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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He didn't show up

He didn't show up tradutor Espanhol

560 parallel translation
Well, a young fella named Breck Coleman left it with me, and he told me to give it to you in case he didn't show up.
- ¿ Qué? Me lo dejó un tipo llamado Breck Coleman. Me dijo que te lo diera si él no regresaba.
I didn't show up just for the Buick.
No he venido solo por el Buick.
- Yes, but he didn't show up.
- Sí, pero no se ha presentado.
But he didn't show up, I know.
No apareció, claro.
He didn't show up.
No apareció.
Well, I, uh, had a date with him, but he didn't show up.
Tenía una cita con éI, pero no se presentó.
The chief's throwing a banquet... - and he'd be pretty disappointed if he didn't show up.
El jefe dará un banquete y se decepcionaría si él no asistiera.
I had a date with him. He didn't show up.
Teníamos una cita, pero no apareció.
What if he didn't show up?
Nos desharemos de él. - ¿ Cómo?
He didn't show up, he wasn't meant to show up.
No apareció. No tenía que aparecer.
He was to take her to lunch, but he didn't show up.
Iba a llevarla a almorzar, pero no se presentó.
He called this meeting and didn't show up!
Sí que las hay. Fue él quien propuso esta reunión.
Obviously he didn ´ t show up
No ha venido
Then one day he didn't show up.
Luego, un día, no se presentó.
Why didn't he show up?
¿ Por qué no ha aparecido?
He didn't show up for work this morning, did he?
No vino a trabajar esta mañana, ¿ verdad?
He didn't show up.
No ha aparecido.
He waited an hour for someone who didn't show up.
Estuvo como una hora esperando a alguien que no llegó.
We wouldn't know where to find him if he didn't show up.
No sabemos ni dónde encontrarlo si no se presenta.
But I didn't see him at the supper party on opening night. He didn't show up.
Pero no lo vi en la cena que dimos la noche del estreno.
Well, it didn't hurt to have Larry Evans show up... and make like he and Vicki were old friends.
No vino mal que se presentase Larry Evans... e hiciese como si Vicki y él fuesen viejos amigos.
He didn't show up that night or even the day after.
No volvió esa noche, ni al día siguiente.
And he didn't show up again?
¿ Y no volvió a aparecer?
He didn't show up and Casacuberta, although fired, took his place.
No apareció y Casacuberta, despedido y todo, tomó su lugar.
He didn't even show up.
- No. No, no pudo venir.
He didn't show up.
Estás furiosa.
He was waiting for someone, but she didn't show up.
Estaba esperando por alguien, pero no apareció.
Even after you got out on parole, he didn't show up, right?
Saliste bajo libertad condicional y no apareció.
Nunca llegó a casa y nos pidieron que investigáramos un poco más por aquí.
I don't think he came I sent him an invitation, but he didn't show up
No. ¿ Por qué no ha venido Mikami? Le envié una invitación.
But he didn't show up, did he?
Pero no ha aparecido, ¿ Verdad?
Supposing he didn't show up for inspection tomorrow?
Suponga que no se presente a la inspección de mañana.
He didn't show up.
- No apareció.
- He asked why you didn't show up yesterday.
- Ha preguntado por qué no viniste ayer.
We didn't know where he'd show up, they must be somewhere.
El punto de llegada no se conocía, no podía estar en todas partes.
Fidel, who was the one who bothered me the most with his desire to play... didn't show up for the first game, nor did he offer me an excuse.
Fidel, que era el que más me había molestado por su deseo de jugar... no se presentó al primer juego, ni me dio ninguna disculpa.
- No, miss, he didn't show up yet.
- No lo vi, señorita.
Why didn't he show up himself?
¿ Por qué no vino él mismo?
Let's go, Lieutenant, he didn't show up.
Vámonos, teniente, que ese no viene.
Didn't he show up on the bus?
¿ No venía en el autobús?
When I went down to the train station to meet Willy yesterday, like we planned, man, he didn't never show up.
Ayer, cuando fui a la estación de tren, según lo planeado, Willy nunca apareció.
Why didn't he show up then?
Entonces, ¿ por qué no apareció?
He didn't always show up to sunday school on sunday, but we never saw him at the bootlegger's on saturday night, either. Amen.
No siempre venía a catequesis los domingos... pero tampoco le vimos nunca bebiendo los sábados por la noche.
I waited for my father but he didn't show up.
Esperaba por mi padre pero no se presentó.
I waited for him a half hour today, but he didn't show up.
Lo esperé media hora, pero no llegó.
- He didn't show up for rehearsal...
- Él no se presentó para el ensayo...
This morning he didn't show up.
- Sí, esta mañana no apareció.
Strange he didn't show up at the funeral, isn't it?
Qué raro que no apareciera en el funeral, ¿ no?
He didn't show up?
¿ No se presentó?
No, he didn't show up tonight.
No ha venido esta noche.
He didn't show up for work.
No ha ido al trabajo.

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