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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He doesn't have it

He doesn't have it tradutor Espanhol

883 parallel translation
He doesn't have the ability to do it.
No tiene lo que se necesita.
He said he doesn't have it.
Dice que no.
your majesty my heart is filled with fears he doesn't have to explain, my dear Katte does he imagine it looks different in here?
Majestad... Con el corazón lleno de miedo... De eso no tenéis nada que explicarme, querido Katte.
You know, it's awfully nice Carlo having a sponsor, because he doesn't have to work and he gets more time for his practicing.
Está muy bien que Carlo tenga una patrocinadora, así no tiene que trabajar y tiene más tiempo para ensayar.
Pero si sobrevive, no lo usará, y si no buscaré el tesoro y mandaré a que hagan misas por su alma.
He doesn't have it. He doesn't have the mole!
¡ No tiene... no tiene la verruga!
When a man finds his mate, he doesn't have to think it out.
Cuando un hombre encuentra a su pareja, no tiene que pensárselo.
" P.S : I can't keep on writing because it's time for Badluck's medicine and since he doesn't want to take it anymore I have to tie him up...
" P.D. no le escribo más porque es hora de la cucharada de Malasuerte y como ya no las quiere tomar tengo que amarrarlo.
Well, he doesn't have to swing at it.
Es que, no tiene que golpearla.
Mr. Pendergast is so busy now that he just doesn't have time to think of it even.
El señor Pendergast está tan ocupado que ni siquiera tiene tiempo de pensar en estas cosas.
Is it that he / she doesn't have it?
¿ Es que no lo tiene?
It is that Millie doesn't have neither he / she devises.
Es que Millie no tiene ni idea.
He doesn't have to admit it.
No tiene que confesarlo.
I have talked to him and it doesn't help.
Ya le he hablado, pero no sirvió de nada.
Why doesn't he marry and have done with it?
Debería casarse con ella.
He wants us to do it by ourselves so he doesn't have to pay.
Quiere que la pidamos nosotros para que no tenga nada que pagar.
I don't want to add to what you say but do you know what he always says about the meat? That it doesn't have enough blood.
Siempre se quejaba que la carne no era jugosa.
He just doesn't have the courage to admit it even to himself.
Sólo que ni siquiera tiene el valor de admitirlo.
Doesn't it make you think he might have a thick, hairy chest?
- Pero el nombre de Kumataro te hace... pensar en pecho peludo. ¿ No crees?
He doesn't have to feel like it
No necesita tener ganas.
That's what I have been doing, Mal, and it doesn't add up right.
Eso es lo que he estado haciendo, Mal, pero no salen las cuentas.
Well, my editor doesn't have it, but he's going to get it.
Mi editor no la tiene, pero la tendrá.
He doesn't have it, eh?
No la tiene, ¿ eh?
They said nobody could make a pit stop in a 100-mile race such as he did and have a chance at winning it, but Brannan doesn't know how to quit.
Nadie puede hacer una parada en boxes en una carrera así y seguir con oportunidades de vencer, pero Brannan no renuncia a ello.
A seafarer waiting for a ship, doesn't have to kill time in S.I.U. headquarters, he can enjoy it.
Tampoco tienen que perder el tiempo mientras aguardan para embarcar. En las sedes de la S.I.U. pueden disfrutarlo :
- It's lucky he doesn't have a horse.
- Por suerte no tiene un caballo.
I said you could say it again. That doesn't mean you have to repeat it.
Te he dicho que puedes decirlo otra vez, no que lo repitas.
If, for instance, somebody rents a whole hotel at Cap d'Antibes, France for the entire season, just to make sure he can have it the last two weeks in August and if somebody else doesn't keep it quiet
Si, por ejemplo, alguien alquila un hotel entero en Cap Antibes, Francia durante toda la temporada, solo para asegurarse de poderlo disfrutar las dos últimas semanas de agosto y alguien se va de la lengua la gente puede llegar a leerlo en los cafés
If he doesn't make it the first time, he'll have to ditch.
Si no lo hace de entrada, deberá amarizar.
L've sent out everybody who doesn't have a part in it.
He dicho a todos los que no actúan que se marchen. Bien.
Maybe he did have some ideas. It doesn't mean that I shared them.
Tal vez con alguna pretensión, no me importa.
If a man kisses you in public it means he doesn't have any feelings. - Don't you think?
Si un hombre te besa en público es porque no siente nada, ¿ o no?
This Gill Man, this thing I have seen with my eyes... it... it doesn't belong in our world.
Este Hombre Anfibio, esa cosa que he visto con mis propios ojos, eso... para nada parecía de nuestro mundo.
If he doesn't have a fever, then it's nothing serious.
Si no tiene fiebre, entonces es que no es grave.
Y no es necesario decir.
He can't say he doesn't have it.
No puede decir que no lo tiene.
Sid don't wanna look at it, he doesn't have to.
Si Sid no quiere verlo, no tiene por qué hacerlo.
If he doesn't like it here, he doesn't have to stay.
¡ Si no quiere vivir aquí, que lo diga!
He doesn't have to work at it 24 hours a day.
Sí, eso si no tiene que trabajar las 24 horas del día.
I hope he doesn't have to pay for it later on.
Espero que después no tenga que lamentarlo.
Oh Rico doesn't want me. If he did he'd have taken care of it tonight.
Si Rico quisiera matarme, lo habría hecho esta noche.
He doesn't have to turn a wild beast to prove it.
No necesita volverse un animal salvaje para demostrarlo.
By the way, don't! It doesn't matter, when she returns tell her I have called.
No importa, cuando vuelva dígale que he llamado y que...
If he had a knife on him he doesn't have it now.
Si él tenía un cuchillo ya no lo tiene ahora.
Doesn't he have a car? - He has, but it's in dock.
- ¿ No tiene coche propio?
Bet he doesn't have the nerve. It's one o'clock.
Oye, dime ¿ es la hora?
After all, doesn't he sleep the night away like a log here, so that you have it hard to even wake him up in the morning?
Pues, ¿ que no duerme aquí toda la noche, que hasta trabajo te da levantarlo?
It might, except he doesn't have a brother.
Podría, pero él no tiene hermanos.
But, if he doesn't pay it back, you'll have to do it.
- Es natural. Has pensado que si él no devuelve el dinero, tienes que hacerlo tú.
I have to send to L.A. For a new part... and if they don't have it, it has to come... from the distributor in New York... and if he doesn't have it... it has to come from the factory in Milan.
Ordenaré la pieza a Los Angeles. Si no la tienen, debo pedirla a Nueva York. Si no la tienen, hay que pedirla a la fábrica en Milán.
If he refuses me as I am, it means thay he doesn't have deep feelings for me :
Si no me acepta como estoy es que no siente amor por mí

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