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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll tell you that right now

I'll tell you that right now tradutor Espanhol

122 parallel translation
And I'll tell you right now that I'm a man who likes to talk to a man who likes to talk.
Y ahora mismo le diré que soy un hombre... a quien le gusta hablar con quien habla con gusto.
I assure you that I'll continue to stand by you, but I don't have to tell you that right now... Your mother and I find our job pretty miserable.
Un hombre debe mantener lo que hace, Bob, así que, lo que sea que decidas hacer, te aseguro que seguiré a tu lado, pero no hace falta que te diga ahora... que tu madre y yo encontramos ese trabajo... bastante miserable.
To the full extent of the law. And I'll tell you right now. That what you're doing isn't going to help things any too much with you..
Vuestra actitud de ahora se volverá en vuestra contra cuando estéis ante el Jurado.
Knowing the Asterbrooks, I can tell you right now we'll never see that nickel again.
Conociendo a los Asterbrooks, puedo asegurarte que nunca veremos esa moneda otra vez.
Mary, I want to tell you right now, if Grant blasts that group tonight, he'll be blasting himself out of any chance for the White House.
Mary, quiero decirte ahora mismo, si Grant provoca a ese grupo esta noche, estará destruyendo su oportunidad de llegar a la Casa Blanca.
As far as you supporting us, I'll tell you right now he's the kind that wouldn't let anyone support him.
Y en cuanto a mantener a Buckley, voy a decirte algo. Él no permitiría que nadie lo mantuviera. ¡ Antes se moriría!
I'll tell you one thing. If she's all right now she's gonna stay that way.
Si ella está bien ahora, seguirá así.
Now, I wanna be entirely fair to you, Manny, so I'll tell you right now that there's a rough similarity between your printing and the note.
Para serle totalmente sincero, Manny, su letra y la de la nota se parecen.
Because, I'll tell you this right now, you're the only girl that ever really meant anything to me at all.
Porque te digo que, eres la única chica que ha significado algo para mí.
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours has gone and given you sleeping tablets to keep you quiet while she's out doing I don't know what I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Señorita Blanche, se lo advierto, si esa hermana suya se ha ido y le ha dado pastillas para dormir para mantenerla callada mientras ella está fuera no sé qué le aseguro que llamaré a la Policía.
- Well, it won't work, I'll tell you that right now.
- Así no, te lo digo desde ya.
I'm not gonna go cornball on ya or give ya any big speeches or anything like that... but I'll tell you right now, just as sure as God made little green apples... you play like that this coming Friday night... and you're gonna lose if you don't care.
No seré sensiblero con vosotros ni haré un gran discurso, ni nada de eso... pero os diré que, tan seguro como que Dios hizo manzanitas verdes... si juegáis así el próximo viernes por la noche... vais a perder, si no tenéis cuidado.
- I'll tell you right now, you're not going to allow yourself to be poisoned. Is that clear?
- No debes dejar que te envenenen.
I know I'm drunk, but he's still the whitest nigger in town, and I ain't gonna change my mind about that, I'll tell you right now.
Ya sé que estoy borracho, pero sigue siendo el negro más blanco de la ciudad, y no voy a cambiar de opinión sobre eso, te lo advierto.
You'd never, ever, ever get away with this... in Prattville, I'll tell you that right now.
Jamás te saldrías con la tuya... en Prattville, te lo digo ya mismo.
I'll tell him that you tried to make me go with you somewhere right now.
Le diré que quisiste hacerme ir contigo a otra parte.
I'm usually a lot more fun, i'll tell you that right now.
Normalmente, suelo ser más divertido.
She's doing better than you, Dottie, i'll tell you that right now.
Te está hundiendo, Dottie, ¡ y cómo!
I'll tell you right now, I won't pay that.
Ya le digo ahora mismo que no aceptaré eso.
And your clothes make me want to puke. I'll tell you that right now.
Y su ropa me hace vomitar, se los advierto.
You come on down to these parts, you start telling people their business and insulting their race, you end up like Champlain, I'll tell you that right now.
Llegas a ese momento, en el que comienzas a decirles sus verdades y a insultarlos en la cara. terminas como Champlaign, te lo digo ahora.
It wasn't'cause of me. I'll tell you that right now.
No fue culpa mía, eso puedo decírtelo.
I'll tell you that right now.
Le preguntaré ahora.
But I'll tell you right now that being shuttled among my children like a parcel, God forbid!
Yo digo que no vamos a pasar de uno al otro como un trasto, ¡ por caridad!
I'll tell you that right now.
No fue un ladrón, eso seguro.
That there's our stove, I'll tell you that right now.
Esa cocina es nuestra, estoy seguro.
I'll tell you that right now.
Os lo puedo asegurar.
My career has just started, I'll tell you that right now.
Mi carrera acaba de empezar, te lo diré ahora mismo.
But I'll tell you right now, there is a bond between Susan and me that no one could ever come between.
Pero te diré algo, hay un lazo entre Susan y yo que nadie podrá romper jamás.
But I'll tell you something right now. I know Edgar, and that wasn't Edgar.
Pero yo conozco a Edgar y ése no era Edgar.
Well, there's no deeper shit than the kind we're in right now, I'll tell you that.
bueno, no existe ninguna mierda más profunda que donde estamos metidos.
"But you are wearing a whore's uniform, I'll tell you that shit right now."
"Pero llevas uniforme de puta"
'Cause if you're anything more than that, you tell me right now, and I'm gonna just... I'll... off. You know?
Porque si son más que eso, dime ahora mismo y yo nada más me para atrás, ¿ entiendes?
I'll tell you that right now.
No me importa decirlo.
I tell you what, if you'll just drop the whole thing right now, I'll buy you that new video game console you've been wanting.
Les diré algo, si tiran eso ahora,... les compraré la nueva consola de videojuego que estaban esperando.
Well, it's a good time for me, I'll tell you that right now.
- Lo es para mí. - Te lo voy a decir.
I like you, David, I'll tell you that right now,
Me gustas, David, en serio.
You tell me right now that the results are bad, I go, okay, fuck wheel me into the fuckin ward there, I'll giv'er again...'cause I ain't gonna let it you know, kill me, capture me take me down now, eh.
... si me dicen en este momento que los resultados son malos, voy a, rodar en esta mierda a esa puta sala y a darle de nuevo. Porque no voy a dejar que me mate, me capture derrotarme ahora, eh.
- But I'll tell you right now, Pacey when I am old and grey, last summer is one of those things that will make me smile time and time again.
Cuando sea una anciana ese verano me va a hacer sonreír.
I'll tell you right now I'm not gonna do that.
les diré aquí mismo que no haré tal cosa.
I want you to tell her right now that you'll never see her or bother her again.
Quiero que le digas que nunca la volverás a ver ni a molestar.
Well, I want you to tell her right now that you'll never see her or bother her again.
Quiero que le digas que nunca la volverás a ver ni a molestar.
But you know, I think that if he was here right now, I would probably tell him that it all worked out. And that, um, I'll be bringing you some salmon rolls right away. In heaven.
Pero creo que si él estuviera presente ahora... yo le diría que todo salió bien... y que... te llevaré rollos de salmón muy pronto... al... cielo.
Yes, well, you know how Chez Henri hates it when people are late, so I'll tell you what, why don't we call for that elevator right now.
Si, ya sabes como Chez Henri odia esto cuando la gente llega tarde, bien les dire algo, por que no llamamos al ascensor.
Open that book and schedule me right now, Dr. Troy... or I'll tell the world you left an instrument in my stomach... during my tummy tuck last year.
Abra ese libro y apúnteme, Dr. Troy o diré al todos que dejó un catéter en mi estomago el año pasado.
His roofing days are over, I'll tell you that right now.
Sus días de techador terminaron, te lo digo ahora mismo.
I'm not scared of you either You're lucky I'm fucking sor e right now, I'll tell you that.
Tienes suerte de que me duela todo, carajo.
It ain't for no dildo, I'll tell you that right now.
No es para un vibrador. Ahora te cuento.
If you don't wanna go where l'm about to go then tell me right now and I'll walk out the door I'll phone my therapist and that will be it, okay?
Si no quieres llegar donde voy a llegar dímelo ya mismo y saldré por esa maldita puerta llamaré a mi terapeuta y ahí se termina.
I'll tell you that right now.
Puedo decirte eso ahora.
- Gimme that back! - You're fucking lucky you can't talk into that right now, I'll tell you that.
Tienes suerte de que no pueda pelear ahora, carajo.

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