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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll do it myself

I'll do it myself tradutor Espanhol

909 parallel translation
I'll fix it. Say, I could do it myself if you'd just give me the...
Lo puedo hacer yo.
A six year old? Somebody ought to take that little tin hero out and... I'll do it myself.
Alguien debería arreglárselas con ese tío
I'll do it myself.
Lo haré yo solo.
Now, men, stay sober. Any drinking to be done, I'll do it myself.
Manténganse sobrios. ¡ Yo beberé por todos!
- No, never mind. I'll do it myself.
, no importa, Lo haré yo mismo.
I'll have to do it myself.
Tendré que hacerlo yo.
Never mind. I'll do it myself.
No, mejor lo hago yo mismo.
Let it be, I'll do it myself.
Déjalo, lo haré yo solo.
Here, I'll do it myself.
Deja. Lo haré yo misma.
Never mind, I'll do it myself later.
No importa. Lo haré yo misma.
I'll do it myself.
Yo lo haré.
Winter take away this setting we're only eight at our family breakfast but it's the express wish of... if you refuse, I'll do it myself
¡ Winter! ¡ Quite este cubierto! En las reuniones de familia no somos más que ocho.
I'll do it myself!
¡ Lo haré yo mismo!
No, no. I'll do it myself.
Espera un momento.
The rum bowl to the fire, no thank you, I'll do it myself.
Ponga el ron a calentar. No, yo me encargo.
If you don't want to do the dressing my way, nurse, I'll come in morning and evening and do it myself.
Si no quiere usted hacerle las curas a mi manera, vendré yo a hacérselas.
Don't worry, I'll do it myself.
No te preocupes, yo lo haré.
I'll do it myself.
Me serviré yo mismo.
Give me the lipstick, I'll do it myself.
Déjame el lápiz de labios y ya me lo pinto yo.
I'll do it myself.
- Gracias. Me arreglaré.
If I wanna gamble, I'll do it myself.
En el juego, no delego.
Take this to the captain. No, don't. I'll do it myself.
Van a intentar enganchar el remolque.
I'll do it myself. Okay, I won't tell him.
Es mejor que se lo diga yo.
If you won't do it, I'll have to do it myself.
Pues me presentaré yo mismo.
Else I'll do it myself.
Si no, lo haré yo.
Lo haré yo misma.
I'll do it. I never had any children myself.
Yo, nunca he tenido hijos.
Never mind. I'll do it myself.
No importa.
I'll do it myself.
Yo me serviré.
And I won't assign it to somebody else - I'll do it myself!
Voy y lo hago.
Nevermind, I'll do it myself.
No se preocupe, lo haré yo.
I'll do it. You're not telling me anything about Rankin or myself I don't already know better than you do.
No me dices nada sobre Rankin o sobre mí que yo no sepa.
I'll do it myself.
Puedo sola.
I'll clear myself of suspicion and do it alone.
Me liberaré de toda sospecha y lo haré solo.
I'll do it myself.
Déjeme mentir a mí sola.
- You blockhead. I'll do it myself.
- Lo hare yo mismo.
We'd make a great combination, you and myself. And if you do come in, I'll teach you how to handle cards. It don't hurt anything.
Tú y yo seríamos una buena combinación, y si te decides, te enseñaré a manejar las cartas, no viene mal.
I'll do it myself. I'll do it myself.
Lo haré yo mismo, lo haré yo mismo.
It seems I'll have to do it myself.
Parece que tendré que hacerlo yo misma.
I'll do it myself.
Continuaré sola.
You'd better do it Brad, or I'll march in that dressing room and ask him myself.
Hazlo. Brad, o iré yo misma al vestuario a pedírselo.
I don't know yet everything that caused it, but I do know... that I'll be able to see life and myself differently than before I came here.
Aún no sé todo lo que lo causó, pero sí sé que podré ver mi vida y a mí misma en una forma diferente que antes.
I'll do it myself
Iré yo solo.
- No, I'll do it myself.
- No, ya lo haré yo.
"Keep that dumb kid quiet, or I'll come down and do it myself!"
"Que se calle ese crío o bajaré yo mismo y haré que se calle."
While all these other guys are rotting here in the states.....,... I'll be on the other side and the army had nothing to do with it. I did it all myself.
Mientras que todos estos tipos se pudren aqui en los estados yo estare en otro lado y el ejercito no tiene nada que ver con eso.
I'll do it myself!
¡ Lo haré yo misma!
If they don't skin you alive when we get back, I'll do it myself.
Si no te desuellan vivo cuando volvamos, lo haré yo mismo.
- Then I'll do it myself, with two to help.
- Lo apagaré yo, con 2 hombres.
If there's anything else I want you to do, I'll do it myself!
¡ Si quiero que hagas algo, lo haré yo!
I'll do it myself!
¡ Lo veré yo mismo!

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