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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He wants to meet you

He wants to meet you tradutor Espanhol

297 parallel translation
He wants to meet you.
Quiere conocerte.
He wants to meet you.
Quería conocerte.
He says he wants to meet you.
Dice que quiere conocerte.
- He told me that he wants to meet you.
Me ha dicho que te quiere conocer. - ¿ A mí?
- He wants to meet you.
- Él quiere conocerlo.
Of course, he wants to meet you.
Desde luego, él quiere conocerte.
I saw him just a while ago. He wants to meet you.
Acabo de verlo y parece decidido, quería conocerte.
You're dying to meet him, and he wants to meet you.
Estás deseando conocerlo, y él a ti.
Come on, honey. I know he wants to meet you.
Ven, sé que quiere conocerte.
Nick says he wants to meet you, Mom.
Nick dice que quiere conocerte, mamá.
He wants to meet you
Quiere conocerle
- He wants to meet you.
- El quiere conocerte.
.You've always told me to bring my friends.home. He wants to meet you.
Siempre me has dicho que traiga mis amigos a la casa. Quiere conocerte.
He wants to meet you, too.
El también te quiere conocer.
He wants to meet you. Wants to say hello.
Quiere conocerte, saludarte.
He wants to meet you, right?
Quiere reunirse contigo, ¿ no?
And he wants to meet you at the studio right now.
Y quiere verlo ahora mismo en el estudio.
I believe he wants to meet you.
Creo que quiere conocerte.
He wants to meet you at his office at 9 : 00 this evening.
Quiere verte en su oficina a las 9. : 00.
He wants to meet you.
Te quiere conocer. - ¿ En serio?
I've told him all about you, Arthur... but he wants to meet you all the same.
Le he hablado de ti, Arthur... pero él quiere verte, conocerte.
He wants to meet you tonight, 11 : 00, some joint called... the New Yankee Grill over on Wilson Avenue.
Lo verá hoy a las 11 en el New Yankee Grill.
He wants to meet you face to face.
Quiere reunirse contigo cara a cara.
He wants to meet you.
Quiere entrevistarse contigo.
He wants to meet you for lunch tomorrow.
Quiere que comas con él mañana.
He said he wants to meet you!
Que quiere conocerte.
He wants you to meet him at the restaurant.
Quiere que le espere en el restaurante.
Frank wanted us to tell you that if you feel strong enough he wants you to meet him.
Frank nos dijo que si te encontrabas con fuerzas, te reunieras con él. Quiere hablarte sobre el banco Platte.
He wants you to meet him at Peakestown.
Quiere verte en Peakestown.
He wants you to meet him at your club at 10 : 00.
Te quiere ver en el club a las diez.
Oh, by the way, I saw fox-Talbot today. He wants to meet you.
Por cierto, hoy vi a Fox-Talbot.
He wants to meet with you and your family, personal.
Quiere encontrarse contigo y tu familia.
He wants you to meet him in the cave.
Quiere que lo encuentres en la caverna.
But a man who wants to meet a pretty woman like you, where should he go?
Un joven que quisiera encontrar una mujer bella como usted, ¿ dónde debería ir? ¿ Qué quiere que le diga?
He's just arrived at the airport, and he wants to meet with you this afternoon.
Acaba de llegar al aeropuerto, y quiere verte esta tarde.
He's had his own men investigating this case for a long time. He wants to meet with you.
Hace tiempo que sus hombres investigan este asunto y quiere hablar con Ud.
He's someone who wants to meet you.
Es alguien que quiere conocerte.
For some ununderstanding reason, he wants you and Mr Freeman to meet him at the ruin of his house at ten tonight.
Por alguna razón, él quiere que Ud. y El Sr. Freeman tengan un encuentro con él en las ruinas de su casa a las diez esta noche.
He admires you and wants to meet you.
Te admira y quiere conocerte.
You hear what I tol'you, I say in a couple ob weeks I's comin'for you, an'you is goin'tote fair, lessen you wants to meet yo'Crowd you gets dat?
Escucha lo que te he dicho, en un par de semanas iré a por ti, y tú vendrás conmigo, a menos que quieras encontrarte con Dios
Look, you tell Juju if he wants to play, come meet us after school.
Le dices a Juju que si quiere jugar, le espero a la salida.
He wants you to meet him there tonight.
Quiere quedar aquí contigo esta noche.
He wants you to meet him.
Quiere que vayas a verle.
- He wants to meet with you today.
- Quiere reunirse contigo hoy.
Desea verte, quiere tomarte el pelo.
Sakamoto wants to choose the girl himself. But I'm sure he's curious to hear you dimensionalise once you meet them.
Sakamoto quiere escoger a la chica, pero seguro que tiene curiosidad por oír su opinión.
Come with me, the director wants to meet you. He speaks American too.
El director lo quiere conocer, también habla americano.
Three... should you meet up with Gus persons... and he wants to take you to the gold, you go by cab.
Tres... al reunirte con Gus Parsons él va a querer llevarte hasta el oro.
He wants you to meet him at the St. James Club at 10 : 00 on the patio.
Quiere que se vean en el club St. James, en el patio, a las diez.
He says he wants to meet with you.
Dice que quiere conocerte.
- Yeah, he really wants to meet you.
- Si, de verdad quiere conocerlos.

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