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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll get you a drink

I'll get you a drink tradutor Espanhol

235 parallel translation
Sit down and I'll get you a drink.
Siéntate, te serviré una copa.
I'll get you a drink.
Te prepararé una copa.
Come on and I'll get you a nice drink.
Regresa y te daré un buen trago.
I'll get you a drink.
Te traeré un trago.
Le traeré una copa.
- We'll get this over with quick, and you and I will have a little drink.
Acabaremos con esto enseguida y tomaremos una copa.
Darling, you must be exhausted. I'll get you a drink.
Debes estar agotado, te preparo un trago.
I'll go and get you a drink.
- Quédate aquí, voy por un trago.
I'll get you a drink of water.
Te traeré un vaso de agua.
When we get home, I'll give you a drink. You could use a pickup.
Cuando lleguemos a casa te daré una copa y pondremos música.
When I get you home, I'll give you a drink.
Cuando lleguemos a casa te doy algo de beber.
I'll get you a place. But first, uh, have a drink.
Antes de ir al hotel, primero tomemos una copa.
I'll get you a drink.
Te sirvo una copa.
Sit down, darling. I'll get you a drink.
- Siéntate, te traeré una copa.
I'll go get you a drink.
Voy a buscar tu bebida.
I'll get you a drink.
Traeré algo para beber.
Back wherever you came from I'll bet you were glad to get a drink out of a sluice box.
Allá de donde viene seguro que agradecería beber agua de un canal de desagüe.
I'll get you a drink.
Te traigo una copa.
- Come on in, Bill, I'll get you a drink.
- Ven, entra, Bill, te serviré un trago.
I have some rum in the pantry, I'll get you a drink.
Tengo ron en la bodega, le prepararé un trago.
Baby, I'll get you a drink. What do you drink?
Traeré una copa, ¿ qué bebes?
Get me a drink, I'll let you take a picture.
Consíguelo y te dejaré tomar una foto.
I'll get you a drink.
Te pondré una copa
When you come to my house, I'll get her to make you a drink.
Cuando vengas a mi casa, la tendré para que te prepare de beber.
I'll get you a drink of water.
Le traeré un poco de agua.
That's right, I'll get you a drink of water.
Le traeré agua.
No. I'll get you a drink.
No, te traeré una copa.
- I'll get you a drink.
- Te traeré algo de beber. - No.
If you drink, ispeai I'll get you a nice turkey.
Andy, si lo haces, te cocinaré un guiso de mollejas de pavo.
I'll get you a drink.
Dios mío.
You need a stiff drink and I'll get that arm into a sling.
Ahora, lo que necesita es beber un poco, y luego le prepararé un cabestrillo.
I'll get you a drink.
Te daré un trago.
I'll get the ice out, make you a drink.
Le prepararé una copa.
I'll get you a drink and we'll toast to the weeds of the world.
Te daré otra copa y brindaremos por las malas hierbas.
Dusty, would you be so kind as to press that on the wall... and we'll see if I can get myself a drink?
Dusty, sería tan amable de ir hacia aquella pared... a ver si puede conseguirme un trago?
Come and sit by the fire, and I'll get you a warm drink.
Siéntate junto al fuego. Te traeré una bebida caliente.
I'll get you something to drink.
Voy a conseguir algo de beber.
So you just go fix yourself a drink, and I'll get dinner.
Prepárate un trago. Yo traeré la cena.
You'll get old, I'll be old... and we'll sit here together, you and I... and we'll drink and we'll eat... and unbutton the tops of our trousers... and we'll take a nap... right here, side by side, a little nap.
Te irás haciendo viejo, yo ya lo seré... y nos sentaremos aquí juntos, tú y yo... y beberemos y comeremos... y nos desabrocharemos los pantalones... y nos echaremos a dormir... aquí mismo, uno al lado del otro.
Get your things, I'll take you for a drink at the bar by the lighthouse, eh?
Coge tus cosas, voy a llevarte a tomar una copa al parador del faro, ¿ eh?
I'll get cleaned up, then I'll buy you a drink.
Voy a limpiarme y luego te invito a un trago.
I'll get a warm drink for both of you.
Os traeré algo caliente para beber.
- I'll get you a drink. - Thank you.
- Le buscaré algo de beber.
- Get on up here. I'll buy you a drink.
- Sube aquí, te invito a una copa.
I'll get you a drink.
Te serviré un trago.
I'll get you a drink.
Te haré un trago.
- I'll get you another drink.
- Iré a buscar otro whisky.
- I'll get you a drink.
Te traeré una copa.
I'll get you a drink.
Le llevaré una copa.
I'll take you down and get you a drink.
Vamos abajo y tomemos un trago.
Come on, I'll get you a drink.
Te serviré una copa.

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