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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll call him back

I'll call him back tradutor Espanhol

309 parallel translation
- I'll call him back.
- Luego le llamo.
Oh. Tell Mr. Fiancee I'll call him back in a little while.
Dile al Sr. Prometida que le llamaré en unos minutos.
If Sawyer shows up, I'll have him call you right back.
Si Sawyer aparece, le llamamos.
Tell him I'll call him back later, please.
Dígale que lo llamaré luego, por favor.
Yeah. I'll call him as soon as we get back.
Le llamaré en cuanto regresemos.
Ask him to forgive me. Tell him I'll call him the minute I get back.
Dile que me perdone, que le llamaré cuando vuelva.
- lf a guy calls tell him I'll call him back.
- Si me llaman dile que ya llamaré yo.
Tell him to call me right back. If he doesn't, I'll fill my contract with him.
Si no lo hace, acabaré mi trabajo... con él.
- Look, if you feel like fighting, I'll call him back.. and give him a hand, because I'm fed up!
Si tienes ganas de reñir lo llamo y le echo una mano porque ya me estas cargando demasiado
Okay, I'll ask him and call you right back.
Bueno, le preguntaré y te llamo de inmediato.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Dile que lo llamaré más tarde.
No, tell him I'll call back tonight.
Dígale sólo que volveré a llamarlo esta noche.
And I'll call back. And, if he should come in, would you tell him, that I'm, I'm in Washington Square in the park, on a bench.
Y si llega dígale... que estoy en Washington Square... en el parque, en un banco.
If we can get back to civilization, I'll call Fellows and get him out here.
Volver al pueblo y traer a Fellows.
- I'll call him back.
- Lo llamaré después.
I'll have him call you back.
Le diré que te llame.
I'll call him back.
- Le llamaré.
I'll call him back. - No need, sir.
No hace falta, señor.
Tell him I'll call him back, would you?
Dile que lo llamo de vuelta, ¿ si?
I'll call him back.
Está bien, dígale que lo llamaré dentro de una hora.
I'll call you back in a little while and we'll go get him next time.
Te llamare en un rato y seguimos luego
I'll have him call back later.
- Le diré que llame más tarde.
Dile que llamaré luego y cancela las llamadas, por favor.
If I can't get a studio to pick up this picture... we'll be in hock till doomsday. Now call him back.
Si no consigo financiar el filme... nos endeudaremos muchísimo.
I'll call him back for a rest.
Lo llamaré a descanso.
Okay, so I'm gonna call United... and try to get the first flight out first thing tomorrow... get back and see if I can find a place that'll take him.
De acuerdo, voy a llamar a United... e intentar tomar el primer vuelo por la mañana... regresaré y veré si encuentro algún lugar donde lo acepten.
Soon as I get back to the office, I'll call Dan Marsh have him put a tail on her.
Llegando a la oficina, llamaré a Dan Marsh para que la siga.
- I'll have to call him back.
- Le tendré que devolver la llamada luego.
yeah. uh, tell him I'll call him back.
Sí, dile que ya le llamaré.
Tell him I'll call him back.
- Dile que lo llamaré. Estoy ocupado.
- If Stan calls, tell him I'll call him back, OK? - OK.
Si llama Stan, dile que luego lo llamo.
Tell him I'll call him back, Lar.
- Dile que lo llamo luego.
Tell him I'll have to call him back.
Dile que lo llamaré.
- Tell him I'll call him right back.
Diles que les devuelvo la llamada.
Tell him I'll call him back.
- Dile que luego le llamo.
If you don't change him back, I'll call the cops!
¡ Si no le dejas como estaba, llamaré a la policía!
Tell him I'll call him back.
Dile que lo llamaré de vuelta.
Tell him I'll call back later.
Dile que lo llamaré más tarde.
I'll have to call him back.
Lo deberé llamar de nuevo.
Just tell him I'll call back.
Dile que ya le llamaré.
I'll have to call on him... about a pain I get in my back.
Tendré que visitarlo... porque tengo dolor de espalda.
I'll call him back.
- No, yo lo llamo.
If your brother calls back, tell him I'll call him when I get to Bordeaux.
Si tu hermano llama, dile que llamaré cuando llegue a Burdeos.
I'll call him back.
Lo llamaré luego.
Call him back and tell him I'll be right there.
Dígale que voy ahora mismo.
Let me ask him, and I'll have him call you- - I'll call you back.
Mire... Déjeme preguntárselo. Le diré que lo llame.
I'll have him call you right back, Foster.
Te llamará en seguida, Foster.
If I have this much influence, I'll call her and tell her to get back together with him.
Si tengo tanta influencia sobre ella, la llamaré y le diré que vuelva con él.
Call one of my friends I think she'll be able to keep Michael until Thursday If you're coming back Thursday We can always keep him!
- Mire, usted se conectará a un amigo debe estar con él hasta el jueves Si usted dice que no hay quinta ronda problema puede estar con él.
No, I'll call him back later.
No. Yo lo llamo más tarde.
All they have to do is prop him up for two minutes... I'll call you back.
Todo lo que tienen que hacer es levantarlo dos minutos... te llamaré luego.

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