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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / How does he know that

How does he know that tradutor Espanhol

124 parallel translation
How does he know that?
¿ Cómo sabe eso?
- Well, how does he know that?
- Bien, ¿ y cómo lo sabe?
How does he know that?
¿ Cómo sabe él eso?
- How does he know that?
- ¿ Cómo lo sabe?
- How does he know that?
- ¿ Cómo sabe eso?
How does he know that?
¿ Cómo lo sabe?
How does he know that?
¿ Cómo se enteró?
How does he know that?
- ¿ Como sabes eso?
- How does he know that?
¿ Y cómo es que lo sabe?
How does he know that?
¿ Cómo podía saberlo?
No, but... How does he know that?
— No, pero ¿ cómo sabe eso?
How does he know that?
Y, ¿ cómo sabe eso?
If Stephen only knows what we've told him, how does he know that?
Si Stephen sólo sabe lo que le hemos contado, ¿ Cómo es que sabe eso?
How does he know that? "
¿ Cómo sabe eso?
Wait, how does he know that?
- Espera, como sabe eso?
How do you know that he does?
¿ Cómo lo sabe Vd.?
He looks different, yes, but I don't know how she does it. She manages to imply somehow that it isn't - that it's so awful, no one else in the world could love him.
Está cambiado, pero no sé cómo lo hace, siempre consigue insinuar que no lo está.
How does he know how long 15 seconds is? You can't judge that.
¿ Cómo iba a saber que fueron 15 segundos?
How does he know all that?
¿ Cómo sabe todo eso?
No, I mean it. How does he know what's gonna happen, throwing two together like that?
¿ Sabe él qué puede pasar al encontrarse un hombre y una mujer?
How does he know that?
- ¿ Cómo lo sabe?
I don't know how much. He's just playin'with us now. That's the way he does.
- 8No sé cuanto sabe ahora está jugando con nosotros siempre hace igual.
That little nipper that helped us out there... that captain... how much does he know about the overall plan?
Ese pequeño idiota que nos ayudó ahí afuera- - ese capitán- - ¿ Cuánto sabe del plan completo?
I know how he does that stuff.
Sé cómo lo hace.
You know, a fella takes that amount of poison, how does he get in his car and drive all the way up to Mulholland,
Verá, un tipo toma esa cantidad de veneno, ¿ Cómo lleva su coche y conducir todo el camino hasta Mulholland, 20 Kilometros de distancia, y luego morir?
but on many things I still do not know enough he has said to me that now you already know how it does to learn
pero sobre muchas cosas aún no sé bastante me ha dicho que ahora ya sabes cómo se hace para aprender
- He does. How'd you know that?
- Las usa. ¿ Cómo lo sabes?
- He does. How'd you know that?
- Lleva. ¿ Cómo lo sabes?
That man does not know how lucky he is.
El hombre no sabe la suerte que tiene.
How does he know to eat that?
¿ Cómo sabe que se come?
Cinque would like to know that if he is the legal property of Ruiz and Montes, then how does the treaty apply, since it is between America and Spain?
Cinque quiere saber si es que él es propiedad legítima de Ruiz y de Montes ¿ cómo puede aplicarse un tratado entre EE.UU. y España?
How does he do that? How does he know?
¿ Gomo lo sabe?
- How does he know that? - We're trying to find out.
Eso intentamos averiguar.
He says that the other does not know how to suck.
- Dice que no sabe chuparla.
How does a man get to know a place so completely... in such vivid detail, when every indication is that he's never lived there?
¿ Cómo podría un hombre conocer un lugar... tan completamente y tan... detalladamente, cuando todo indica que nunca ha vivido allí?
if you Henry Kissinger everybody knows what you want and does he know that they know what he wants sure does he know what they're going to do or how they gonna do it are you kidding anybody that would tell them what's going to happen is never going to get do
Si tú eres Henry Kissinger, todos saben lo que quieres - ¿ Sabe él que ellos saben lo que el quiere? - Seguro
but I do know how they can go wrong because I've been there and believe me, you do not want to live that future no one does.
pero sí sé cómo pueden salir mal porque he estado allí y créeme, no quiero vivir ese futuro, nadie lo quiere.
- How does he know about that?
- ¿ Cómo sabe eso?
How does he kill, I'd give a lot to know the answer to that.
Cómo hacía para matar, daría un montón por saber la respuesta a eso.
How does he know to call you that?
- ¿ Cómo conoce tu apodo?
Well, how does he know the cars that stop are going to be navy connected?
¿ Cómo sabe que los autos tendrán que ver con la Armada?
Kasper, that's nice. Does he know how to give a good hug?
¿ Sabe dar buenos abrazos?
Mark was the only survivor he does not like to talk about it i know he was devastated but... how do you get over something like that i don't know if i ever do
Mark fue el único sobreviviente. A él no le gusta hablar de eso. Sé que quedó devastado, pero...
How we know that this it is the does he / she bleat that it has just shot?
¿ Cómo sabemos que esta es la bala que acaba de disparar?
I don't know how he does that. ... and proceeded to poop in my Prada loafers.
... e hizo sus cositas sobre mis mocasines de Prada.
How does he know of that?
¿ Cómo Io sabes?
How does he / she know that he / she is spreading?
¿ Cómo sabe que se está propagando?
I'd very much like to know how he manages to live the way that he does.
Mucho me gustaría saber cómo hace él para vivir de la manera en que lo hace.
How does he / she know that I was interested before?
¿ Cómo sabe que me interesaba antes?
How you know that the one Does he like Council classic music?
¿ Cómo sabes que el Consejo le gusta música clásica?
How does he / she know that it is important?
¿ Cómo sabe que es importante?

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