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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'd like to try

I'd like to try tradutor Espanhol

1,002 parallel translation
Yes, I'd like to try it on, please
Sí, me gustaría probármelo, por favor.
I'd like to see him try.
Que lo intente.
I'd like to try this thing just once.
Me gustaría intentarlo una vez.
I figured they'd try to pull something like this, so I tipped off the cops.
Sabía que harían algo así, he avisado a la poli.
- I'd like to see anybody try it.
- Quisiera ver si alguien se atrevería.
I'd like to hop a little way and try my wings.
Quisiera ir por ahí y probar mis alas.
We have an old family remedy I'd like you to try.
Tenemos un remedio de la familia, me gustaría que lo probara.
And speaking of words, I'd like to say a few about the injustice... of keeping an innocent man locked up for three months... in such filth and heat and ill-feeding that my chief regret is I didn't try... to pull down the filthy fellow that sits on the throne.
Y hablando de palabras, quisiera decir unas sobre la injusticia... de tener a un hombre inocente encerrado durante tres meses... con tanta mugre, calor y desnutricion que mi principal pesar es que no trate... de derrocar al maldito que esta sentado en el trono.
I'd better go and try and find her. It looks like rain to me.
Iré a buscarla, creo que va a llover.
Me gustaría ver quién intentaría quitármela.
Well I'd like to try that one again. Come ahead. - Sure.
Bueno, quisiera intentarlo otra vez.
I think I'd try to make it look like I was your lover.
Creo que intentaría parecer tu amante.
Mary, I have another new number I'd like to have you try out.
Mary, tengo otro número que me gustaría que probaras.
I'd like to try something, and I want your help.
Me gustaría intentar algo y quiero su ayuda.
I'd like to see him try.
Me gustaría verlo intentarlo.
What I'd really like to do is to try my hand at golf.
Lo que de verdad me apetece es probar mi mano en el golf.
Boy, I'd like to see the look on their faces when they try to cash that check.
Vaya, me gustaría verles la cara cuando traten de cobrar ese cheque.
- I'd like to see you try it.
- Ya me gustaría verte intentarlo.
The golden rule brought me to your door, and i'd feel like a heathen if i didn't try to open your eyes to the bottomless pit that's yawning for your fool's gold.
En tal caso, no nos guardará rencor por apartarle del negocio. Te perdono tus duras palabras.
And I'd like to know who wouldn't try to cop a sneak with his hooks on 300 grand.
¿ Quién no querría echarle el guante a 300 mil dólares?
I'd like to try it, Sergeant sahib.
Quisiera probar con esto, Sargento sahib.
Sing. - And I'd just like to see somebody try to stop you.
Y quiero ver quién se atreve a intentar detenerlo.
There's something going on there in the West and I'd like to try and learn what it is if you feel you've got the room.
Algo se cuece en el Oeste y me gustaría saber qué es. Si os parece que tenéis sitio.
I'd like to see you try.
Nunca tuviste interés en intentarlo.
Sampson, I'd like to try this antidote.
Quisiera probar este antídoto.
I'd like your permission to proceed to Big Bear's camp alone - and try to keep him loyal.
Si ud. me da permiso iría al campamento de Oso Grande para que siga leal.
Sometimes I try to think what this or that name might look like but I never thought of anybody that'd look like that.
A veces me imagino una cara para un nombre, pero nunca una cara así.
But I'd still like to try it my way.
Pero quiero probar suerte.
I'd like to see you try.
Me gustaría verte intentarlo.
Me gustaría que lo intentara.
How did I know you'd be silly enough to try a thing like this?
¿ Cómo iba a imaginarme que intentaras algo así?
Besides I've got a new idea that I'd like to try out with Sid.
Además tengo una idea que me gustaría ensayar con Sid.
I'd like to try.
- No, déjeme hacerlo a mí
I'd like to see them try!
¡ Me gustaría verlo!
I'd like to see another try of it.
- Me gustaría ver otro intento.
- The usual boasting, I'd like to see you try.
- ¡ El típico fanfarrón! Me gustaría verlo. ¿ Sí?
- I'd like to see you try it.
- Ya me gustaría ver cómo lo harías tú.
But if you'd like to try I'll advance the money to make the trip to New York.
Pero si deseas intentar te adelantaré el dinero para viajar a Nueva York.
If there is any walking going to be done I'd like to be the first to try it.
Si alguien va a caminar, prefiero ser yo.
I never had a meningitis case. I'd kind of like to try.
Nunca traté un caso de meningitis.
I'd like to try to get some sleep tonight.
Ahora quiero intentar dormir un poco.
I'd like to see you try.
Me gustará ver como lo intentas.
Well, I thought it'd be fun to try something different like going out with girls.
He pensado que estaría bien probar algo distinto... como salir con chicas.
But first I'd, uh, like to try another bank.
Pero antes quiero probar suerte en otro banco.
I'd like to try it sometime.
Tendré que probar alguna vez.
I'd like to try a ballet.
Me gustaría intentar un ballet.
I think I'm improving. I'd like to try by myself.
Estoy progresando.
Oh, you don't think she'd like to stay a few days longer... while I try to get things a little more organized?
No cree que le gustaría quedarse unos días más... mientras intento organizar un poco más...
- I'd like to see him try it.
- Que lo intente.
If you don't mind, I'd like to try my luck up ahead there.
Si no les importa, me gustaría probar suerte más adelante.
I'd like to try.
Me gustaría intentarlo.

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