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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He didn't say that

He didn't say that tradutor Espanhol

1,937 parallel translation
- I didn't say that.
- Yo no he dicho eso.
Please pretend I didn't say that.
Por favor, finge que no he dicho eso.
No, I didn't say that I hated this paper at all. I did not say that I hate... OK.
- No, no he dicho que lo odie para nada, ok...
I didn't say that.
Yo no he dicho eso.
Oliver, I think that what your dad is trying to say is that he understands that you've had a bad day. And, uh, he's just concerned, now that you left school and you didn't tell anybody where you were going.
Oliver, creo que lo que tu papá trata de decir es que entiende que has tenido un mal día y sólo está preocupado de que te fueras de la escuela sin decirle a nadie adónde ibas.
Well, didn't Dr. Davison say that he had a sister company... in Brazil?
¿ Qué? Bueno, ¿ el Dr. Davison no dijo que tenían una compañía hermana... en Brasil?
Well, they didn't say, But rumor has it that's why he's leaving the show.
Bueno, ellos no lo dijeron, pero el rumor era que eso era por qué iba a dejar el show.
I didn't say that.
No he dicho eso.
Okay, didn't you say that you didn't even know who he was?
¿ No dijiste que ni siquiera sabías quién era?
Well, he didn't say hundreds, but he's definitely pointing in that direction.
No conseguimos la subvención, Betty. Tiré la última oportunidad de salvar a la compañía.
House told you to say that, didn't he?
House te dijo que dijeras eso. ¿ No es así?
I didn't say that.
- No, no, yo no he dicho eso.
But he didn't say that, did he,
Pero él no dijo eso, ¿ no? .
I didn't say that, Mr Dowland.
No he dicho tal cosa, Mr Dowland.
So James told me that Jack wouldn't help, but he didn't say why.
James me ha dicho que Jack no quiere ayudar, pero no ha dicho por qué.
Didn't you say he's a, like a registered surgeon at that hospital?
¿ No dijiste que es algo así como un cirujano matriculado en ese hospital?
Make sure that he didn't say anything to hurt the project.
Ver si no dijo nada para perjudicar el proyecto.
I didn't say that.
- Yo no he dicho eso.
But when I asked the professor of geology here, who was lecturing to us, why he didn't tell us about that in his lectures, he replied rather loftily, I must say,
Pero cuando pregunté al profesor de geología que estaba dando cátedra por qué no nos enseñaba eso en sus clases él respondió, un tanto altivamente, debo decir...
Except that he didn't say flipping.
Sólo que no dijo mover de un tirón.
I mean, leo, he said that she's jealous, but if that's true, why didn't she say anything before?
Leo ha dicho que ella está celosa, pero si es verdad, ¿ Por qué no ha dicho nada antes?
Hey, didn't that member say he's going to the Protect Harbour march tomorrow?
¿ El del parlamento no te dijo que iba mañana a la marcha del puerto? Sí.
He didn't say, but I trusted his sincerity, if that makes any sense.
- No lo dijo. Pero confié en su sinceridad, si es que eso tiene sentido.
So with you on the inside, when they threw women at Nettles, he could always say that he didn't cheat on his old lady, right?
Contigo adentro, cuando le tiraron mujeres a Nettles, siempre pudo decir que no había engañado a su mujer. ¿ No?
Well, why didn't he say that?
Bueno ¿ Por qué no lo dijo?
They didn't expect Ali to say that was the toughest fight he had up to that time.
No esperaban que Ali dijera que era el combate más duro que había peleado.
You know, they didn't expect him to say that, but he did.
No esperaban que dijera eso, pero lo dijo.
He didn't say much more than that.
Eso fue todo lo que dijo.
No. I didn't say that either.
No. Tampoco he dicho eso.
That, he didn't say.
Eso, no lo dijo.
- i didn't say that was lundy.
No he dicho que fuera Lundy.
- Oh, I didn't say that.
- Oh, yo no he dicho eso.
- I didn't say that.
No he dicho eso.
Didn't you say that the last time you opened up to someone... Your mysterious caller... He vanished?
¿ No dijiste que la última vez que te abriste a alguien... tu hombre misterioso... se desvanece?
He wanted my endorsement in a business move that, let's just say I didn't approve of.
Quería mi apoyo en un movimiento empresarial que, bueno, digamos que no aprobamos.
Is she }? - I didn't say that.
- Yo no he dicho eso.
- W--I-I didn't say that.
- Yo... no he dicho eso.
No, I-I didn't say that.
No, y-yo no he dicho eso.
She didn't say his name, but in her interview in Spin last month, she pretty much implied that he's the one that got her hooked to begin with.
No mencionó su nombre, pero en una entrevista para Spin insinuó que él la había metido en las drogas.
I didn't say that.Is he in the building?
No dije eso. ¿ Esta en el edificio?
I mean, didn't matt say that he forced sylar out?
Quiero decir, ¿ no dijo Matt que él forzó a Sylar a salirse?
I mean, I didn't not say that. This is really embarrassing.
Quiero decir, no he dicho eso.
I didn't say that, but he was here.
El estuvo aquí.
We'll just pretend I didn't say that.
Olvidemos que he dicho eso.
I didn't say that you were wrong to be interested in him.
Pero no he dicho que se equivocara al interesarse en él.
I didn't say that, but I'm the Agency's liaison officer, so here we are.
Ooh, yo no he dicho eso. Pero soy la agente de enlace de la Agencia, así que aquí estamos...
No no - I didn't say that.
No, no, yo no he dicho eso.
- I didn't say that.
- No he dicho eso.
Didn't that Dodo guy say he was going to have you hunted down and killed?
El tipo ese, el Dodo, ¿ no dijo que te iba a hacer perseguir y matar?
Well, if he didn't say that he ought to have done, because it captures the essence of his defiance.
Si él no lo dijo, debería haberlo hecho, ya que capta la esencia de su desafío.
He didn't say that.
No dijo eso.

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