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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll call her

I'll call her tradutor Espanhol

1,424 parallel translation
I'll go to Portland, I'll call her, and I'll find a way to be their father again.
Iré a Portland, la llamaré y encontraré la manera de volver a ser su padre.
I gotta call my wife... and tell her I'll be stuck in traffic for at least a week.
Debo avisarle a mi esposa... que llegaré una semana más tarde porque hay mucho tránsito.
If I don't call every 30 minutes, he'll kill her.
Si no llamo cada 30 minutos, la matará.
I'll call her tonight.
La llamaré esta noche.
No, I'll call her. Let her know you're coming.
No, la llamaré para decirle que vas.
Dil-phenk, call her immediately. I'll fix her
Dil-Phenk, llámala inmediatamente.
And you must teach her a lesson lt's your right. I'll call her.
Voy a llamarla.
I'll call her.
Sí, voy a llamarla.
I'll Call her back.
La llamaré.
Tell Mom I'll call her.
Dile a mamá que la llamo yo.
I'll call her tomorrow.
Dile que la llamo mañana.
Tell her I called, and I'll call her later.
Vale, dígale que la he llamado. No, la llamo luego.
I'll call her tomorrow.
Iré mañana.
I'll call her. "
Voy a llamarla.
I'll call her. - No, father.
Yo la llamaré.
I'll call her. "
- No, Padre.
I'll call her. "
Yo la llamaré.
In a few hours, I'll be drunk. I'll want to call her. You'll have to stop me.
Verás, dentro de un rato estaré muy borracho y querré llamar a Kathy ¡ y ustedes tendran que detenerme!
After she gets off the air, I'll call her.
- Cuando salga del aire, la llamaré.
Tell Francie I had to get back to work. I'll call her later.
Dile a Francie que la llamaré más tarde.
So I'm going to give mom a call. I'll tell her to pack some things and have her meet us at the precinct.
Llamaré a mamá, para que empaque algunas cosas y nos encontraremos en la comisaría
- I'll call Anya. She can watch her.
- Llamaré a Anya para que la cuide.
I'll just call her later.
La llamaré más tarde.
I'll give her a call.
La llamaré
I'll call Shankar, see if she can take a look at her.
Llamaré a Shankar. A ver si la puede examinar
I'll call her back.
Ahora la llamaré.
Great. I'll call her right now and tell her she's hired.
La llamaré ya mismo y le diré que está contratada.
If you're okay going with her, say,'Sorry, Leonard, I'll call you back.'
Si quieres salir con ella, di : "Lo siento Leonard, te llamaré más tarde."
I'll tell her to call.
Le diré que la llame.
Uh, tell her I'll call her back.
- Dile que la llamo luego.
I'll make a call and make sure she gets her meds.
Haré una llamada y me aseguraré de que tome sus medicinas.
You know what? I'll go call her on my cell, and you wait here.
La llamaré desde el celular, tú espera aquí.
I'll call her cell.
Voy a llamarla al celular.
I'll give your mum a call and let her know we got you settled, but I don't want you calling her or anybody else for quite a while.
Llamaré a tu mamá para avisarle que te acomodamos, pero no quiero que le llames o a nadie por un tiempo, ¿ está bien?
I'll call her.
La llamaré.
- I'll call out her name.
- Gritaré su nombre.
I'm not waiting for her to call. TOM : I'll find out where she is.
No voy a esperar que ella llame.
I'll call her later.
Yo le llamo luego.
- I'll call her back.
- Está bien.
I'll, uh, call my mom's aunt, Maureen... and, uh, tell her to expect a little action.
Llamaré a mi madre y a Maureen... y le diré que espere un poco de acción.
I'll go downstairs and call her from that phone.
Bajaré y la llamaré desde ese teléfono.
I'll call her husband.
Voy a llamar a su marido.
I'll see if I call her back.
Voy a ver si le devuelvo la llamada.
Just let me get rid of her and I'll call you back.
Espera que me deshaga de ella y te llamo.
If you don't believe me I'll call her right now
Si no me crees la llamo ahora mismo.
I'll call her from Downey.
- La llamaré desde Downey.
I'll call her, have her get a sample, see if it's a match.
La llamaré y pediré una muestra para ver si se corresponden.
I'll call about getting her extradited.
Voy a llamar para conseguir su extradición.
I'll call her again.
La volveré a llamar.
I'll tell her you came by, and I'll have her call you, okay?
Le diré que has venido y que te llame, ¿ vale?
- I'll call her back.
- Ahora la llamo.

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