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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He didn't make it

He didn't make it tradutor Espanhol

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If someone liked someone a great deal... and he didn't have any kin, that would sort of make him a kin almost, wouldn't it?
Si alguien quisiera mucho a una persona aunque no fuera su pariente, sería como si lo fuera, ¿ no?
Oh, and by the by, I didn't make any mention at all of your being aboard ship. I was afraid it might worry your father.
Ah, por cierto, no le he dicho nada de que usted estaba a bordo, he pensado que su padre podría preocuparse.
He didn't make it.
Lo han pillado. No lo ha logrado.
I'm telling you, death was staring at him, and he almost didn't make it.
Mire que él tuvo la muerte justo ante los ojos, escapó así por un pelo.
Of course, you didn't have to make it ridiculous. I just asked you to say he could talk.
Tampoco había que exagerar.
If God made me a princess, why didn't he take a little more time... and make my hair so it wouldn't snarl?
Si Dios me hizo princesa, ¿ por qué no se tomó más tiempo para no hacerme el pelo rizado?
He didn't make it.
No lo ha conseguido.
He didn't make it.
No llegó a tiempo.
Trying to make him guilty of murder when he didn't do it!
¡ Intentando acusarlo de un asesinato que no cometió!
Richard, I didn't choose this kind of life. But now that it's happened, Don't you think we should make the best of it?
No he elegido esta vida pero llevemos las cosas a un buen lugar.
He didn't quite make it.
- Pero no lo consiguió.
Suppose we were lucky we didn't make it official.
- He fingido ser perito.
He said it didn't make no difference
Dijo que no importaba.
He didn't make it.
- No lo ha logrado.
If he didn't like that tongue-lashing, it'll only make him tougher tomorrow.
Esa severa reprimenda sólo conseguirá hacerle más duro mañana.
- He didn ´ t make it, Captain.
- Tuvo mala suerte - Entiendo.
- I've shut it down, it didn't make much.
- La he cerrado, no había mucho trabajo.
No, Gibbs didn't make it. He died a few minutes ago.
No, Gibbs no ha sobrevivido.
Well, it didn't hurt to have Larry Evans show up... and make like he and Vicki were old friends.
No vino mal que se presentase Larry Evans... e hiciese como si Vicki y él fuesen viejos amigos.
It's a law of nature. I didn't make it!
Es una ley de la naturaleza, ¡ no la he hecho yo!
He didn't make it.
No ha sobrevivido.
Everything's like before. even if I didn't make it to the contest.
Esta siempre como antes, aunque no he ido al concurso
Feels like he just didn't make it.
Tengo el presentimiento de que no lo logró.
This time, he didn't make it.
- Esta vez no ha podido.
- He didn't make it, did he?
- Pero no lo logró, ¿ verdad?
Mom, you make it sound as if he didn't want to marry me.
Mamá, hace que suene como si él no quisiera casarse conmigo.
He didn't even make it through sunrise.
Ni siquiera llegó hasta el amanecer.
I didn't make any of it up.
No me he inventado nada.
François said he'd make it a point to be here, didn't he?
François ha dicho que quería estar aquí.
He didn't make it.
No lo consiguió.
I don't want to be rude I didn't make the sign of the cross it's not our custom.
No quiero ser irreverente yo no me he hecho la señal de la cruz, porque no es costumbre nuestra.
It didn't make sense for her to stay just for me, so I gave her the night off.
No os esperaba tan pronto. No valía la pena que se quedara por mí, así que le he dado la noche libre.
I didn't make it.
Yo he fracasado.
He didn't make it, sir.
No lo consiguió, señor.
He was an old goat with a beard. I didn't even think he'd make it up the stairs.
No pensé ni que pudiera subir las escaleras.
Excuse me, but.. - And if you're mistaken? The building speculation, I didn't make up, it's real.
Esa especulación edilicia no me la he inventado yo, es una realidad.
We didn't think he'd make it but they're bringing his car up now and he will be in the race.
Pareció que no lo iba a conseguir pero ya está aquí su auto listo para tomar la salida.
Oh, yes he did. But he didn't seem to make it very important.
pero lo hizo parecer poco importante.
It's a great pity he didn't make sure before he started to shout the odds.
Es una lástima que no se asegurase antes de ponerse a trabajar.
I remember'cause he wanted to make a long-distance call and the boss didn't care for that,'cause sometimes he gets stung if it's over three minutes.
Quería poner una conferencia... y al jefe no le hizo gracia, porque le cuesta mucho si dura más de tres minutos.
It didn't make any sense that he'd know.
No entiendo cómo podía saberlo.
- Why didn't he make the others do it?
- Por qué no hizo el resto también?
Now, obviously, he didn't make it to Belding so the authorities don't know we're here.
Evidentemente, no llegó a Belding. Las autoridades no saben dónde estamos. Alguien tiene que avisarles.
I said I was a little lame, I didn't say I couldn't make it.
He dicho que voy un poco cojo, no que no tenga fuerzas.
I didn't make it.
No la he obligado.
Excepting if he's a rustler, how come he didn't make a run for it when he had a chance?
Si es un cuatrero, ¿ por qué no intentó huir cuando tuvo ocasión?
He didn't make it.
No pudo salir vivo.
He didn't make it to the depot, for he was already surrounded.
Él no lo hizo en el depósito, por lo que fue rodeado.
If we didn't make it, so what, I've delivered babies in a meatwagon.
Si no llegamos, qué importa, yo he recibido bebés en ambulancias.
Flip did tell you about why I couldn't make it last night, didn't he?
No te dijo Flip, por qué no pude reunirme contigo anoche.
He didn't make it.
Eso no sucedió.

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