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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll tell you what i think

I'll tell you what i think tradutor Espanhol

319 parallel translation
¿ Qué estaba supuesto a pensar?
I'll tell you what I think of your invisible man : it's a hoax.
Opino que vuestro hombre invisible no es más que una patraña.
If you're going to speak like that... Then I'll tell you what I think.
Pues bien, ya que Vd. usa ese tono,... yo también le puedo decir unas cuantas verdades.
At first, we don't talk at all, then I'll tell you what I think of you, and then you tell me what you think of me.
Al principio no nos hablamos. Luego te digo lo que pienso de ti, y tu me dices lo que piensas de mí.
Love, Tony, " I'll tell you what I think of you when I see you.
Con amor, Tony "... te diré lo que opino cuando te vea.
- I'll tell you what I think.
- Le diré lo que creo.
I'll tell you briefly what I think of newspapermen.
Voy a resumirle lo que pienso de los periodistas.
- I'll tell you what I think.
- Te lo diré. No, ahora no.
Then I'll really tell you what I think.
Entonces le diré lo que realmente pienso.
Tell you what, I think I'll knock off for about a 15 minute nap.
Iré a echarme quince minutos.
When my head is clear, I'll tell you exactly what I think.
Cuando se me aclare la cabeza, le diré lo que pienso.
You just tell me where this Wienie King lives... and I'll take his money back to him and tell him what I think of him.
Dime dónde vive ese Rey de la Salchicha, le devolveré su dinero y le diré lo que pienso.
Ahora te diré lo que creo que es
Told you I shouldn't have had that last drink. I tell you what I think I'll do.
Te dije que no debí beber ese último trago.
I'll tell you what they think of us.
¿ Sabes qué piensan de nosotros?
I'll tell you what, let me think this over, huh?
Les diré qué. Lo pensaré.
You'd better tell Mr. Brooke to keep away from us... or I'll let him know what I think of him.
Dile al Sr. Brooke que no se acerque o le diré cuatro palabras.
Come inside and I'll buy you a drink, so you can tell us what you think.
Pasa y te invito a un trago para que nos digas lo que te parece.
- You'll do what I tell ya! I think I know what it is, only I'm not sure.
Creo que sé lo que es, pero no estoy segura.
I'll tell you what I think :
Te diré lo que quiero.
- I'll tell you. And what do you think you're going to do with him, my fine lady?
¿ Que es lo que crees que vas a hacer con él, señoritinga?
Who do you think you are? I'll tell you what you are.
¿ Quién crees que eres tú?
I'll tell you what. I think it is our way... if we will keep in favor with the king to be her men and wear her livery.
Os diré lo que, creo, es nuestro camino... si queremos conservar el favor del rey :
Well, I'll tell you what I think about it.
Te diré lo que pienso al respecto.
Well, I'll tell you what I think.
Os diré lo que creo.
I think I'll tell them all what's causing the trouble, if you agree.
Creo que será mejor que les diga la causa del problema, si está de acuerdo.
I said, "If I tell you what I think you'll say I couldn't be fair."
Yo dije : "Si te digo lo que pienso, dirás que soy injusto".
Planos paralelos... Dobles en otra vida...
Look, Pietro, I'll tell you what I think of you!
Escucha, Pietro,... voy a decirte lo que pienso de ti.
- A Marquis... - I can tell you what kind of figure you'll cut... but I've got to spare your feelings. I think it is.
Una marquesa piensa que sí.
After that I'll be free to tell you the truth. Why are you asking me that? Think what you want, I know you think I'm a monster!
Pero te lo ruego, te lo suplico, dame sólo 24 horas.
I know what you want to tell me but you think I'll be hurt.
Yo sé lo que quieres decirme pero tienes miedo de herirme.
But I'll tell you what some of my stir-crazy men think.
Pero le diré lo que opinan algunos de mis hombres tarados.
I'll tell you what I think.
Le diré lo que yo creo.
I'll testify. But if I do get up there and tell everything I know, under oath, what makes you think they'll believe me?
Testificaré pero si cuento todo lo que sé bajo juramento ¿ qué le hace pensar que me creerán?
I'll tell you what I think You and I are in the pink
Pues créame, como yo acierte, tiene Vd. Mucha suerte
I'll tell you what I think...
- Te diré lo que pienso...
I'll tell you what I really think about you and your comrades.
¡ y no es un escenario!
And if you want, I'll tell you what I think the truth is : away from his land, this fleece has no meaning.
Y, además, si quieres que te diga lo que según mi parecer es la verdad, este vellocino, lejos de su país, ya no tiene ningún significado
You want to know what I think of the nurses on my team. I'll tell you.
Quieres saber que es lo que pienso acerca de las enfermeras de mi equipo. Te lo diré.
I'll tell you what I think.
Te diré lo que yo pienso.
I'll tell you what I think, Paul.
Te diré lo que pienso, Paul.
I'll tell you, Mr. McCabe. When a good whore gets time to think... she'll turn to religion'cause that's what they've been born with.
Le aseguro, Sr. McCabe, que cuando una buena ramera se pone a pensar se vuelca a la religión, porque así es como fueron criadas.
Listen, I'll tell you what I really think.
No debemos olvidar que los marginados debemos utilizar cualquier medio para ganar.
I'll tell you what. I think the scene the police find is simply this.
Le voy a decir lo que encontrará la policía.
I'll tell you what I think it is.
Te diré lo que Creo que es.
Well I'll tell you what I think.
Ustedes también?
I`ll tell you what I think of your friend Merlin.
Te voy a decir que pienso de tu amigo Merlin.
I'll tell you what I think!
¡ Le diré lo que pienso!
I'll tell you something, Sergeant. I don't know what to think.
La verdad, no sé qué pensar.
I'll tell you exactly what I think...
Te voy a decir exactamente lo que me estoy imaginando...

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