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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll tell you that much

I'll tell you that much tradutor Espanhol

171 parallel translation
To the full extent of the law. And I'll tell you right now. That what you're doing isn't going to help things any too much with you..
Vuestra actitud de ahora se volverá en vuestra contra cuando estéis ante el Jurado.
That doesn't excite me much, Pendleton, I'll tell you what
No me interesa su oferta.
Anne, you'll never be a respectable wife. I can tell you that much.
Pero tú, Anne, nunca serás una esposa decente, las cosas como son.
Well, thank you very much, Miss Kimi, and it was very nice meeting you, Mitsvah Watanibble. And would you tell him, please, that I would like to be his friend and that I'll come and see him before I go back to America?
a Ud tambien, Sr Mitsuvo Watanave y, digale a Mitsuvo que si quisiera me gustaria ser su amigo y vendre a verlo, antes de partir de regreso, a America
I'll answer that burning question after you tell me what's wrong with that miracle of modern science, and also exactly how much this current larceny is going to cost me.
Contestaré a esa lacerante pregunta después de que me haya explicado que ha ocurrido con ese invento del diablo, y exactamente lo que va a costar el actual robo.
Let me tell you this, that if you harm so much as one hair of her head, I'll...
Déjame decirte esto, si la tocas un solo pelo, yo te...
I'll tell you the truth. I was under the impression that our relationship- - was at a much more advanced stage... than the point where you're really very flattered.
Tenía la impresión de que nuestra relación... se encontraba en una fase mucho más avanzada... que donde te sientes muy halagada de verdad.
As far as that chick over there's concerned, I'll tell you how much she means to me.
En cuanto esta chica, te demostrare lo que representa ella para mi.
- Not Egyptian Femme, I'll tell you that much.
- Por lo menos no a Dama Egipcia.
I'll tell you, I don't know much about drugs, but that's the stuff they put in a Mickey Finn.
No sé mucho, pero es lo que te deja "k. o.".
I don't know very much about ballet, but I'll tell you something, I've always admired anyone who can do that kind of stuff.
No sé mucho sobre ballet, pero le diré una cosa siempre he admirado a los que pueden hacer ese tipo de cosas.
Very good. Good. He's a first-rate mechanic, I'll tell you that much.
Es un excelente mecánico, se lo aseguro.
We've got more moves back there than here, I'll tell you that much.
Allí hacemos más que vosotros.
I'll bet that I can tell, within a buck either way how much money you've got in your pocket.
Te apuesto que te digo, con un margen de un dólar más o menos cuánto dinero traes en los bolsillos.
I'll tell you this much- - the man I marry would have taken that money.
Piénsalo, Steve.
I'll tell you this much... the man I marry would have taken that money.
Les diré una cosa... el hombre con quien me case habría tomado aquel dinero.
I'm never going to jail, I'll tell you that much.
Nunca iré a la cárcel, eso te lo voy diciendo.
Look, if it means that much to you, I'll call everybody back and you can tell them it's time to go to dinner.
Lo siento, Frank. Diles ahora que hay un descanso para cenar. ¡ Esperad todos!
If you promise not to tell, I'll take you somewhere else... that's much more fun than the movies.
Si me prometen no decir nada, los llevaré a un sitio... mucho más divertido que las películas.
But I'll tell you this much. When the two of you are old and you're sitting on your fat, wrinkled asses there's gonna be one night one date out of your whole boring lives that you're gonna remember and it's gonna be tonight.
Pero les voy a decir esto... cuando sean viejos, sentados en sus culos arrugados, habrá una noche... una cita en sus vidas aburridas que recordarán y esa será ésta noche.
Al, I'll tell you, we just got back from the doctor and he said that she's much better.
Al, acabamos de volver del médico Y me dijo que ella está mucho mejor.
Well, this guy can stay in my room, I'll tell you that much.
Bueno, éste puede quedarse a dormir conmigo.
- Not much, I'll tell you that.
- No mucho, te diré eso.
I tell you, I'll probably never need... any of this food, but I can sleep so much better knowing that it's down there.
Seguramente nunca necesite todo esto. Pero duermo mucho mejor sabiendo que está aquí.
- I'll tell you. It means that if you take too much of that stuff you not only start seeing bugs all over but you start talking like... and no one can understand you.
Quiere decir que si tomas demasiado de esa cosa no solo empiezas... a ver y sentir bichitos, si no también empiezas a hablar raro... y nadie te entiende.
Neither did I. I won't be making a career out of it, I'll tell you that much.
No voy a hacer carrera en esto, se lo digo en serio.
I'll tell you that much.
Eso sí te lo digo.
I'll tell you that much.
A él no le importa.
I'll tell you that, though, you ain't have to worry about Adebisi that much longer.
Pero te diré algo. No tienes que preocuparte por Adebisi mucho más tiempo.
I don't leave the bag in the plane... I'll tell you that much.
No dejé el maletín en el avión.
And for a shrink-in-training, you are a little bit crazy. I'll tell you that much.
Para una psiquiatra residente, eres un poquito loca.
I'll tell ya what, mate. You're not gonna make much money as a prostitute, I'll tell you that.
No ganarás mucho dinero como prostituto, te lo aseguro.
I'll tell you that much.
te lo diré así.
But Duffy Haskell is a piece of work, I'll tell you that much.
Pero Duffy Haskell incordia bastante.
You went down like a sack of potatoes, I'll tell you that much.
Caíste como una bolsa de papas, Eso te lo puedo decir. Vamos.
I'll tell you that much.
Te diré todo.
I'll tell you that much.
Sôlo les digo eso.
Thank God they don't make them in biscuits and gravy. I'll tell you that much.
Por fortuna no los hacen con bizcochos y salsa. lmagínense.
I'll tell you that much.
No te digo más.
But it's some nice shit though, i'll tell you that much.
Pero aunque es bonito, te diré muchas veces eso.
They ain't covering their noses, I'll tell you that much.
No se protegen la nariz, de eso puede estar seguro.
Well, I'm not getting pregnant again, I'll tell you that much.
Bueno, no voy a quedar embarazada de nuevo, eso lo juro.
We fought like fucking hell, i'll tell you that much, and i never once had the upper-hand.
Peleamos como el demonio, eso es seguro y ni una vez llevé las de ganar.
- i'll tell you that fucking much.
-... eso te lo juro.
You won't get much sleep, I'll tell you that.
No dormirás mucho, te lo advierto.
Money isn't weird, I'll tell you that much.
El dinero no es raro, de eso estoy segura.
- I'll tell you that much.
- Raymond, te lo digo.
I'm not going beg. I'll tell you that much.
No voy a rogárselo, eso te lo aseguro.
Never killed a puppy. I'll tell you that much, right?
Nunca mató a un cachorro, te diré, ¿ verdad?
You won't find any bees in your store-bought honey, I'll tell you that much.
No encontrarás abejas en tu almacén de comprado. Te lo diré varias veces.
You think your daddy's seen that one? I bet he ain't, but I'll tell him all about... How much exactly do you need for this operation?
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