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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll get over it

I'll get over it tradutor Espanhol

552 parallel translation
When you get that through your head. drop over and I'll show you how to make more like it.
Cuando lo acepte... venga y le enseñaré a hacer otros similares.
Fine. I'll get the cash and send it over.
Te enviaré el dinero.
You think I'm drunk. I'll get over it in a minute.
Tú te figuras que estoy borracho, no, estoy atarantado, pero se me pasa en un momento.
I'll get it dropped over tomorrow.
Se lo traerán mañana.
I'll get over it. It isn't very serious.
- Se me pasará, no es grave.
- Besides you- - - I'll get over it, I know.
- además tú eres- - - me sobrepondré, lo se.
I love him then the sacrifice you want to make for Irene is wrong my child you'll never get over this renunciation only youth can afford such renunciations you might find me hard, my child... but it'll be a mistake never to be amended
Lo amo. Entonces es equivocado el sacrificio que vas a hacer por Irene. ¡ Hijita...!
Look, I'll just put it over here, and get it out of the way.
Mire, sólo lo pondré aquí y lo quitaré del medio.
If you wait, I'll take it over, and you won't get a cent.
Si espera, pasará a mis manos y no recibirá ni un centavo.
That's all right. I'll get over it.
- No pasa nada. Lo superaré.
I'll never get over it.
que todavía no lo he superado
Well, first of all, I suppose I should say You'll get over it.
Bueno, primero supongo que debería decirte que lo superarás.
I'll get over it.
Lo superaré.
- Of course I am, but I'll get over it.
- Claro que sí, pero me recuperaré.
He'll get over it, I'm sure.
Se recuperará, estoy seguro.
And if the walls fall down or something, and you should get out, I'll turn you over to the guards so quick it'll make you dizzy.
Si se cae un muro y consigues salir, lo primero que haré será entregarte.
- Yes. I'll never get over it as long as I live.
No lo superaré mientras viva.
I asked for it, and I'll get over it.
Es mi culpa y ya me pasará.
I'll get over it, I'm sure I will.
Lo superaré, lo sé.
- I'll make myself get over it.
- Lo superaré. - ¿ Cómo?
I'm sure he'll get over it.
Le está bien empleado.
But I'll get over it, Ma Rita.
Pero esto pasa, Mamá Rita.
It'll take time but I'll get over it.
Lleva tiempo, pero pasa.
If I don't have to stand trial, I'll go to get it and hand it over to the boys. Who will use it.
Si me ahorro el juicio, la recogeré y se la daré a alguno de los chicos.
I'll get it and take you over to the inn.
Te llevo a la posada. ¡ Sargento!
I won't try to tell you that you'll get over it soon, because it will take time... maybe a long time.
No te diré que lo superarás pronto porque llevará su tiempo- - quizás mucho tiempo.
I'm afraid it'll be years before I get over the handicap of what I look like.
Tardaré años en superar esa desventaja.
If anybody on the field or off the field tries to engage you in conversation as to why you're here, no matter how innocently, I want you to get his name and give it to me and I'll turn it over to the FBI.
Si alguien, dentro o fuera de la base, intenta saber por qué están ustedes aquí, incluso si es preguntado inocentemente, ustedes deben darme su nombre y yo lo transmitiré al F.B.I.
But after I'm gone, you'll get over it.
Pero, cuando me haya ido, lo superarás.
When I fail to get gooseflesh over a prospective star, it'll be time for me to retire.
Cuando no me emocione ver una estrella en potencia, será hora de jubilarme.
The next time, I'll get over it!
- Y la próxima lo conseguiré.
I'll be back before long... and he'll get over it when the railroad comes through.
Regresaré pronto... y él lo superará cuando venga el ferrocarril.
- Hand it over, I'll get the tickets.
- Damelo. Yo sacare los pasajes.
I think she'll get over it, and I think we owe it to Mr. Nugent- -
Se le pasara. El Sr. Nugent se porto muy bien...
It'll be over by the time I get there.
Terminará antes de que llegue.
Mucho mejor. ¿ Por qué no vuelve y deja que yo me encargue?
When it's all over, I'll come get you.
Cuando ha terminado Vendré a traerle.
- I'll never get over it.
- Nunca lo superaré.
I guess she'll have enough to get by on, that is, when it's all settled up. But in the meantime, if she needs any ready cash, it's not much considering what's happened. It's only a little over $ 700, but if she'll accept it...
Supongo que no tendrá problemas económicos al menos cuando todo esté resuelto, pero mientras tanto, si necesita dinero no es mucho, poco más de 700 $, pero quisiera...
I rode over 200 miles to say my say and it'll get said my way.
He cabalgado 300 km para hablar en esta reunjon y sere sjncero.
- I'll get over it.
- Lo superaré.
- You'll get over it, I'm thinkin'.
Podrá superarlo.
I'll be glad to get it over with.
Quiero poner fin a ello de una vez.
It'll take some time, but I'll get over it.
Tomará algun tiempo, pero lo superaré.
I feel better knowing I'll get it over with.
Me siento mejor sabiendo que acabara.
I'm just a little bit edgy, but I'll get over it.
Sólo que estoy un poco nerviosa. Se me pasará.
- Okay, it's Dudley. - I'll get right over to the airport and meet him at the plane.
- Voy al aeropuerto a recibirle y a informarle.
Maybe I'll get over it.
Tal vez se me pase.
- I'll get over it.
Se me pasará.
- I'll get over it.
- Se me pasará.
Let's get the war over first... and then I'll think about it.
Pongamos fin a esta guerra y luego lo pensaré.

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