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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He didn't tell me anything

He didn't tell me anything tradutor Espanhol

106 parallel translation
He didn't have to tell me anything.
No tuvo que decirme nada.
He didn't tell me anything.
A mí no me había dicho nada.
He made it all up to trick me. But I didn't tell them anything.
Lo ha inventado para tenderme una trampa, pero no le he dicho nada.
He didn't tell me anything.
¡ No me dijo nada!
I didn't want to tell him anything, but I was crying, and he noticed the bruise.
No quería decirle nada, pero lloraba y me vio el cardenal.
Listen, I was going to tell Sims that I pumped Steve and that he wouldn't tell me anything'cause he didn't know anything about you.
Escucha, le iba a decir a Sims que confronté a Steve y que no me dijo nada porque no sabia nada de ustedes.
Why didn't you tell me he was cynical, a liar, one who didn't believe in anything?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que era cínico, un mentiroso, uno que no cree en nada? ¿ Por qué nunca me lo dijiste?
¿ No le mencionó algo sobre mí? Sí, lo hizo.
Didn't your father tell you anything about me before he died?
¿ Tu padre no te dijo nada sobre mí antes de morir?
He didn't tell me anything.
No me dijo nada.
Well, didn't he tell you to pay me any compliments or anything?
¿ Y no te dijo que me hicieras algún cumplido o algo?
Yes, he did come, but he didn't tell me anything.
Sí, el vino aquí, pero no me ha dicho nada
He didn't tell me to expect anything like this.
No que esperara nada así.
No, he didn't tell me anything.
No, no me dijo nada.
He didn't tell me his name, nor anything else.
No me dijo su nombre, ni ninguna otra cosa.
- He didn't tell me anything.
Es más aún, te digo que ni siquiera ha hablado.
He didn't tell me anything... and I'm his friend.
No sé, no me dijo nada. Y somos amigos, eso espero.
- No, no, he didn't tell me anything.
No, el doctor no me dijo nada.
Popovic, I didn't tell you anything.
Popovic, no me he dirigido a ti.
now is this the part where you're suppose to tell me i didn't do anything wrong?
Ahora, esta es la parte donde supuestamente me dices. No he hecho nada malo.
Let me tell you a story... about a little fat boy that nobody loved... and all the other kids, they used to make fun of him... and they would pick on him... and they used to say that he talked funny and stuff... and he had a twin brother... and everybody said... that he didn't look anything like his twin brother... but he wanted to.
Deja que te cuente una historia de un niñito gordo al que nadie quería... Todos los niños se reían de él y lo molestaban y decían que hablaba muy extraño. Tenía un hermano gemelo.
Don't tell me you didn't hear anything,'cause he heard it!
¡ No me diga que no ha oído nada, porque él sí lo ha oído!
And you, don't tell me you didn't see anything'cause he saw it.
¡ Y Ud. no me diga que no ha visto nada porque él sí lo ha visto!
So, I hope you didn't tell him anything. Kelly, he was interested in me. Right, Brenda.
¿ Sabías que West Beverly y la secundaria Beverly Hills tienen los mayores promedios en la prueba de ingreso en California?
He's not on here. What if he was so bad, Eric didn't want to tell me anything?
No está aquí. ¿ Y si es tan malo que Eric no quiso decirme nada?
He didn't have to tell me anything, Dad.
No me dijo nada. Vi los moretones.
I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Sam. He might react badly. I wouldn't want anything to break up our relationship before I die.
Bien, Mitch, yo apreciaría bastante que no le dijeras a Sam el puede reaccionar muy mal y no me gustaría que nada alterara mi relación con el antes de morir.
and now I didn't keep my part because I told about the hospital so now Jane's going to tell about the deal and I didn't mean anything by it I just wanted to see what other kids do at night who don't do sports and he didn't mean anything to me, Kevvy, I swear it!
y ahora he incumplido mi parte del trato porque he contado lo del hospital y ahora Jane contará lo del trato y no pretendía nada sólo quería saber qué hacen de noche los otros chicos que no hacen deporte y no significó nada para mí, Kevvy, ¡ lo juro!
No, I don't. He didn't tell me anything.
No me dijo nada.
He didn't have to tell me anything.
No hizo falta que me lo dijera.
He didn't tell me anything.
No me conto nada.
Actually, he didn't... tell me anything.
Realmente el no... me dijo nada.
He didn't tell me anything.
- No, no me contó nada.
Um, he didn't actually say anything, but he was really hacked off, I could tell.
En realidad no dijo nada, pero estaba realmente enojado, me di cuenta.
He didn't tell me anything.
El no me dijo nada
- He didn't tell me anything.
Él no me dijo nada.
He didn't tell me anything, because he won't answer his phone.
No me dijo nada porque no contesta su teléfono.
He didn't tell me who it was or anything.
No me dijo quién era ni nada.
- He didn't tell me anything!
Él no me dijo nada.
Hans didn't tell him anything, cause he has wife and three children here, you have to tell me the damn truth, I am asking you.
Hans no lo dijo nada porque tiene mujer y tres hijos. Tienes que decirme la verdad.
- No, he didn't tell me anything!
- No, no me dijo nada.
I don't know, but he didn't tell me anything about this!
- No sé, pero no me dijo nada.
"So by the present, he was destroyed." I guess you're trying to tell me that if you didn't do anything,
Asi que en el presente, está arruinado
Please, please tell me he didn't say anything!
Por favor, por favor dime que no le dijo nada.
He didn't tell me anything!
- A mí no me ha dicho nada.
He didn't tell me anything.
No me ha dicho nada.
And you didn't tell him about it... and he threatened to beat to me up, unless I gave it back to him, so... I much rather not get anything from you this year.
Y me amenazó con pegarme a menos que se lo devolviese, entonces... prefiero que no me des nada este año.
I gotta be honest, sometimes I wish he didn't tell me anything.
Seré sincera, a veces quisiera que no me contara nada.
I didn't tell you about this, yeah, but you don't tell me anything.
Yo no te he hablado de esto pero tú no me cuentas nunca nada.
- He / she didn't tell me anything.
- No me dijo nada.
- No, he... The truth is, he didn't tell me anything.
No, la verdad es que no me dijo nada.

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