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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll be there for you

I'll be there for you tradutor Espanhol

511 parallel translation
All right? We'll be there, but I could kill you for it.
De acuerdo, pero me vengaré.
No, it's tough enough for a man. But I'll be riding down every now and then while you're there.
Os iré a ver de vez en cuando tal vez pueda venir conmigo.
Be a good girl now, run along to the Ritz and I'll meet you there at 1 : 00 for lunch.
Sé buena chica, Vete al Ritz y te veré allí a la 1 para comer.
And if you ever need me again, I'll always be there for you.
- Si me necesitan, para Uds. siempre estoy.
Well, for consideration, I'll be there to catch you when you land.
Por cualquier cosa, estaré ahí para agarrarte cuando aterrices.
When you return from your honeymoon if I'm not much mistaken there'll be a desk waiting for you at the bank.
Cuando volváis de vuestra luna de miel, si no me equivoco, habrá un despacho esperándote en el banco.
I don't think it'll be very safe for you up there, Mr. Foy.
- Ahí arriba no es un lugar seguro para usted, Sr. Foy.
- What if it is? I'll be waiting for you there.
- Te estaré esperando allí.
when I get into heaven, she'll be the first to wait for me at heaven's gate, and... she'll say : "papushka, where did you come from, there you are at last..."
Cuando me vaya al cielo, será la primera que me espere en la puerta, y... dirá : "Papuchka, ¿ de dónde vienes? ... por fin estás aquí..."
I have to go away now, there is so much to arrange for the wedding but Dunjasha is here and she'll be very happy to be alone with you the first hour, come with me
Ahora tengo que salir, queda mucho que preparar para la boda... pero Duniasha está aquí, y estará muy contenta de estar con Ud. una hora, venga.
I'll be over there pulling for you.
Estaré ahí animándole.
I wanna be there for the bang when you land. I'll pick my stuff.
Quiero ver la primera explosión de nitroglicerina
You'll forgive me for saying there've been times I thought you ought to be hanged.
Me perdonarás por decir que ha habido veces que pensé que debiste ser colgado.
I thought you ought to know, there'll be £ 25,000 less for you if ever I decide to die... which, I warn you, I have no intention of doing... with the world in the state it is now.
Me pareció que debías saber que recibirás 25000 libras menos... si decido morir, lo cual no tengo intención de hacer... debido al estado del mundo.
It'll be a couple of moments before I have a table for you, gentlemen. There's plenty of room at the bar.
Pueden esperar en la barra.
Well, there doesn't seem to be any more for me to say, so, if you'll pardon me, Katherine, I'll be leaving.
Como parece que está todo dicho, si me disculpas, Katherine, me marcho.
Well, there'll be no more blood of the living for you, because I'm going to destroy you.
Ya no le chuparás la sangre a los vivos porque voy a exterminarte.
From now on, there'll be no more of this because your husband will get the best for you... because i love you.
De ahora en adelante, esto se acabó. Tu esposo conseguirá lo mejor para ti. Porque te amo.
I know there's nothing I can say can make things any better for you, but I can only tell you this : as long as this town lasts, he'll be remembered here.
Sé que no hay nada que pueda animarle, pero quiero decirle que mientras esta ciudad esté en pie, siempre será recordado.
We have a surprise for you. - I'll be right there!
- Tenemos una sorpresa para ti.
If you reserved a seat for him I suppose he'll be there.
Si le has reservado esa plaza no veo por qué no vaya a ocuparla...
Meanwhile, if God's good to me... and I manage to make it down there, I'll be waiting for you.
Mientras, si Dios quiere... Iograré llegar hasta allí y te estaré esperando.
- A few things. For instance, I don't know if... one day they'll make a wax figure of you and put you in there. Because you'll be so famous.
Por ejemplo, si algún día harán una figura de cera de usted y la pondrán entre las de los hombres famosos.
Now, look here, Jim, you know just as well as I do that there are men at that banquet who'll be rooting for a depression, just so they can slap labor's ears back.
Ahora, mire aquí, Jim, sabe tan bien como yo que hay hombres en ese banquete que estarán trabajando para una depresión, solo para echar a los trabajadores.
I'll tell you what. I'll win my first race this year for you if you promise to be there with maybe a two-spot on his nose.
Ganaré mi primera carrera del año por ti si prometes apostarle a mi caballo.
I'll be there... and... thank you for calling me.
Allí estaré. Y gracias por llamar.
If you don't - if you make one move or utter one word to betray me -... I shall detonate that weapon and for you and thousands of others in this area there'll be no chance of escape.
Si no, si hace algo o dice una palabra para delatarme,... detonaré ese arma y no habrá escapatoria para usted y otros miles en esta zona.
I'm sure there'll be important job for you.
Estoy segura que habrá algún trabajo importante para ti.
So I'm going to give you 200, so that... in case of trouble, there'll be something for the lawyers.
Te dejaré 200.000 frs. Guádarlos. Servirán para los abogados y todo lo necesario...
- For you there should be nothing else. Even against your will I'll stop you from doing anything stupid, hear?
Para ti, no, y te impediré hacer tonterías aunque tú no quieras.
I don't think there'll be much for you to do. It's an open-and-shut case.
No creo que pueda hacer mucho, es un caso abierto y cerrado.
I'll be there this evening, if that'll be convenient for you.
Iré esta tarde, si te parece bien. - No me falles, Ralph.
Well, whenever it'll be convenient for you, Dan? [clears throat] Well, I have the people in there now.
Cuando te vaya bien, Dan...
If they succeed, I'm sure there'll be a place for you, madam, in one of them.
Si lo consiguen, podrá disponer de una plaza en alguno de los dos, señora.
I'll take Teresa, Primo and Dede, we'll go up in the hills and we'll be waiting for you there.
Primo y Deedee hasta las montañas y te esperaríamos allí.
But it's only fair to tell you first that I'll kill you, Stricker... and you, Dutch Henry... the physician, his father... and there might even be time for you, storekeeper.
Pero es justo que les diga antes que yo mataré a Stricker... y a usted, Dutch Henry... al doctor, a su padre... y tal vez me quede tiempo para usted, tendero.
You come.. knock at the gate, and I'll be there waiting for you.
Vienes... llamas a la puerta, y yo estaré esperando.
Only you won't be there. I'll be there for you.
Pero tú no estarás allí, sino yo.
I'm glad that you can play with us now, Uncle Richard, for there'll be no time after Bosworth.
Me alegro de que puedas jugar con nosotros ahora, tío Ricardo, porque no tendrás tiempo después de Bosworth.
I'll be in all evening, if there's anything I can do for you.
Si quiere algo, estaré en casa toda la tarde.
Because when you bring them back..... I'll be there waiting for you..... copa de oro in my hair, just over the border.
Porque cuando regreses con ellas estaré esperándote. Con una copa de oro en el cabello, cuando pases la frontera.
The best thing for me, because there'll be a lot of work, many concerns, and I can't take care of you further on.
Lo mejor para mí, porque allí voy a tener mucho trabajo, muchas preocupaciones, y no puedo seguirte cuidando.
And I'm sure you'll agree with me that there must be a perfectly logical explanation for all this.
Convendrá conmigo... en que habrá una explicación lógica para esto.
Honey, I can't let up now. A, I gotta get ready for Baxter and B, there's no reason why I can't be club champion. And C, I'll send your pyjamas to the club so that you can sleep in the locker room.
Querida, no puedo dejarlo ahora A - tengo que estar listo para Baxter y B, no hay razón para no ser el campeón del club y C, te mandaré tus pijamas al club así puedes dormir en el vestuario
We want the public- - and our potential enemies- - to know about this facility. Naturally, you won't see anything that's classified, but I can promise there'll be plenty for you to write about.
Queremos que el público y nuestros enemigos sepan de esta instalación.
I'll be waiting for you there.
Te espero allí.
Should there be a further decision, I'll send for you.
Si hay alguna resolución sobre ésto, ya le mandaré llamar. ¿ Está Ud. de acuerdo?
I'm warning you for the last time, or there'll be trouble.
Es la primera y última vez que le aviso. Si no, tendrá problemas.
"Any time you need me, any time you want me, just think of me, and I'll be there for as long as you want me to."
'Cuando me necesites.. Solo piensa en mi... Y ahí estaré.
I'll be waiting for you there.
Le espero allí.
There's got to be a reason for you gettin'in here... but I'll be durned if I can figure out what it is.
Debe haber una razón para que Uds. hayan entrado, pero no tengo idea cuál es.

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