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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll be back shortly

I'll be back shortly tradutor Espanhol

101 parallel translation
I'll be back shortly.
Volveré en breve.
Go tell the young lady sitting alone that I'll be back shortly.
Dile a la joven que está sentada sola que regresaré pronto.
I'll be back shortly.
Regresaré enseguida.
I'll be back shortly.
Volveré enseguida.
I'll be back very shortly.
Regresaré muy pronto.
I'll be back shortly.
Volveré pronto.
I'll be back shortly.
Regresaré pronto.
Say I'll be back shortly.
- Diga que volveré enseguida.
Can I go? I'll be back shortly
Vuelvo enseguida.
Tell Mr. Kramer I'll be back shortly.
Dígale al Sr. Kramer que volveré en un momento.
Wait over here. I'll be back shortly.
Volveré enseguida.
I'll be back shortly.
Enseguida regreso.
All right, I'll be back shortly.
Muy bien, voy a estar de vuelta muy pronto.
I'll be back shortly with the belle of Paris.
Regresaré pronto con la "Bella de París".
I'll be back down shortly.
Vuelvo enseguida.
Well, I'm sure he'll be back shortly, Citizen.
- Bien, seguro que regresa pronto, ciudadano.
I'll be back for you all shortly.
Enseguida vuelvo.
or maybe he went out and left the TV on maybe he went downstairs wait a bit he'll be back shortly if it's like that i'm going home
Debe de estar dentro,... o quizás haya salido y se la haya dejado encendida. Puede que haya bajado un momento. Espere un poco, volverá pronto.
I'll be back shortly, captain.
Regresaré enseguida, capitán.
Tell her that you'll be staying with us, and I'll be back shortly.
Dile que te quedarás con nosotros, y que regresaré pronto. - Fauna.
But I expect I'll be back shortly. - Oh.
- No, ya me he ido, pero volveré.
I'll be back shortly.
Disculpadme, vuelvo enseguida.
- I'll be back shortly.
- Volveré enseguida.
I'll be back shortly.
Vuelvo enseguida!
I suspect you'll be getting back there shortly.
Pero lo conseguimos. Sospecho que conseguirá respaldo allí nuevamente.
I'll be back shortly.
¡ Nos vemos pronto, cuidate!
I'll be back shortly with tonight's specials.
Volveré enseguida con los especiales de esta noche.
And I'll be back shortly.
Yo enseguida regreso.
I'll be back shortly.
Regreso enseguida.
I'll be back shortly.
Volvere pronto.
I'll be back shortly.
Vuelvo enseguida.
- I'll be back shortly.
- Volvere pronto.
No, I didn't get the wig back. Would you tell him I'll be in to see him shortly? He'll be in to see you shortly.
No la tengo, pero dile que pasaré a verle.
- I'll be back shortly.
- Ya regreso. Ve.
- I'll be back shortly. Go!
- Vuelvo enseguida. ¡ Vamos!
- I'll be back shortly.
Vuelvo enseguida.
I'll be back shortly.
Volveré en breve
- okay, well I think I've heard enough, And I'll be back shortly with my verdict.
Creo que oí suficiente y volveré pronto con el veredicto.
Stay here a little while, and I'll be back shortly.
Quédense aquí, ya vuelvo.
I'll be back shortly.
Volveré pronto
Oh, I'm sure he'll be back shortly.
Regresará pronto.
I'll be back in touch shortly.
- La llamaré pronto.
I'll be back shortly.
Vuelvo en seguida.
I'm going to go downstairs, and I'll be back up shortly.
Voy a bajar y volveré en un momento.
I'll be back with your pills, and we'll be leaving shortly.
Volveré con tus pastillas, y nos iremos pronto.
I'll be back shortly, Angelique.
No voy a demorarme, Angelique.
I'll be back shortly, okay? Walt.
- Regresaré rápido, ¿ está bien?
I'll be back shortly, Granny.
Volveré en breve, la abuelita.
All right, I'll be back there shortly.
Bien, estaré allí pronto.
I'll be calling back with final instructions shortly.
Volveré a llamar en breve con las instrucciones finales.
Now, just lead a review over whatever Mr. Garrison's been teaching you, and I'll be back to check on you shortly.
Ahora sígueles explicando lo que sea que la Señorita Garrison les explicaba y vuelvo en un rato a ver qué tal lo estás haciendo.

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