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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He doesn't need to know

He doesn't need to know tradutor Espanhol

169 parallel translation
- He doesn't need to know.
Sí. No necesita saberlo.
They ought to know by now he doesn't want me, doesn't need me any more.
Deberían saber que él ya no me ama, no me necesita.
He doesn't need to know.
No tiene porque saber.
- He doesn't need to know.
- No es necesario.
I mean, even if he doesn't need anybody himself he'd be bound to know of any openings.
Incluso si él no necesitara a nadie sería fácil que supiera de alguna vacante.
- He doesn't need to know anything.
- Que no se de cuenta de nada.
He doesn't ever need to know.
No hace falta que lo sepa.
You need to know Sir Humphrey doesn't know, but he doesn't need to know you know.
Ud. Sabe que él no lo sabe, pero él no tiene que saber que no hace falta que lo sepa.
No need to. He doesn't know enough....
No es necesario.
He doesn't... He doesn't need to know about it, if... But he knows you're competing?
No es necesario que él lo sepa.
Well, I'm of the opinion that if Marsellus lived his whole life, he doesn't need to know nothin'about this incident.
Yo pienso que... si Marsellus vive toda su vida, no necesita saber nada sobre esto.
- He doesn't need to know.
El no precisa saber eso.
He doesn't need to know how to dance.
Él no necesita saber bailar.
He doesn't need to know, Grethe.
No necesita saber, Grethe.
He doesn't need to know.
No tiene que saberlo.
He doesn't need to know my business.
No tiene por quà © saberlo.
The only thing you need to know about him is he doesn't take showers because it fogs up the mirror.
Lo único que debes saber sobre él es que no se ducha porque el espejo se empaña.
He doesn't need to know these things.
No deber saber estas cosas.
But he doesn't need to know that.
Pero él no necesita saber eso.
You don't need to know this bollix, and he doesn't need to know you.
No necesitáis verlo a él ni él a vosotros.
Oh... There's no need to insult the man. Just because he doesn't know how to find an interspatial flexure.
No hay necesidad de insultarlo... sólo porque no sabe como encontrar una flexión interespacial.
He doesn't need to know about my problems.
Él no necesita enterarse de mis problemas.
He doesn't need to know that!
No necesita saber eso!
It's our job to find out what this guy doesn't know that he needs but does need and make sure he knows he does need it and that we're the only ones to give him the answer.
Es nuestro trabajo averiguar lo que este tipo no sabe que necesita y asegurarnos de que sepa que lo necesita y que nosotros somos los únicos indicados para darle la respuesta.
He doesn't need to know yet.
Aún no debe saberlo.
He doesn't need to know initial sell limits.
No necesita saber los límites iniciales de venta.
My boss doesn't need to know if he'll be fucked today or tomorrow.
mi jefe no necesita saber si va a ser jodido hoy o mañana.
- He doesn't need to know.
- No tiene por qué.
- The captain doesn't need to know does he, Mr.Hobbs?
- ¿ No se ha de enterar de esto, Mr.Hobbs?
He doesn't need to know how you feel.
No necesita saber lo que tú sientes.
But he doesn't need to know that.
No tiene por qué saberlo. Hola...
She's a child who doesn't know what she's doing, and we need her testimony to go after this bastard, before he makes a habit of it.
Es una niña que no sabe lo que hace y la necesitamos para atrapar al tipo antes de que se habitúe.
When he's making films in the environment which is known to us from everyday life, you know, he doesn't need to show you much.
Cuando hacía filmes en entornos conocidos... ... de la vida diaria, no necesitaba mostrar mucho.
JJ is a great kid, he doesn't need to know anything.
J.J. es un buen chico, no necesita enterarse de nada.
He doesn't need to know!
¡ No tiene por qué saberlo!
He doesn't need to know you're perfect
No necesita saber que eres perfecto.
We knew he'd need to adjust but he doesn't know who he is.
Sabíamos cuando se despertó que habría un periodo de adaptación... -... pero el chico ni siquiera sabe quién es.
But Terry doesn't need to know that I'm one of them, does he?
Pero Terry no necesita saber que soy una de ellas, ¿ verdad?
He doesn't need to know. - I do.
- Él no necesita saberlo.
She doesn't need to know he's here.
Ella ni siquiera tiene que saber que él estuvo aquí. Busca a Donna.
He doesn't need to know about any of this nonsense.
Y no tiene por qué saber nada de todo esto.
He doesn't need to know where our people are working.
No necesita saber donde trabaja nuestra gente. Esa es la forma más segura.
He doesn't need to know why.It should be enough the fbi told him to keep his mouth shut
No hacía falta. Debía ser suficiente la petición del FBI.
You'd think that he'd want us to know that, just to prove that he doesn't need to have sex with little girls.
Uno pensaría que querría contarlo para probar que no necesita violar niñas. NOVIA
I figured he doesn't need to know where it came from.
Me imaginé que él no necesita saber de dónde vino.
He doesn't need to know.
No tiene que saber.
No, he doesn't need to know.
No, el no nesecita saberlo.
he doesn't need to know about.
- Que bien.
And his poor family doesn't need to know anything more than that he crashed his jeep trying to avoid a bunny rabbit.
Y su pobre familia solo tiene que saber que su jeep se estrelló al esquivar a un conejo.
He doesn't need to know.
No tienen por qué saberlo.
No. And he doesn't need to know.
No y no necesita saberlo.

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