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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll be there shortly

I'll be there shortly tradutor Espanhol

55 parallel translation
Good, let them wait next door for a minute. I'll be there shortly.
Bien, déjelos que esperen ahí un momento, ahora estoy con ellos.
I enlisted today and while I don't Miss Rose to know quite yet, I'll be going over there quite shortly myself.
Me he alistado hoy pero no quiero que Rose lo sepa. - Pronto iré hacia allí.
I'll-I'll be there shortly.
lré en cuanto pueda.
I'll be there shortly.
No tardaré mucho.
I'll be there shortly.
Ahora mismo saldré de casa.
I'll be there shortly.
Allí estaré dentro de poco.
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré allí en breve.
I'll... I'll be there shortly.
Iré en un momento.
I'll be there shortly with a nuclear weapon.
Iré enseguida con un arma nuclear.
I'll be there shortly.
Iré en seguida.
I suspect you'll be getting back there shortly.
Pero lo conseguimos. Sospecho que conseguirá respaldo allí nuevamente.
You just go on home. I'll be there shortly, OK?
Estaré allí dentro un rato, ¿ ok?
Tell him... I'll be there shortly.
Dígale... que iré enseguida.
I'll be there shortly, and I'll explain when I arrive.
Llegaré enseguida. Se lo explicaré cuando llegue.
Right. I'll be there shortly.
Voy enseguida.
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré allí dentro de poco.
- Get in the car. I'll be there shortly.
- Sube al auto, ya voy.
I'll be there shortly.
Enseguida estaré allí.
Get me a vanilla latte with chocolate sprinkles on top... and tell them I'll be in there shortly.
Tráeme un latte de vainilla con chispas de chocolate. Y diles que en un momento estoy con ellos.
Just... I'll be there shortly.
Solo que.... ya estoy con ustedes.
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré allí en poco tiempo.
I'll be there shortly and we can discuss it then.
Estoy cerca. Hablaremos cuando llegue.
Look for it and I'll be there shortly.
Búscala, estaré ahí en seguida.
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré allí pronto.
I'll be with you shortly and there'll be somebody on the door if you want anything.
No estaré mucho contigo y habrá alguien en la puerta si quieres algo.
Go to the dining room, and I'll be there shortly.
Vaya al comedor, ya voy.
All right, I'll be back there shortly.
Bien, estaré allí pronto.
I'll be there shortly.
Después ve a ponerte al día.
I'll be there shortly.
Enseguida estoy allí.
I'll be there, shortly.
Llego pronto.
I'll be there shortly.
Yo estaré ahí en breve.
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré enseguida.
Full biometric package. I'll be there shortly.
Todo el paquete biométrico, iré dentro de poco.
( SIGHS ) I'll be there shortly.
Estaré ahí en un momento.
I suspect that, very shortly, You'll be assembling a team to send over there.
Sospecho que en breve, vas a reunir un equipo para enviarlo allí.
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré ahí dentro de poco.
I'll be there shortly.
Anna te llevará a casa.
I'll be there shortly.
Llegaré en breve
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré ahí pronto.
I'll be there shortly.
- Estaré allí en un rato.
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré en breve.
And then I'm gonna go with them on their honeymoon, and there's a fairly good chance that shortly thereafter, I'll be named Queen of Singapore.
y hay una buena posibilidad de que, en poco tiempo, sea nombrada reina de Singapur.
I'll be there shortly.
Llegaré enseguida.
I'll be there... shortly.
Estaré allí... enseguida.
I'll be there shortly, alright?
Yo iré enseguida, ¿ de acuerdo?
I'll be there shortly.
Llegaré pronto.
I'll be there shortly.
Llegaré en nada.
I'll be there shortly.
Estaré ahí en breve.
I'll be there shortly.
Enseguida voy.
And I'll be down there shortly. And I will deal with them myself.
Llegué tarde para cuidar de ellos.
I'll be getting there shortly, okay?
Creo que estaré llegando en poco tiempo vale.

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