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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll go look

I'll go look tradutor Espanhol

1,343 parallel translation
I'll go and look.
Voy a comprobarlo.
I'll go have a look.
Iré a echar un vistazo.
Look, I'll go see a guy whose brother is a little guy and works in an orchestra.
Mira, voy a visitar a un cuate que su hermano es chaparrito y trabaja en una orquesta.
I'll go take a look.
Iré a echar un vistazo.
I'll go look for him.
Yo iré a buscarle
I'll go and look for him.
Lo voy a ir a buscar... porque nadie sabe... nadie...
I'll just go have a look around.
Solamente quiero...
- Alright I'll look, but then if I go out with one of them don't say :
- Está bien. Pero si engancho con una, no digas :
You stop here and I'll go and look for him.
Tu quédate aquí, yo lo iré a buscar
Don't get up, I'll go and look.
Quédate acostado, iré a ver que pasa.
I'll go look in on the boy.
lré a ver al muchacho.
Look... if I turn myself in, they'll let him go.
Tú escucha. Estoy seguro de que si me entrego, lo dejarán a él.
Well. I probably go back in one of those villages where they ain't seen a white man... and they'll look at me and come and say, "Hey, big hitter, sit down and have some coffee."
Probablemente yo iría a alguna aldea donde nunca vieron a un hombre blanco, y al verme dirían, "oye, blanquito, siéntate y tómate un café".
I've seen people look up and say, "I'll go to the Hilton."
He visto gente que mira hacia arriba y dice : "Iré al Hilton."
I'll go look, that's all.
Solo voy a dar una mirada.
Look, Mitch, it'll make it easier to understand what I have to say if you go to my special place
Mira mitch, quiero que vayas a uno de mis lugares especiales.
I hate when you do that Who guess I'll go out and look for it.
Odio que lo digas que espera el rechazo y lo anda buscando.
Then look up. Look up and think, "I'll go to Mama."
Levantas la vista, te giras y piensas :
All right, I'll go look at your martian goddess.
Vale, Iré a ver a esa diosa marciana tuya.
I'll go and look, if it'll make you feel better.
Si quieres, para que te tranquilices, iré a ver qué es.
If you don't mind, I'll take a look around before we go, for safety's sake.
Si no le importa, quiero echar un vistazo antes de irnos, por seguridad.
I tell you what, we'll go up and have a look.
Sabe qué haremos? Iremos a echar un vistazo.
Look, you let me go, I'll give you big news on Gonzales.
Dejadme ir y os daré un soplo sobre Gonzales.
And you've been... living here.... lt's sad... I'll go and look her up.
Y tú estabas aquí. Viviendo aquí. Es triste...
You go check out the attic and I'll look around outside in case he wandered off.
Vete a mirar en el ático y yo miro fuera por si ha salido.
I think I'll go upstairs and look through the photo album.
Creo que iré arriba y mirar a través del álbum de fotos.
I'll go look for her.
Voy a buscarla.
- I'll go inside and look around.
- Voy a entrar a echar un vistazo. - ¡ No vaya!
Okay, I'll go look in the dressing room.
Bueno, me fijaré en el camarín.
Look, can I go? Nicky'll take over for me.
No te preocupes, Nicky ocupará mi puesto.
Don't worry, I'll call the other gards and go look for him myself
No te preocupes, voy a llamar a los otros guardas e iré a buscarlo yo mismo
Look, Julie, I'll just go by Charlie's later, okay?
Mira, Julie, Iré donde Charlie más tarde, ¿ ok?
Look, Kevin, I'll explain to you as we go.
Mira, Kevin, te explicaré en el camino.
Look, tomorrow night, you and I'll go see Groundhog Day.
Mañana en Ia noche te llevaré a verla.
Kelly, you take upstairs. Bud, you go down into the basement, and I'll look around down here.
toma las escaleras. yo buscare por aqui.
I'll go and take a look.
Voy a echar un vistazo.
Never again can not be here look. I'll go after your stuff.
No lo entiendes, no debes seguir viendo a éste tipo.
You stay here, I'll go and take a look.
Quédense, iré a echar un vistazo.
Look, if it means that much to you, I'll call everybody back and you can tell them it's time to go to dinner.
Lo siento, Frank. Diles ahora que hay un descanso para cenar. ¡ Esperad todos!
I'll go look!
¡ Voy a buscarla!
Alright, i'll go and look, but only if you promise to take 2 of these pills.
Está bien, echaré un vistazo. Pero antes tienes que prometerme que tomarás éstas píldoras.
Well, if you go, she'll get you out of that detention. Look, Kelly, I really thought some of these kids would come over and ask me questions.
Cuando todos estaban fuera divirtiéndose, pero tú estabas en casa, estudiando, intentando hacer algo de tí, para que un día... puedas tener el mejor auto del vecindario.
"All right, go" I'll be on the look out
Bien, ve, mientras yo vigilaré
I'll go and have a pee and a look.
lré a mear y lo comprobaré.
look, you want to go out with someone? I " ll set you up.
¿ Quieres salir con alguien?
Look, I'll go to the station house.
Oye, iré a la comisaría.
Look, Mr. Simpson... I know that you were counting on me to watch over Katie and all... but if I go, you know, I mean, I'll just be cramping her style.
Mire, Sr. Simpson sé que cuenta conmigo para cuidar a Katie digo, si voy, me entrometería en su camino.
I'll go look.
Voy a ver.
I'll go take a look around.
Subiré a ver qué hay.
Look, you go do whatever it is you have to do and I'll stay here and... do something else.
Mira, haz lo que tengas que hacer. Yo me quedaré aquí y... haré alguna otra cosa.
Ok, look, I'll go down. It's my fault, ok?
Esta bien, yo bajaré ya que es mi culpa.

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