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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / Hearne

Hearne tradutor Espanhol

86 parallel translation
- It's our old friend Inspector Hearne.
Es nuestro amigo, el Inspector Hearne.
I now call Chief Inspector Hearne, Criminal Investigation Department, - New Scotland Yard.
Llamaré al estrado al Inspector en Jefe Hearne del Dpto. de Investigaciones Penales, Scotland Yard.
- Chief Inspector Hearne.
Inspector en Jefe Hearne.
Among the witnesses you have heard Chief Inspector Hearne, who has given his testimony in a fair and impartial manner, as he always does.
Entre los testigos, oyeron al Inspector en Jefe Hearne que ha prestado testimonio de manera justa e imparcial...
- You there, Hearne!
- ¡ Hearne! - Sí, señor.
¡ Hearne!
- Yes, Hearne, what is it?
- Sí, Hearne, ¿ qué sucede?
Hearne, the same applies to you.
Usted también, Hearne.
- Is that clear, Hearne?
- ¿ Está claro, Hearne?
Lt. Lawson, Hearne, Cpl. McLean, Scott!
¡ Teniente Lawson, Hearne, cabo McLean, Scott!
- Hearne.
- Hearne.
Hearne's taking good care of you.
Hearne te está cuidando.
Hearne, see what you can do for him.
Hearne, trata de ayudarlo.
Damn you, Hearne!
¡ Maldito seas, Hearne!
Hearne, we've got to go.
Debemos irnos, Hearne.
Hearne, Campbell, come with me.
Hearne, Campbell, síganme.
Hearne, Lieutenant, Cpl. McLean, come with me.
Hearne, Teniente, cabo McLean, vengan conmigo.
Shut up, Hearne.
Cállate, Hearne.
Hearne, it seems you're not going to be satisfied... until you've talked yourself into some really serious trouble.
Hearne, parece que no te darás por vencido... hasta que te hayas metido en serios problemas.
Are you satisfied, Hearne?
¿ Satisfecho, Hearne?
I shall take Lt. Lawson, Hearne and Scott to deal with the radio shack.
Yo iré con el Tte. Lawson, Hearne y Scott, y nos haremos cargo de la radio.
Hearne, you stupid idiot!
¡ Hearne, maldito idiota!
Hearne, you bastard!
¡ Hearne, cretino!
Coming in, Hearne.
Ya voy, Hearne.
You're so bloody clever, Hearne.
Eres tan endemoniadamente listo, Hearne.
" Well done, Hearne.
" Bien hecho, Hearne.
We thought it was the most fantastic thing in the world that Wal-Mart was coming to hearne, Texas.
Pensamos que era lo mejor que nos podía pasar cuando Wal-Mart se instaló en Hearne.
I came to downtown hearne on saturday before christmas. And there was 12 cars in downtown hearne.
Vine al centro de Hearne el sábado anterior a Navidad, y había sólo 12 autos.
I counted them. 12 cars in downtown hearne.
Los conté : 12 autos.
And Jem Hearne!
¡ Y Jem Hearne!
Jem Hearne, what are you are doing here?
Jem Hearne, ¿ qué está haciendo aquí?
Jessie dear, take him to Jem Hearne's yard!
Jessie querida, condúcele al taller de Jem Hearne
Dr Harrison, this is Jem Hearne.
Dr. Harrison, éste es Jem Hearne.
For pity's sake, Mr Hearne, do not move.
Por amor de Dios, Sr. Hearne, no se mueva.
If Jem Hearne's arm is broken, it is as well he has no wife, and no dependents.
Si el brazo de Jem Hearne está roto, también no tiene esposa ni gente a su cargo.
It would appear Jem Hearne is dead.
Parece ser que Jem Hearne está muerto.
And well might we all be, with Jem Hearne dead, and the town without a carpenter.
Y así estaremos todos, muerto Jem Hearne, y la ciudad sin carpintero.
Is Jem Hearne alive, or is he dead?
¿ Está Jem Hearne vivo o muerto?
Jem Hearne has had nothing but jelly and egg wine for a week.
Jem Hearne no ha tomado mas que gelatina y huevos durante una semana.
But after the to-do about the Valentine, I felt obliged to shut the door in Jem Hearne's face!
Pero después de lo de S. Valentín, he tenido que cerrarle la puerta a Jem Hearne.
Oh, splendid, Mr Hearne!
¡ Oh, espléndido, el Sr. Hearne!
I will give you five good sovereigns for that note, Jem Hearne.
Le daré cinco soberanos por esa nota, Jem Hearne.
I hope the Lord forgives you, Jem Hearne!
Espero que el Señor te perdone, Jem Hearne
What next then, Mrs Hearne?
¿ Y ahora qué, Sra. Hearne?
It's probably Jem Hearne coming home.
Será Jem Hearne llegando a casa.
For example, here we have Princess Street, quite untouched. And you will recognise Miss Matty Jenkyns'house, beautifully rendered by Mr. Jem Hearne.
Por ejemplo, tenemos Princess Street, prácticamente sin tocar y reconoceréis la casa de Miss Matty Jenkyns, bellamente reproducida por Mr.
I am sure she would lament Jem Hearne's departure.
Estoy segura que ella lamentaría la partida de Jem Hearne.
- "All the Best, Detective Sean O'Hearne,"
- "Saludos. Inspector Sean O'Hearne".
Retired Detective Sean O'Hearne whose book about the case was both a commercial and critical failure, had only this to say.
El inspector retirado Sean O'Hearne, cuyo libro sobre el caso fue un fracaso de crítica y ventas, ha declarado lo siguiente. EN DIRECTO - MONTREAL INSP.
Just because he didn't shoot him, doesn't mean he didn't kill him.
SEAN O'HEARNE ( JUBILADO ) Que no le disparara no significa que no lo matara.
You sound like you're channeling liza hearne.
Suenas como si estuvieras retransmitiendo a Liza Hearne.

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