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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll go check it out

I'll go check it out tradutor Espanhol

144 parallel translation
I'll go check it out.
Iré a comprobar que todo va bien.
Fine, I'll go with you to check it out.
Que no lo pienso más.
I'll go check it out myself. You go drink something. I'm here to accompany you.
Somos hadas, que venimos a recoger melocotones.
I'll go out and check around and stay with you an hour or so to see if it comes back.
Iré afuera y echaré un vistazo y me quedaré con usted una hora por si vuelve a suceder. La llevaré de regreso a la ciudad si quiere.
Listen to me. Stay here and I'll go and check it out
Escúchame, quédate aquí.
Well, lock it up, and I'll go to the Lyttors and then check it out.
Iré a ver a los Lytton. Cuando termine... -... pase por aquí.
I'll go check it out, Your Highness.
Voy a comprobarlo, Su Alteza
Check it out, Go ahead, I'll wait.
I'll go over and check it out.
Yo... yo voy a buscarlo.
You call the police, and I'll go check it out.
Llama a la policía. Yo lo detendré.
I'll go check it out.
Ire a comprobarlo.
All right, I'll go check it out.
Vale, echaré un vistazo.
Look if it'll make you feel any better, I'll go check this out.
Mira si te hace sentir mejor, voy a comprobarlo.
I'll go check it out.
Voy a ir a ver.
Alright, go to the car, I'll check it out.
Vayan hasta el auto, yo iré a revisar. - ¡ No!
I'll go check it out.
Ya voy yo.
Go on, I'll check it out.
Déjalo, ya lo hago yo. Gracias.
Nah, sure Sam I'll go check it out.
Claro, Sam, iré a ver.
- I guess we'll go check it out. - Yeah.
Al menos iremos a mirar.
I'll go ahead, check out the tunnel, make sure it's clear.
Me adelantaré, a comprobar el túnel, asegurarme que está despejado.
I'll go check it out.
- Iré a ver.
Take a break, I'll go check it out.
Tomen un descanso ; iré a fijarme.
I'll go check it out.
Saldré a ver.
If you go check it out for yourself... I'm sure it'll be fine.
Si vas a revisarlo tú misma, seguro estará bien.
I'll go check it out.
Voy a mirar.
I'll go down there and check it out.
- Voy a ver que pasa.
Well, lock it up, and I'll go to the Lyttors and then check it out.
Cerremos con llave e iré a la casa de los Lytton.
- I'll have to go check it out.
Iré a revisarlo. ¡ Hey!
I'll go check it out.
Echaré un vistazo.
Yeah, yeah, I'll go check it out after mass.
Si, si, lo verificaré después de la misa. Bien.
- Beats me, I'll go check it out.
Ni idea. Iré a fijarme.
I'll go check it out.
Voy a investigar.
I'll go check it out.
Voy a ver.
I'll go check it out.
Iré a comprobarlo.
I'll go check it out.
Iré a comprobarlo
I'll tell you what, I passed a bookstore back on the boardwalk, why don't I just go check it out for awhile?
Sabes, vi una librería en el paseo, ¿ Por qué no voy a ver que tienen durante un rato?
I'll go check it out.
Le echaré un vistazo.
Well, I'm a hair's breadth from investigating bunnies at the moment, so I'm open to anything. Great, we'll, uh, go check it out and uh, we'll give you a call. Yeah, this could blow the whole thing wide open.
Y entonces, si quiero que alguien me coma... o disfrute de una deliciosa galleta como yo, entonces estupendo.
I'll go check it out.
Iré a revisar.
When we're done, I'll go to the Book of Shadows to check it out.
Cuando acabemos, iré al Libro de las Sombras a investigar.
I'll go check it out.
Iré a checar
- I'll go check it out.
- Iré a verificarlo.
I think I'll go, um, check it out. I think I'll go, um, check it out.
Creo que iré... a echar un vistazo.
I'll go and check it out
Lo comprobaré.
- I'll go check it out, all right?
Voy a verificarlo, ¿ sí?
I'll go check it out.
Ok, iré a investigar.
I'll go check it out.
Iré a revisarlo.
I'll go check it out.
Iré a ver.
I think the displacement field collapsed, I'll go check it out.
Creo que el campo de desplazamiento se ha colapsado, lo comprobaré
I'll go forward and check it out.
Yo iré a revisar.
All right. After school, I'll go down there and check it out.
Bueno, cuando volvamos de la escuela, iré a ver qué pasa.

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