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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / He won't talk to me

He won't talk to me tradutor Espanhol

233 parallel translation
He won't even talk to me.
No quiere ni hablar conmigo.
i knelt where he did... trying as hard as i know how to get an answer... but the Lord won't talk to me. He won't tell me what to do one way or the other.
Me arrodillé donde él lo hizo, intenté recibir una respuesta... pero el Señor no quiere hablarme, no quiere decirme qué hacer.
Now, if he won't talk to me, he won't talk to anybody.
No, si no quiere hablar conmigo, no hablará con nadie.
If he won't talk to me, he won't talk to you!
Si no habla conmigo, no lo hará con usted.
He won't talk to me, I told him I was your confidential secretary, but I guess I don't sound confidential enough.
A mí no me dirá nada, le dije que era tu secretaria de confianza, pero creo que a él no le inspiré demasiada.
He won't even talk to me.
Ni siquiera habla conmigo.
How can he when you won't let me talk to him?
¿ Cómo si no me deja verlo?
If he is to stay, you must give me your word that you won't talk to him.
Si se queda, me tienes que dar tu palabra de que no hablarás con él.
He won't talk to me, either.
Tampoco quiere hablar conmigo
I came all the way from New York just to talk to Mr. Brooks, but he won't... He won't even talk to me.
He venido desde Nueva York sólo para hablar con el Sr. Brooks pero no ha querido hablar conmigo.
You won't believe me but ten times I wanted to talk to you. To tell you the whole truth.
Sé que ahora no me creerás,... pero más de diez veces he querido hablar contigo,... para contarte toda la verdad.
He won't even talk to me.
Ni siquiera me habla.
Uh, my brother is a lawyer, but he won't talk to me.
Mi hermano es abogado, pero no se habla conmigo.
Won't talk to me.
No he podido convencerla.
Do you know the name of a good hypnotist I can go and talk to and see if he could help me lay off these cigarettes before tomorrow night, or else Warren won't get that job, see?
¿ Sabe el nombre de un hipnotizador que pueda ayudarme a dejar de fumar? Si no lo hago, Warren no conseguirá el trabajo.
He's so possessive. He won't let me talk to people.
No quiere que hable con nadie.
I've been saying we should talk to Yamamori, but Hirono won't listen to me!
Es lo que he estado diciendo. Deberíamos hablar con Yamamori, pero Hirono no me escucha.
I won't talk to some flunky pig trying to con me. What's he doing?
No hablo con un poli de mierda que pretende engañarme. ¿ Qué hace ese?
No, it's just that when I talk to him, I cross my fingers he won't hit me.
En realidad sólo lo he tratado. Cruzo mis dedos para que quiera escucharme.
And I won't to talk to him unless he calls me.
Y no hablaré con él a menos que él me llame.
But, suddenly, he won't even talk to me about her.
Pero ahora de repente, ni siquiera me habla de ella.
- He won't even talk to me.
- Ni me dirije la palabra.
This is very strange, he won't talk to me.
Es muy extraño, no me contesta.
He... He overreacted this clean at school, he won't talk to me, I'm a girl.
Ha venido... así de la escuela, no quiere hablarme porque no soy hombre.
He's been like that for three days, I don't know what's wrong, he won't talk to me,
Lleva así tres días, No sé qué le sucede, No me dice nada,
He ´ s just so unhappy, and he won ´ t talk to me... and I don ´ t know how to help him.
Está tan infeliz y no me habla. Y no sé cómo ayudarle.
Now he won't even talk to me.
Ahora él incluso no habla conmigo.
I'm afraid if I call, he won't talk to me.
Temo que él no querrá hablar.
- What if he won't talk to me?
- ¿ Y si no quiere hablar?
He won't talk to me.
A mí no me habla.
I know he feels bad, but... he won't talk to me about it.
A él le ha dolido mucho, pero... no quiere hablar de ello.
He won't talk to me.
No me habla.
One day when I was up here workin', the phone rings, secretary says, you won't know who he is but he needs to talk to you,
Estaba trabajando en Jonesboro cuando me llamó mi secretaria y me dijo : "Usted no sabe quién es, pero tiene que contarle algo".
You know, uh, this professor, he won't even talk to me.
Sabes, uh, este profesor, no me hablará si quiera.
He won't even talk to me.
Ni si quiera me hablará.
He won't talk to me.
No quiere hablarme.
Because he won't talk to me.
- Porque no me habla.
He won't talk to me?
¿ No quiere hablar conmigo?
I walk in the room, and he won't talk to me.
Entré al cuarto y no me habló.
But he won't talk to me if you're around.
Pero no hablara si andas cerca.
He won't talk to me? Give over, he's my father-in-law!
¿ No quiere hablar conmigo?
Mr Wong, did you hear that? He won't talk to me
No quiere hablar conmigo.
How am I gonna apologize to him if he won't even talk to me?
¿ Cómo me disculpo con él si no me habla?
The client left blood, semen, fingerprints, and he won't talk to us.
¡ Horrible! Me disculpo por mi lenguaje vulgar.
He won't talk to Maria or me.
No nos habla ni a María ni a mí.
And now the best friend I've ever had in the fucking world won't even fucking talk to me!
Y ahora, la mejor amiga que he tenido en mi maldita vida nunca volverá a hablarme, maldita sea!
Then you gotta talk to Woodman,'cause he won't listen to me.
Entonces habla con Woodman, porque a mí no me hace caso.
I was in the delivery room, he asked me to cut the umbilical cord... and I don't know, I kind of botched it somehow... and mangled the whole bellybutton... and now the kid won't even talk to me, it's....
Estaba en la sala de partos, me pidió que cortara el cordón y no sé cómo me equivoqué y aplasté todo el ombligo y ahora el chico ni me habla, es- -
He won't even talk to me...
No sé.
He won't talk to me.
Se niega a hablar conmigo.
You see, I know my dad won't talk because he's afraid of what will happen to me if he does.
Mi padre no hablará porque teme que me ocurra algo.

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