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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / His grandmother

His grandmother tradutor Espanhol

679 parallel translation
I will take advantage of the trip to say goodbye to his grandmother.
Aprovecharé para despedirme de su abuela.
His great grandfather was the illegitimate son of one king... and his grandmother the sweetheart of another.
Su bisabuelo era hijo ilegítimo de un rey, y su abuela fue la amante de otro.
Miss Joan, there's a man down here wants you for his grandmother.
Srta. Joan, un hombre quiere verla de parte de su abuela.
I'm his grandmother.
Soy su abuela.
Something the matter with his grandmother's paisley shawl.
Algun asunto con el chal de cachemir de su abuela.
Your father brought a man into the bank who sold me... his grandmother's paisley shawl with a beer river running through it.
Tu padre trajo a un hombre dentro del banco que me vendió... el chal de cachemir de su abuela con un rio de cerveza corriendo sobre él.
That mayor would hang his grandmother to be reelected.
El Alcalde ahorcaría a su abuela.
Another guy wanted me to rub out a name in his grandmother's will.
Otro tipo quería que borrara un nombre en el testamento de su abuela.
I hope Ryokichi studies hard... even with his Grandmother here, but with her around he might not obey me.
Espero que Riokichi se ponga a estudiar aunque esté la abuela. Si ella le respaldara, podría no obedecerme más. Sabes bien que va mal en el colegio.
He's more like his grandmother.
Desgraciadamente no.
I don't like fooling around with Leo. He'd shoot his grandmother.
Se va a enterar cuando vuelva.
No, it's his grandmother's legs.
No, las piernas de su abuela.
His grandmother's legs.
Las piernas de su abuela.
I know all about that boy - his whole background... his father, his grandmother and what all this means to him.
Conozco todo sobre ese chico, todos sus antecedentes. A su papá, a su abuela, y lo que esto significa para él.
Queen Isabel, his grandmother, was lineal of the Lady... of the Lady... of the Lady... of the Lady Ermengarde, daughter to Charles, the foresaid Duke of Lorraine.
Bella... reina Isabel, su abuela, descendía de la dama Dama... dama dama Ermengara, hija de Carlos, el antedicho duque de Lorena.
As a matter of fact, Job says she looks like his grandmother.
Job dice que se parece a la abuela de él.
A guy that can't remember the maiden name of his grandmother...
- No sé. Alguien que no recuerda el apellido de soltera de su abuela.
A boy in Des Moines took a blowtorch to his grandmother. We fell clear down to 16th place.
Un niño de Des Moines prendió fuego a la silla de su abuela y bajamos al número dieciséis.
That miser. Every fur coat he gives his wife he inherited from his grandmother.
Todos los abrigos de piel que regala a su mujer son heredados de su abuela.
She could have been his grandmother!
Era vieja.
Well I'll tell you, boss. He wanted the afternoon off to go to his grandmother's funeral.
Quería tomarse la tarde para ir al entierro de su abuela.
He'd crucify his grandmother for a story.
Crucificaría a su abuela por una buena historia.
His grandmother's dishonest.
Su abuela es una tramposa.
The five-year-old kid that was caught stuffing his grandmother in the trunk compartment of the car.
Sobre ese niño de 5 años que metió a su abuela en el maletero del coche.
His grandmother has come and fetched him for dinner.
Ha venido su abuela y se lo ha llevado para que coma.
Tell her what happened... and that I suggested the boy spend the night... at his grandmother's house.
Cuéntale lo ocurrido... y que yo sugerí que el niño pasara la noche... en casa de su abuela.
No. He took one of those jars and sold it with his grandmother in it.
Cogió una de esas tinajas y la vendió con su abuela dentro.
His grandmother's a bit on the dark side, you know.
Su abuela era un poco negra.
His grandmother was the cousin of my mother's aunt.
Su abuela era la prima de la tia de mi madre.
Bobby stays on with his grandmother.
Bobby se quedará con su abuela.
He said it was from his grandmother... and you'd know what to do with it.
Dijo que era de parte de su abuela... y que Ud. Sabría qué hacer con eso.
- Who cut up his grandmother.
- Que cortó a su abuela.
I think that Admiral will have his grandmother made skipper.
Creo que el Almirante haría patrón hasta a su abuela.
Now, the man swore on his grandmother's honor that these had been worn by an empress.
Ahora, el hombre juró por el honor de su abuela que esto lo había llevado una emperatriz.
From his grandmother?
¿ De su abuela?
This kid's thinks I'll cry because he's going to stay there with his grandmother.
Cree este escuincle que porque se va a quedar allí con su abuela me voy a poner a chillar.
I'll clean shirt him, answering his grandmother back like that!
¡ Le limpiaré la camisa, por contestarle así a su abuela!
His grandmother on his father's side was Jewish.
Su abuela paterna era judía.
If you please, Herr Baron, we thought that Mr Henry could do with a glass of his great-grandmother's wine.
Discúlpeme, barón, pensamos que al Sr. Henry le vendría bien un vaso del vino de su bisabuela.
But his mother seen who, and she had a grandmother.
Pero su madre sí sabía cosas... y ella tenía una abuela.
He imagined he was his own grandmother.
Se imaginaba que era su abuela.
Yeah, out with your grandmother. Your grandmother crawled into bed with me at 4 : 00... and had lip rouge all over his face. Mm-hmm.
- Sí, saliste con tu abuela.
I can assure you that in your grandmother's case he knows his business.
Puedo asegurarle que en el caso de su abuela... él sabe lo que hace.
I sworn to man, that feller would sink his own grandmother... to salvage the gold in her teeth.
Juro que ese hombre... hundiría a su propia abuela para salvar el oro de sus dientes.
Today, he's all jade and emeralds and his coat is a most wonderful pattern of pale violet stripes, worked entirely in petit point, just like my grandmother's footstool!
Hoy es todo jade y esmeraldas, y su saco es el más hermoso modelo con rayas violeta pálido, como la banqueta de mi abuela.
He will shoot his own grandmother in the back and lay bets on which way she's falling.
Dispararía a su abuela por la espalda y organizaría apuestas para ver de qué lado cae.
The fact that at one time my mother... your grandmother... was employed as a maid in his father's house.
Al hecho de que una vez, mi madre... tu abuela... fue empleada como criada en la casa de su padre.
He says he dropped by to pay his respects to your grandmother. Excuse me.
Ha venido a felicitar a tu abuela.
Your grandfather sends his love. Your grandmother does too.
Tu abuelo te manda recuerdos, y tu abuela también.
And that he has to send his sick grandmother in Ireland money for medical expenses?
Y le envía dinero a su abuela irlandesa para sus medicinas.
Couldn't catch his own grandmother.
A esos jóvenes mequetrefes?

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