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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll tell them everything

I'll tell them everything tradutor Espanhol

77 parallel translation
If you force me to be a traitor, I'll go to the French police and tell them everything I know.
Si me obliga a ser una traidora, iré a la policía francesa y les contaré todo lo que sé.
I'll tell them everything I know, all about the trial and everything.
Les diré lo del juicio y todo.
I'll tell them that I had things out with you and that everything's fine again.
Que lo he hablado contigo y todo va bien.
I'll go back to Morgan's Creek and I'll tell them everything.
Volveré a Morgan's Creek y les contaré todo.
If you're not here in half an hour, I'll come and tell them everything!
Si no apareces en media hora, me presento ahí y les cuento todo.
I'll tell them everything if I have to.
Se lo diré todo si tengo que hacerlo.
Call them, but I'm warning you, I'll tell them everything!
¡ Llámales, pero te lo advierto, se lo contaré todo!
Or else I'll tell them everything.
- O lo cuento todo.
I'll tell them everything. They're on my trail!
Hablaré, lo contaré todo.
I'll tell them everything.
Lo explicaré todo.
I'll tell them everything.
Se lo contaré todo.
If not, I'll tell them everything you did before you left.
Si no, le contaré todo lo que hiciste antes de irte.
I'll go to the police, tell them everything.
Acudiré a la policía, les contaré todo.
When my parents come back, I'll tell them everything that happens here
Cuando regresen mis papás les voy a contar todo lo que pasa aquí.
When I see the papers with my letter in them, then out of friendship for you because you're honest and considerate, I'll tell you everything.
Cuando me muestre los Diarios con mi carta publicada, entonces, por mi amistad con usted, porque usted es leal y humano, le diré todo..
Tell them to release me and I'll do everything myself.
¡ Ordene que me suelten, yo mismo lo haré todo!
Look, I'll tell them everything, about the train and how you...
Que fuiste tu la que... - ¡ Hermanas mirarle! ¡ Aquí esta!
You can carry it, and I'll tell them everything...
Bien, llévalo, pero yo les contaré todo...
Are you crazy? That's what they want. They'll get me hooked on those shots, and I'll tell them everything.
Quieren que dependa de esas inyecciones para que hable.
You'll either tell me everything you know so there's a chance I can help them, or I'll be all over you like a fly on ehlt.
O me cuentas todo lo que eabes, para tener la oportunidad de ayudarlas, o voy a estar pegado a ti como las moscas a la mierda.
I'll tell them everything!
Se lo contaré todo. Quiero el divorcio.
Oh, I'll tell them everything.
Les diré todo.
And I'll take everything I know, and write my memoirs, and be a huge, big, celebrity, and go on all the talk shows and tell them Marion Hawthorne smells.
Y llevaré todo lo que sé, y voy a escribir mis memorias, y voy a ser una gran celebridad, e ir a todos los shows de entrevistas y decirles que Marion Hawthorne apesta.
You bring my hearts and give them back to me, I'll tell you everything you wanna know.
Tráigame mis corazones, devuélvamelos y le contaré todo lo que quiera saber.
I'm gonna tell them everything. They'll believe me because it's the truth.
Me creerán porque es la verdad.
When the police arrive, I'll tell them everything.
Cuando la policía llegue, les diré todo.
I'll tell them everything you know.
Les diré todo lo que sabes.
You tell them that if they don't decide... to accept my proposal, I'll say everything about everyone!
Debes decirles que si no se deciden a aceptar mi propuesta, ¡ diré todo sobre todos!
I'll tell you what, if they put thosetwo boys to death, that woulddefeat everything that Matt would bethinking about them.
Te diré una cosa. Si ejecutan a esos dos chicos se traicionará todo lo que Matt pensaba de ellos.
I'll tell them everything, only for them.
Lo diré todo sólo para ellos.
I'll tell them everything everything, dammit I'll expose you!
¡ Para Mamá, por favor, para! ¡ No lo soporto más!
I'll tell them everything.
Les voy a contar todo.
I'll tell them everything and the two of us will go to jail together
Se lo contaré todo y todos iremos juntos a la cárcel.
You change that... you save them, and I'll tell you everything you want to know.
Tú cambias eso, sálvalas y te diré todo lo que quieras saber
I'll tell them everything... And see what they gonna do with your family.
Se lo diré todo... a ver que hacen con tu familia.
I'll tell them everything you did to help me.
Le contaré todo lo que has hecho para ayudarme.
Oh, I'll tell them everything.
Les diré todo. Realmente no me importa.
- I'll tell them everything I know.
- Les diré todo lo que sé.
Three dates, and I'll get you here, to the high-stakes medal round... where eight out of 10 women believe that the first kiss... will tell them everything they need to know about the relationship.
Tres citas y los llevaré aquí, a la ronda de medallas... Donde 8 de cada 10 mujeres creen que el primer beso... les dirá todo lo que necesitan saber sobre la relación.
I'll tell them everything if you don't leave my family alone!
¡ Les diré todo si no dejan a mi familia en paz! ¿ Entendido?
I'll tell them everything.
Les contaré todo.
I'll tell them that I told you early I'll them that I made you do everything.
Les dire lo que te dije antes que te obligue a hacer todo eso.
If I tell them what I can do, it'll change everything.
Si les digo lo que puedo hacer, cambiará todo.
Tell them to send everything that they have, and then I'll...
Dígales que envíen todo lo que tienen, y luego yo- -
But maybe now I'll just tell them everything!
Pero quizá ahora les contaré ¡ todo!
Tell them to send everything that they have and then I'll...
Diles que envíen todo lo que tengan y yo...
Show me a person's favorite records, And I'll tell you everything you need to know about them.
Enseñáme los álbumes favoritos de alguien y te diré todo lo que necesitas saber sobre éstos.
I'll shop the whole network, tell them everything I know. I swear!
Sabrán todo sobre la organización, se enterarán de todo lo que sé. ¡ lo juro!
I'll tell them everything.
Lo diré todo.
If the cops get me, I'll tell them everything you did.
Si la policía me detiene, les contaré todo lo que hiciste.
Well, how about for their safety you tell me where I can find them, or I'll inform Headmaster of everything you just told me.
Bien, por su seguridad me dirás dónde puedo encontrarlos, o le diré al Director todo lo que me has dicho.

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