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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll get it back

I'll get it back tradutor Espanhol

1,172 parallel translation
It's $ 150, and I'll make sure you get every bit of it back.
Son 150 dólares. Yo me encargaré de devolvértelo todo.
I'll get it back, that's my job.
Recuperaré el dinero, ése es mi trabajo.
I'll get us off these back roads, and you can take it from there.
Solamente me saldré del camino, y me relevarás.
Get me back to L.A. and I'll tell you all about it.
Llévame de vuelta a L.A. y te contaré todo.
I'll get it back to you.
Te lo devolveré.
I'll lend you the album, you make a tape and get it back to me.
Os presto el álbum, hacéis una cinta y me lo devolvéis.
I shouldn't think it'll get you back though.
Aunque no sé si te traerá de vuelta.
All but the ring, but I'll get it back, uncle.
Todo menos el anillo, pero lo recuperaré.
Bill, hold it. I'll get back.
Un momento, Bill, luego le vuelvo a llamar.
That's okay. I'll get back to you when it's more convenient.
- Ya la llamaré yo.
I'll get it back for you, though. I need some help.
La recuperaré, pero necesito ayuda.
You'll get it back when I know why you're lying.
Te los devolveré cuando sepa por qué estás mintiendo.
I'll get it back.
que tendré que volver.
And you'll get it all back! I told you that!
Y lo recuperarás todo.
I'll get it back to you. Don't worry.
Se la recuperaré, no se preocupe.
I'll get some of it back.
Voy a conseguir algo de él hacia atrás.
- I'll send it over as soon as I get back to the office.
Te lo mandaré al volver a la oficina.
At night I rest! I don't mind coming back to get you, but it'll take... at least half an hour!
Puedo volver a por ti pero con este tráfico, tardaré media hora mínimo.
But I've got the plugs out. It'll take me an hour to get them back.
He quitado las bujías, tardaré una hora en ponerlas.
Look, i'll get it back, don't worry.
Mira, lo devolveré. No te preocupes.
I know, but we'll get it back, angel cups.
A propósito,
I'll tell Belding it was my fault and get your stuff back.
Le diré a Belding que era mi culpa y recuperaré tus cosas.
I'll get him to paint it back again.
Le pediré que la vuelva a pintar.
So When I get the money together, I'll come back for it.
Así que cuando tenga el dinero, iré a por ella.
As soon as I get the money from the oranges I'll give it back to you.
Con la primera cosecha de naranjas, les mando el dinero.
And I'll get it back.
Y voy a recuperarlo.
- If I get it, we'll get back together.
- Si atiendo, Volveremos a estar juntos.
I'll see if I can get it back, if you like.
Veré si puedo recuperarla, si quieres.
Although I gotta admit. it'll be good to get back home.
Debo admitir que estará bueno regresar a casa.
I'll get it all back.
Lo recuperaré todo.
Yes, I'll get back on it.
Sí, nos encargaremos.
Everyone, go back to your rooms. I'll come and get you when it's your turn.
Así que todas vuelvan a sus habitaciones, iré a buscarlas cuando sea su turno.
No, I swear, I'll get it back to you first thing Monday morning. Soon as I make the deposit.
Te la devolveré el lunes por la mañana, en cuanto haga el ingreso.
Put it back. I'll get some croissants.
- Cogeré unos croissants.
And mark my words, by the time I get back, your picture'll be finished, I know it.
Y óyeme bien. Cuando regrese, tu película estará terminada. Lo sé.
Tell her I'll cover the rest of it when I get back.
Dile que le pagaré el resto cuando vuelva.
I'll get my car fixed, be on my way, and you can go back to doing whatever it is you do.
Arreglaré mi coche, me marcharé, y pueden volver a hacer Io que suelan hacer.
I'll make it worth your while. I get back to L.A., we could... Why on earth would I wanna do that?
Por qué iba a querer hacer eso?
I'll get it back. I'll get it back.
La recuperaré, de verdad.
I'll sign it when I get back.
Lo firmo al regreso.
If I can't see it in tomorrow's news, I'll get back and.. Crrr!
Si mañana no leo esta noticia, vuelvo aquí y...
Now I don't know if I'll ever get back to it.
Ahora ya no sé si podré volver a hacerlo.
So what I think we should do today... today is get back together... get... have dinner, and we'll talk about how we can finalize it.
Hoy nos reunimos... y hablamos sobre las cláusulas mientras cenamos.
But when you get back, I'll tell you all about it, if you'd like.
Pero cuando vuelvan, les contaré todo, si quieren.
So I'll get it back from her.
Así es que lo recuperaré de ella.
Look, they say it's going to take till Monday to get the car back on the road, so, uh... Well, I suppose I'll just have to stay here till then.
Mira, me han dicho que hasta el lunes no pueden reparármelo, así que voy a tener que quedarme aquí hasta entonces.
- Who knows if I'll get it back!
- Quién sabe si yo lo recuperare!
I ´ ll get it copied and have it sent back to you as soon as possible.
Gracias. Haré copias y se la devolveré lo antes posible.
I'll get you back to L.A. And that's it.
Vuelvo con vosotros a Los Angeles y nada más.
"Marcus, with regards to us doing it again, I'll get back to you."
"Marcus, esperando para hacerlo de nuevo, te buscaré."
If you think I'll fuckin'stand still for this, you're out of your mind, cos if he don't reverse it, you don't reverse it, I'll do what I gotta do to get the union back.
has perdido el juicio. haré lo que sea para recuperar el sindicato.

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