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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He doesn't hate you

He doesn't hate you tradutor Espanhol

94 parallel translation
- He doesn't hate you.
- No te odia.
He doesn't hate you.
No te odia.
He doesn't hate you, he's exhausted and miserable.
No te odia, está cansado y afligido.
- He doesn't hate you.
No te odia.
- He doesn't hate you. Do you, Darrin?
No te odia, ¿ no es cierto, Darrin?
He doesn't hate you. You hate him. Who's better off?
Mira a Alquist, él no tiene emociones y tú sí.
The only thing you're good for is to hate Tchaikovsky silently because he doesn't take your so-called compositions seriously.
Para lo único que sirves es para odiar a Tchaikovsky calladamente porque no toma en serio tus supuestas composiciones.
He doesn't hate you either.
Él no le odia tampoco.
He doesn't really hate you guys.
Realmente no los odia.
He doesn't hate you.
El no te odia.
And in between you sleep with too many men who don't give a toss about you, and you give birth to a son who will always hate you because he doesn't have a father.
Y entretanto duermes con demasiados hombres a quienes no importas un carajo, y das a luz a un hijo que siempre te odiará porque no tiene padre.
He doesn't hate you.
Él no te odia.
Sam, he doesn't hate you any more than you hate him.
Sam, él no te odia más que tú a él.
He doesn't hate YOU! He hates ME! He's gonna let me be crucified again!
El no te odia, me odia a mi, dejará que me crucifiquen de nuevo.
He doesn't hate you, sweetie.
No te odia, cielo.
He doesn't hate you.
ÉI no te odia.
Él no te odia.
- He doesn't hate you.
¿ Quién dijo que el te odia?
Angel, he doesn't hate you.
Angel, el no te odia.
He doesn't seem to hate you.
- A usted no parece que le odie.
- Honey, I ´ m sure he doesn ´ t hate you.
No creo que te odie.
- He doesn't hate you.
¡ Él no te odia!
He doesn't hate you, I promise.
No te odia, te lo prometo.
She doesn't hate you, she just thinks that he's stupid.
No te odia, sólo cree que él es estúpido.
No, he doesn't hate you, he doesn't even know you.
No, no te odia. Ni siquiera te conoce.
He doesn't hate you as much as he thinks he does.
- No te odia tanto como él cree.
And it's frustrating, I know. But he doesn't hate you.
Es muy frustrante, lo sé... pero no te odia.
- Well, he doesn't hate you.
- No te odia.
He just didn't appreciate you telling his friends that laser tag can induce epileptic fits. He doesn't hate you.
No te odia.
You know, I would keep him off the leg for a while, and he's gonna hate you, he's gonna fight you on it, but it's best if he doesn't put any pressure on it for at least two weeks.
Saben, evitaría el uso de la pierna por un tiempo, y va a odiarles, va a luchar contra ello, pero es mejor si no se apoya en ella por al menos dos semanas.
- He doesn't hate you either.
- Tampoco.
- Look, he doesn't hate you.
- Escuchame, él no te odia.
You know, it might feel like that, but I bet he doesn't hate you.
Sabes, puede parecer eso, pero apuesto a que no te odia.
But, you know, this is how much he doesn't hate you.
Bueno, sabes, esto es lo mucho que él no te odia.
No. He doesn't hate you.
No, no te odia.
He Doesn't Hate You, Darling.
No te odia, querido.
- He doesn't hate you.
- Él no te odia.
He doesn't hate you, Art. He loves you.
Él no te odia, Art.
She hates me, and people don't hate me. I get cards from people I arrest. She doesn't hate you, okay?
ella me odia, y la gente por lo general no hace eso recibo cartas de la gente que he arrestado ella no te odia, ok?
He doesn't hate you.
- Me gritó.
- No, he doesn't hate you, sweetie.
- No te odia.
I mean, he doesn't hate him, but I think it's hard for Sam, you know?
Quiero decir, no lo odia, pero creo que es difícil para Sam, ¿ sabes?
No, of course he doesn't hate you.
No, claro que no te odia.
He doesn't hate you, Hal!
¡ Él no te odia, Hal!
You mean so he doesn't hate you?
¿ Sin que te odie?
I hate listening, don't you? But, hmmm, he doesn't.
Muy bien, os enseñaré un par de técnicas de jiu jitsu.
No, he doesn't hate you.
No, no te odia.
How do you know he doesn't hate what he did?
¿ Cómo sabes que no odia lo que él hizo?
He doesn't hate you?
Él no te odia?
He doesn't hate you.
Él no los odiaba.
- Oh, he doesn't hate you.
- Él no te odia.

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