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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He didn't know

He didn't know tradutor Espanhol

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Like I said, I didn't know what I was taking.
Como he dicho, no sabía lo que me estaba llevando.
Uh, he didn't know any guys in the city.
No conocía a otros chicos en la ciudad.
He was even the first who asked me to whistle. I didn't know it had started so early!
Es el primero que me pidió que pitara.
You never filed any paperwork about a wrecked SUV, so I didn't know what he was talking about.
No presentaste ningún informe sobre un todoterreno destrozado, así que no sabía de lo que estaba hablando.
Didn't know he had a wife.
- No sabía que estaba casado.
I know that the FBI has been grilling you about protocol for the last six weeks, so you're extra sensitive about this, but just because he didn't do it your way doesn't mean that he is wrong.
Sé que el FBI te ha estado interrogando sobre protocolo las últimas 6 semanas, así que estás extra sensible por esto, pero solo porque no lo hizo a tu manera no significa que esté equivocado.
You didn't know he had a job?
¿ Usted no sabía que tenia un trabajo?
He didn't know I stashed it there.
No sabía que lo escondía ahí.
Well, maybe Kelly didn't know that until he got inside.
Bueno, quizá Kelly no lo supo hasta que se coló en la casa.
- You know I didn't do shit, man!
- ¡ Yo no he hecho una mierda!
He wanted to feel like a man, and he didn't need to know that a drug was helping him.
Quería sentir como un hombre, y no tenía por qué saber que un medicamento lo estaba ayudando.
He didn't know anything.
No reconocía nada.
Okay, but just so you know, I've never worn a condom, ever, and Lem, obviously the implicit agreement between you and I, is that at no time will our penises touch, but I'd also appreciate it if you didn't make eye contact, you know... with me...
Para que lo sepan, nunca jamás he usado un condón, y Lem, por supuesto estaremos de acuerdo... que en ningún momento se tocarán nuestros penes, pero además apreciaría... no tener contacto visual, contigo, ya sabes, durante...
No, he didn't even know about it.
No, ni siquiera lo sabía.
I told you, he didn't even know I was going to do it.
Te lo dije, él ni siquiera sabía qué iba a hacer.
Donna, I need you to know that I didn't... look, this wasn't me.
Donna, quiero que sepas que no he... No fui yo. No la...
I don't know if his... Well, I didn't hear it,'cause there's so much traffic, and...
No sé... no lo he oído porque hay mucho tráfico y...
Half the time he didn't even know what day it was.
La mitad del tiempo no sabía en que día estaba.
He didn't know what country he was going to wake up in.
No sabía en qué país iba a despertarse.
I lied to my father because I didn't want him to know that I thought he was a failure and that I resented him.
Le mentí a mi padre porque no quería que él supiera que pensaba que él era un fracasado. y que estaba resentido con él.
For future reference, the reason we didn't know about Dorian - - he had been at his game a very long time, and the Clipping Book can only warn us of new threats.
Para futura referencia, la razón por la que no sabíamos sobre Dorian... que había estado en su juego desde hace mucho tiempo, y el Libro de recorte sólo nos puede avisar de nuevas amenazas.
He didn't know that you and I were dating... and you're not talking about that.
Él no sabía que tú y yo salíamos... y tú no estás hablando de eso.
We didn't have any pickups out that way, so I don't know what he was doing there.
No tuvimos ninguna recogida por esa zona, así que no sé que estaba haciendo allí.
He didn't know.
Él no lo sabía.
He didn't know about the affair.
No sabía lo de la aventura.
In his defense, he didn't know about your secret weapon.
En su defensa, no conocía tu arma secreta.
I thought you didn't know who he was.
Creí que no sabías quién era.
You tricked me into giving you inside information and then blackmailed me by giving Marcus money he didn't even know was dirty.
Me engañaste para que te diera información privilegiada y después me chantajeaste dándole dinero a Marcus que él ni siquiera sabía que era sucio.
But what he didn't know was that Napoleon and the Japs were already dug in.
Pero lo que no sabía era que Napoleón y los japoneses ya habían comenzado el ataque.
There's things that... That I haven't done, and there's - a whole lot of things that, I-I mean, I didn't even know you could do.
Hay cosas que... no he hecho y hay un montón de cosas que ni siquiera sabía que se podían hacer.
Please, let Mr. Patton know that I-I didn't tell the cops nothin
Por favor, hágale saber al Sr. Patton que no les he contado nada a los polis
Yeah, you didn't know he was like a father to me?
Sí, ¿ no sabías que era como un padre para mí?
I didn't tell him shit, but he knew it was Rusty, so I figured you'd want to know since they're gonna grab Rusty over this.
le dije una mierda, pero él sabía que era de Rusty, así que, supuse que debería saberlo ya que va a trincar a Rusty por esto.
We didn't know that he would be willing to testify until late this morning.
No sabíamos que estaría dispuesto a testificar hasta finales de esta mañana.
I've watched enough Locked Up Abroad to know I'll be doing 30 years for a crime I didn't commit.
He visto lo suficiente de "Encarcelados en el extranjero" como para saber que estaré encerrado 30 años por un crimen que no he cometido.
I don't know why he didn't pull the trigger.
No sé por qué no apretó el gatillo.
Something he didn't want his wife to know.
Algo que no quería que su esposa supiera.
I know I've been having my fun elsewhere, and no one could blame you if you didn't take me back, but if you'll have me, I'll take you on the longest walk of your life!
Ven aquí. Sé que he estado divirtiéndome en otra parte, y nadie puede culparte si no me perdonas, pero si lo haces, ¡ Te llevaré en la caminata mas larga de tu vida!
He didn't even know his own son was in the trunk of his car.
Ni siquiera sabía que llevaba a su hijo en el maletero del coche.
He didn't know how to love.
No sabía cómo amar.
I didn't know if he was dead or had abandoned me.
No sabía si estaba muerto o me había abandonado.
And this time you know he didn't abandon you.
Y ahora sabes que no te abandonó.
He just wanted someone affiliated with the police to think that he didn't know who Species was.
Solo quería que alguien asociado con la policía pensara que no sabía quién era Especie.
I didn't even know who he was until you guys arrested me.
Ni siquiera sabía quien era hasta que me arrestasteis.
He said, "You know, all my life " I've had more money than I could spend, and it didn't make me happy. "
Dijo : "Toda mi vida he tenido más dinero del que podía gastar, y no me ha hecho feliz".
You didn't even know where he was.
Ni siquiera se sabía dónde estaba.
Only it didn't go very well last time and, well, he was telling me about all this stuff that he's got to get together and, you know, what they expect of him if he gets parole....
Solo que no fue muy bien la última vez y, bueno, me contaba todo lo que debe tener y, sabes, lo que esperan de él si consigue la condicional.
You're my sister. Do you know why he didn't do it?
Eres mi hermana. ¿ Sabes por qué no lo hizo?
I know how excited he was about his job, and the first day he gets there he didn't come back after his dinner.
Sé lo emocionado que estaba sobre su trabajo, Y en su primer día, no regresa después del almuerzo.
Do you know why he didn't turn up at court?
¿ Sabe por qué no apareció en el juicio?
How can I tell you who it is, if I didn't know he was down there?
¿ Cómo puedo saber quién es, si no sabía que él estaba ahí abajo?

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