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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll tell them

I'll tell them tradutor Espanhol

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Tell you, they'll be damn lucky I don't kill them when I find them.
Te digo, serán muy afortunados si no los mato cuando los encuentre
I'll call 911 and tell them you're harassing me.
- Si no me dejas, Llamaré al 911 y les diré que me estás acosando.
I'll call washington, tell them there's been a breach.
Llamaré a Washington, les diré que hay una brecha.
Don't call security, or I'll tell them you're wearing a Shimmer, cos I reckon anyone wearing a Shimmer doesn't want the Shimmer to be noticed. Hello.
I'll tell them the truth.
Les voy a decir la verdad.
Tell them I'll be with them in 10 minutes.
Diles que los atenderé en diez minutos.
All right, tell them I'll be right out, Maggie.
Está bien, diles que saldré en un momento, Maggie.
I'll tell Hotch we think we know what he's doing with them.
Le diré a Hotch que creemos saber qué está haciendo con ellos.
You can look me in my sweet blue eyes and I'll tell youweet nothings and you'll believe all of them.
Puedes mirarme a mis ojos azules... y te diré lindas mentiras y te las creerás.
I'll watch them and tell you Now get the hell out of here!
- Le haré saber. ¡ Largo de aquí!
Lloyd, tell them I'll be right back.
Lloyd, diles que ya regreso.
I'll tell them my wife ran away with her lover and nobody saw where they went.
Diré que ella huyó con su amante y que nadie vio adónde fueron.
I don't know what to tell you, those are old, well, old and useless, but I'll try my best to get rid of them for you.
No sé qué decirles, son muy viejos, bueno, demasiado viejos, pero intentaré libraries de ellos.
I'll tell you what, I'm pretty much done here. Why don't I just pick them up?
Ya casi termino. ¿ Por qué no los recojo yo?
I'll tell them.
Les diré.
I'll tell them we want them to stay there so that I can stay here in the hospital with you.
Les contaré que queremos que se queden allí para poder estar en el hospital contigo.
I'll tell them it was Patrick that killed her.
Voy a decirles que fue Patrick quien la mató.
Tell the boys I'll meet them in the car?
Dile a los chicos que estoy en el coche.
I'll tell them what happened... that it was an accident, and I'm really sorry.
Eso es. Les diré lo que pasó, que fue un accidente, y que de verdad lo siento.
I think you should tell them the whole "phoenix rising from the ashes" story. They'll love it.
Creeo que deberías de decirles la historia del fénix renaciendo de las cenizas les va a encentar.
Tell him i'll protect them like they're my own.
Díganle que los protegeré como si fueran los míos.
I'll tell them to keep a distance.
Los mantendré a distancia.
I'll tell them you didn't do it.
Les dire que no lo has hecho.
- I'll tell themI'll call them right back.
- Les diré que les llamo enseguida.
{ \ And I'll tell you, } It's gonna feel pretty good to give them this news.
Estoy seguro que sera bueno darles esta noticia.
That I'll tell them.
Eso es lo que les diré.
Will you tell the Dixons I'll meet them outside in a minute?
¿ Puedes decirles a los Dixon que nos encontramos fuera dentro de un minuto?
I'll get a hold of your folks, let them know what's going on, tell them to start looking for an attorney.
Llamaré a tus padres, los haré saber lo que está sucediendo les diré que comiencen a buscar a un abogado.
You'll tell them, I went insane and poisoned him out of love.
Se los dirás, me volví loca y lo envenené por amor.
I'll tell them you helped me.
Yo les diré que usted me ayudó.
I'll tell them to come back tomorrow.
Les diré que vuelvan mañana.
I'm gonna tell them you're in my custody, you'll show me how you got in.
Les diré que estás bajo mi custodia y que me mostrarás cómo entraste.
If I tell that to anyone else, he'll harm them.
Si llego a decir otro nombre. Le hubiese hecho daño.
I'll tell them it's silly to worry about you.
Es una tontería preocuparse por ti.
Tell them I'll protect them like they're my own.
Diles que los protegeré como si fueran mi familia.
I'll tell them when it's time to go.
Yo les diré cuándo entrar.
They are just machines, they'll do what I tell them.
Son sólo máquinas, harán lo que les diga.
But I'll tell you what, we just got us two words here,'play'and'ball and he's already said them.
Pero te diré lo que, que sólo nos dieron dos palabras aquí, 'Play'y'pelota'y ya se les dijo.
I'll have to call up every one of my relatives and tell them I'll never speak to them again if they don't go to see it.
llamaré a todos mis parientes para decirles... que no les hablaré nunca más si no van a verla.
And if anyone asks, I'll tell them why.
Y si alguien pregunta, les diré por qué.
People will come from all over, they'll do exactly what I tell them if the words are from the book.
La gente vendrá de todas partes, harán exactamente lo que les diga si las palabras son del libro.
Tell them I'll pay later'cause there was some trouble.
Diles que yo pago después, porque ocurrió un accidente.
Tell them there's a bomb in the building, and if they try to leave, I'll detonate.
Diles que hay una bomba en el edificio, y qué si tratan de salir, voy a detonarla.
But I'll tell Chavo I sold them for £ 20... No, £ 15...
Pero le diré a Chavo que los vendí a 20 libras, no a 50
Tell them I'll come in.
Diles que iré.
I'll tell them what happened to you.
Yo les contare que paso contigo.
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna tell them I was doing my goddamn job.
Les diré que solo cumplí con mi trabajo.
I'll tell them you said hi.
Les diré que ha dicho hola.
I'll tell them I did not take his words as accusingly, he's young...
Diré que no tomé sus dichos como acusaciones, que es joven...
I'll call the cops, I'll tell them that you stole our toilets!
¡ Llamaré a la policía, y les diré que robaron nuestros asientos de baño!
I'll tell them that you stole our toilets, you motherfuckers!
¡ Les diré que robaron nuestros baños hijos de puta!

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