta noche? ¿ De qué estás hablando?
- What if he didn't try to kill himself?
- ¿ Y si no se intentó suicidar esta noche?
He was my best friend, and he didn't even tell me he was gonna kill himself.
Era mi mejor amigo, y ni siquiera a mí me dijo que iba a suicidarse.
Raskolnikov, the hero, claims he didn't kill the old woman but killed himself.
Raskolnikov, el héroe, demanda que él no mató a la vieja mujer, sino que se mato a si mismo.
We've found out he didn't kill himself.
- Con su situación financiera, uno pensaría que la alquilaría a turistas. - Hacer una fortuna.
And he tried, he didn't actually kill himself, he just tried.
Sí, viene una pizza. Y él lo intentó. En realidad no se mató.
Well, he didn't kill himself because i went on tour.
Bueno, no se suicidó porque me haya ido al tour.
Maybe he didn't know he was gonna kill himself.
Quizá no sabía que iba a suicidarse.
He didn't kill himself.
No se ha suicidado.
- He didn't kill himself, Mercy.
- Él no se suicidó, Mercy.
I suppose that Walt didn't want to face the humiliation of a long public trial and... and he decided to kill himself.
Supongo que Walt no quiso enfrentar la humillación... de un gran juicio público... y decidió matarse.
He didn't kill himself.
No se había suicidado.
If that cut his throat he didn't kill himself.
Si eso es el arma no puede ser suicidio

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