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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He won't be

He won't be tradutor Espanhol

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Pretty soon, he won't be able to protect anyone.
Muy pronto, él no ser capaz de proteger a nadie.
You know when I mentioned earlier that we'd be getting the CCTV footage of your car, Helen, it won't be just to see who's in it.
¿ Sabes? cuando he dicho antes que íbamos a recibir el informe del CCTV de tu cohe, Helen, no será solo para ver quién lo conducía.
On the plus side, he won't be waking up with a hangover.
En el lado bueno, no se levantará con resaca.
He won't be throwing up everywhere!
No vomitará por todas partes.
But I know he's just Vanch's first victim, and he won't be his last.
Pero sé que ha sido la primera víctima de Vanch, y que no será la última.
Won't he be missing you?
¿ No te extrañará?
Now you deliver that Senate vote as promised, and there's a slight chance that he won't be wearing your intestines as a necklace.
Ahora cumple con el voto del senado, como lo prometiste y existe una mínima chance de que no usarás tus intestinos como un nudo de corbata.
Won't he be surprised to see me in his waiting room again... ( BANG )
No se va a sorprender de verme en su sala de espera de nuevo...
He won't be back for a few hours.
No volverá hasta dentro de unas horas.
His mum says he won't be drawing rude things on your cart again.
Su madre dice que no volverá a dibujar groserías en tu carro.
But don't be sure that he won't, and we can keep you here for three days.
Pero no estés muy segura de que él no lo hará, y podemos tenerte aquí tres días.
- The subject here is in an unconscious condition, which he believes to be his catabasis, and he won't be able to reach the surface if he doesn't "confront the Dragon", Doctor.
- El tema está en un estado de inconsciencia, que él cree que es su cátabasis, y no será capaz de llegar a la superficie si no "enfrenta al Dragón," Doctor.
When he denies it, then I really won't be able to run it.
Cuando lo niegue, entonces sí que no podré darla.
But he won't be around for much longer.
Pero no durará mucho más.
He won't be breathing fresh air anytime soon, but not for killing Quinlan Reed.
El no va a respirar aire fresco en un tiempo pero no por el asesinato de Quinlan Reed.
That next time, he won't be so lucky to make it out alive?
¿ Que la próxima vez el no tenga tanta suerte para fingir que está vivo?
He won't be back until Friday.
Lo puedo hacer otro día.
If he doesn't want to be found, he won't be.
Si no quiere que lo encuentren, no lo harán.
When I get done with him, he won't be able to walk.
Cuando termine con él, no podrá caminar.
He says he won't be coming to the wedding if I'm at the wedding.
Dados EL no va á venir a la boda si estoy en la boda.
- And you'll be happy to know I unwrapped my hard candy, so the noise won't be distracting during the performance.
- Y te hará feliz saber que he desenvuelto mi caramelo, así que el ruido no va a ser una distracción durante la actuación.
Everything's okay, but I had to leave town suddenly, and I won't be back until tomorrow.
Todo está bien, pero he tenido que dejar la ciudad de repente, y no regresaré hasta mañana.
♪ but that's how mama taught him ♪ ♪ he thinks it's kind of fun ♪ ♪ and those monkeys won't be laughing when Fasolo gets a gun ♪
* y esos monos dejarán de reírse cuando Fasolo coja un arma * * creen que es una nenaza, pero todos se equivocan * * pone a todos los monos en fila y les pega un tiro en la cabeza *
Afraid to be myself, playing into stereotypes so he won't be judged.
con miedo de ser él mismo, jugando según los estereotipos para no ser juzgado.
If a man takes it, he won't grow breasts, although that would be awesome.
Si se las inyectas a un hombre no le crecerán los pechos, que por otra parte sería fantástico.
He won't be back any time soon.
No volverá pronto.
Okay, I'm sorry everyone, but the tattoo man had to leave, and he won't be back today.
Esta bien disculpen todos pero el hombre de los tatuajes se tuvo que ir, y no va a regresar hoy. - Oh.
And Kyle and the kids - - they won't be in any danger if he testifies?
Y Kyle y los niños... ¿ No estarán en peligro si el testifica?
He'll be asking someone to join him soon, won't he?
Él va a pedirle a alguien que se le una en breve, ¿ no es así?
If he's on the island, he won't be able to stay hidden for long.
Si está a la isla, no podrá esconderse por mucho tiempo.
He won't be able to reduce stress.
Él no será capaz de reducir el estrés.
He won't be going back to shore with us.
El no va a volver a tierra con nosotros.
But he won't be for long if you don't clamp that artery!
¡ Uno!
I can send him someplace where he won't be able to use his powers... a place without magic.
Puedo enviarle a un lugar donde no será capaz de usar sus poderes... un lugar sin magia.
He won't be there.
No estará allí.
He won't be able to close that deal in Abu Dhabi.
No va a ser capaz de cerrar la operación en Abu Dhabi.
He won't be alone.
No estará solo.
He won't be an easy opponent to handle.
No será un oponente fácil de enfrentar.
He just did, it won't be for free.
Acaba de hacerlo. No será gratis.
I slept with someone. d My lonely heart was made for two d d it beats too slowly without you d d you want to know what we can be d d but you won't give your love to me d Are you gonna say anything?
Me he acostado con alguien. ¿ Vas a decir algo? No fue Evan.
He won't be able to fight you.
Nadie luchará contigo.
He'd just be some partner skulking around, never having won if I hadn't voted for him.
No era más que un socio merodeando alrededor, nunca hubiera ganado si yo no hubiera votado por él.
He won't be patting Caffrey down.
No cacheará a Caffrey.
Look, since we last spoke I've had a look at the figures, and it probably comes as no surprise to say that we won't be able to fund this building in the light of the current economic situation.
Mira, desde que hablamos he echado un vistazo a los números, y probablemente no sea una sorpresa decir que no podremos financiar este edificio a la vista de la situación económica actual.
He won't be able to deny the truth that the vigilante had nothing to do with this murder. ♪
No podrá negar la verdad de que el vigilante no tuvo nada que ver con este asesinato.
I've worked my whole career to not be protected by the boys, and I won't allow you to treat me any differently.
He trabajado toda mi carrera para no ser protegida por los chicos, y no te permitiré que me trates de cualquier otra manera.
- Good, because Jason's in no shape to defend himself, and he won't be for quite some time.
- Bien, porque Jason no está en condiciones de defenderse, y no lo estará por un algún tiempo.
He won't be Jason for long, and we're running out of time.
No será Jason por mucho tiempo, y se nos está acabando el tiempo.
He won't be able to bear the shock.
No soportaría el shock
But he won't always be doing that.
Pero no quiere estar siempre haciendo esto.
He won't be.
No lo estará.

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