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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll tell you what i know

I'll tell you what i know tradutor Espanhol

751 parallel translation
I'll tell you what I know.
Yo te contaré todo lo que sé.
Sure, I know what you'll be wanting to tell me soon, if not this minute that you love me.
Sé lo que me dirás en cualquier momento que me amas.
I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give you my word... and you know that I never break my word.
Le doy mi palabra y Ud. sabe que nunca rompo mi palabra.
Tell me what you know and I'll do the same.
Si hablas, te lo digo.
You'll tell me just what I wanna know, or you'll tell it in court.
Me dirás lo que quiero saber... o hablarás ante un tribunal.
Yes, and you can tell your fine friend hillcrist what's happening anyway, i'll soon let him know.
Por favor. Vaya a contarle a su querido Sr. Hillcrist Io que pasa. Es igual.
Te dejaré ir, y te daré 50.000 francos, si me dices qué sabes sobre este hombre.
You sign one of these contracts. If you don't, I'll tell. And you know what I'll tell.
Firmará el contrato, si no, ya sabe lo que contaré.
I'll tell you what I know!
¡ Les diré todo lo que sé!
- Well, I'll tell you what I know.
- Bueno, le diré lo que sé.
Upon my word, I don't know what you're talking about but I'll tell the squire and doctor everything that you said.
Por mi honor, no sé de qué está hablando pero les diré al squire y al doctor todo lo que me ha dicho.
But I'd like to know what we're up to. - I'll tell you what you're to do.
Pero me gustaría saber lo que sigue
I can't go tell the boys. You know what they'll do to me.
Si se enteran, ya sabes lo que me espera.
Oh, don't tire yourself. I know what you'll tell me...
Ya sé lo que vas a decirme.
- So what are you worried about? - I'll tell you what. It's something you wouldn't know.
Porque le quiero y es un tipo estupendo.
Si he de hacer esto, debo saber quién es Micka.
I'll tell you what Steve really is, if you want to know.
Yo te diré lo que es Steve, si es que quieres saberlo.
Si podemos llegar a un acuerdo, le diré lo que sé y todos nos evitaremos este combate.
I'll tell you what the crowd doesn't know.
Les diré lo que el público no sabe.
You tell me frankly what you know about all this... and I'll drop out.
Dígame lo que sabe de todo esto... y lo dejaré por la paz.
- Look, Mrs. Devoe, you tell me what I want to know, and I'll tell you what you want to know.
- Claro. - Sra. Devoe dígame lo que quiero saber y le contaré lo que usted necesita.
About them two cows you wanted to sell. I know you ain't got money enough to pay for an ad, but tell you what I'll do.
Es sobre las dos vacas que querías vender, sé que no dispones del dinero para el anuncio, pero te diré lo que haré.
All right, I'll tell you. I know what I'm doing.
Está bien, te lo voy a decir Sé lo que estoy haciendo.
And I'm going to tell you what you're accused of so you'll know how to prepare.
Y os diré de qué se os acusa para que os podáis preparar.
On the day you give Skvoznik back his mind and Vincent his senses, on the day you restore the use of Canelli's arms and Bayforth's hands, on the day you give Clinton back his voice, on that day, I'll tell you what you want to know, and not one second sooner.
Cuando le devuelva a Skwaznik su mente y a Vincent su juicio... cuando le devuelva el uso de sus brazos a Canelli y de sus manos a Bayforth... cuando le devuelva la voz a Clinton... entonces le diré lo que quiere saber... y ni un segundo antes.
Look, why don't I save you a lot of trouble and tell you what you want to know... and you can tell Debby and that'll keep you busy until I'm dressed.
Mira. Te ahorraré la molestia y te diré lo que quieres saber. Tú dile a Debby y así estarás ocupada hasta que me vista.
You'd better tell Mr. Brooke to keep away from us... or I'll let him know what I think of him.
Dile al Sr. Brooke que no se acerque o le diré cuatro palabras.
I just thought I'd tell you everything... so you'd know what to do, so I'll tell you.
El problema es suyo. Sólo pensé en decírselo todo... para que supiera lo que hacer. Así que se lo voy a decir.
- You'll do what I tell ya! I think I know what it is, only I'm not sure.
Creo que sé lo que es, pero no estoy segura.
- I'll tell you what you want to know.
- Le diré lo que quiera saber.
You tell me what I want to know, and I'll hold you as a material witness. If you don't, we'll let you go.
Si me dice lo que sabe le protegeré como testigo material, si no le soltaré.
Only you and I know the truth of what's happened... and you'll not be here to tell it.
Sólo tú y yo sabemos lo que pasó de verdad... y no estarás aquí para contarlo.
All right, I'll tell you what I know.
De acuerdo, les diré lo que sé.
You don't know what it means to be married to a woman like Lottie... but I'll tell you this.
No sabes lo que significa estar casado con alguien como Lottie... pero te diré esto :
Look, I don't know what pet names Thorwald had for his wife, but I'll tell you this, all those trips at night with that metal suitcase, he wasn't taking out his possessions, because his possessions are still up in the apartment.
No sé con qué apodos cariñosos llamaba Thorwald a su esposa, pero te diré una cosa, todas esas salidas nocturnas con esa maleta metálica no eran para llevarse sus pertenencias, porque aún están en el apartamento.
Then I know you'll understand what I have to tell you.
Entonces sé que comprenderás lo que debo decirte.
I'll tell you what. You know the little cafe we were last Sunday?
Te diré una cosa, ¿ recuerdas el pequeño café donde estuvimos el pasado domingo?
You know what I'll tell you?
¿ Sabéis lo que os digo?
I'll tell you now, I just rightly don't know what to do.
Le aseguro que no sé muy bien qué hacer.
I'll tell him your alarm didn't ring... but if you don't get down here quickly, I don't know what will happen.
Le diré que no le ha sonado el despertador,... pero si no llega pronto, no sé qué pasará.
I'll tell you what, we could start out on Lex, and then go uptown... and then downtown, and then end up at a little bar I know on 3rd.
Te diré qué, podríamos empezar en Lex, y después subir... y después bajar, y terminar en un pequeño bar que conozco en la Tercera.
I'll tell you what it would interest me to know.
- Te diré Io que quiero saber.
She'll surely go for it, I don't know what else to tell you.
Es cosa hecha, no le digo más. Va a tiro hecho.
You know what I'll tell her tomorrow...?
En cuanto la vea le diré...
Miss Ferguson, either you tell us what you know... or I'll ask for your arrest : aiding and abetting a fugitive wanted for murder.
Srta. Ferguson, o nos dice lo que sabe... o pediré su arresto... por ayudar e incitar a un fugitivo acusado de homicidio.
I know what you'll get to tell the truth.
Quizá unos azotes te ayuden a decir la verdad.
If you tell the police anything you know what I'll tell'em... I'll tell'em you're off your rocker!
Si le dices algo a la policía, les diré que has perdido el juicio.
- Say what? I'll tell you. You don't know how to make love anymore!
Ustedes ya no saben hacer el amor.
I don't know. I'll tell you what I'll do with you, Joe.
No sé- - Te diré lo que voy a hacer contigo, Joe.
No, i don't but i'll tell you what i do know - i got to go out and do a job.
- ¡ Ya sabes lo que quiero! - ¡ No, no lo sé! Pero sí sé una cosa, he de salir a hacer un trabajo.
Man, do you know what you ought to do? . I'll tell you what you ought to do.
Coges una pistola, con estilo... y si uno de ellos te mira mal...

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