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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll call her back

I'll call her back tradutor Espanhol

206 parallel translation
Apologize to her and bring her back to school. Or I'll call your father.
Discúlpate con ella y tráela de vuelta o llamaré a tu padre.
I'll call you just as soon as I'm hot. Didn't I bring her back to you before?
Después le telefonearé. ¿ No la traje las otras veces?
Tell her I'm still out of town. I'll call her when I get back.
Dígale que estoy fuera, que la llamaré cuando llegue.
- How can I tell her I'll call her back?
- ¿ Cómo puedo decirle eso?
Tell her I'll call her back.
Dile que la llamo luego.
- Well, then hurry up! I'll call her back with the trumpet.
¿ No marchabas tú, señor, a tierra con el "Spenitor"?
I'll have her call back. Thank you for calling.
Le diré que la llame, gracias por llamar.
Tell her I'll call her back in a few minutes.
Dile que la llamaré dentro de unos minutos.
I'll call Francie at her office and tell her you're back.
Llamaré a Francie a su oficina y le diré que has vuelto.
Tell her I'll call back later. ELLEN :
El Sr. Warren la llamará luego.
Tell her I'll call her back.
Dígale que la llamaré más tarde.
I guess I'll call Mrs. Drayton. Tell her we're back. She can bring up Hank.
Llamaré a la Sra. Drayton para que traiga a Hank.
Tell her I'll call her back as soon as I surface.
Dile que la llamaré cuando salga de aquí.
Call her back and tell her I'll be right there.
Llame de vuelta y digale que voy para allá.
La llamaré.
No, I'll go with her, you hang back until I call you in.
No, I'll ir con ella, de colgar hacia atrás hasta que l se llama in
I'll call her as soon as I get back.
La llamaré en cuanto llegue.
Just let me get rid of her and I'll call you right back.
Espera que me deshaga de ella y te llamo.
Soon as I get back to the office, I'll call Dan Marsh have him put a tail on her.
Llegando a la oficina, llamaré a Dan Marsh para que la siga.
- I'll call her back and explain.
- Le diré que venga y le explicaré todo.
- To be sure... I'll call back and keep her talking.
Tiene que hablar más para reconocerla. Volveré a llamar, e intentaré que hable más tiempo.
Would you tell her I'll call her back after Junior Bible?
Dígale que la llamaré después de Biblia para Niños.
Tell her I'll call her back tomorrow.
- dile que Ia llamaré mañana.
I'll call her back tomorrow.
- Permiso.
I'll call her back.
Yo la llamaré.
I'll call her back.
Le llamo despúes.
Tell her I'll call her back.
Dile que ya la llamaré.
I'll call her back.
La llamaré después.
I'll call you back after I talk to her.
Te llamaré luego de hablar con ella.
Tell her I'll call her back.
Dile que le llamaré.
If she has any questions, I'll call her back.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, la llamaré. Sí, doctor.
She ran out to get some food, and she'll be back, and then I can have her call you.
Salió a buscar comida y regresará, entonces le diré que la llame.
Tell her I'll call her as soon as I get back.
Dile que la llamaré en cuanto vuelva.
- I'll have to call her back.
- La llamaré luego.
Tell the mayor I'll call her right back.
Dígale a la Alcaldesa que la llamaré después.
If I have this much influence, I'll call her and tell her to get back together with him.
Si tengo tanta influencia sobre ella, la llamaré y le diré que vuelva con él.
Tell Noreen I'll just call her back later.
Dile a Noreen que la llamaré luego.
- Tell her I'll call her back.
- Dile que la llamaré.
Tell me she called, and I'll call her back.
Dime que ha llamado, y luego yo la llamo.
I'll have to call her back.
Después la llamo.
I'll just call her back.
Voy a llamarla de nuevo.
Tell her I'll call her back.
Es acerca de la abuelita.
You tell her that, and I'll call you back.
Usted dígale eso, y yo lo volveré a llamar.
- I'll call her back!
- ¡ Ahora la llamo, ahora la llamo!
- I'll call her back, it'll be fine! - What an idiot!
- ¡ La llamo, todo se arreglará!
Ok. I'll have her call you back.
Ok. haré que te llame.
Unless, eventually, I call her to see what's going on and she says she'll call me back, but then she doesn't.
A menos que la llame para saber qué pasa y diga que me llamará, pero no me llama.
- Tell her I'll call her back.
- Dile que la llamaré después,
Let's just bury her and move on. Tell him I'll call him back.
Dile que lo llamaré.
- Tell her I'll call her back in 10.
La llamo luego.
I'll call her back.
Ya la llamaré.

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