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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'll try to remember that

I'll try to remember that tradutor Espanhol

73 parallel translation
Trataré de recordarlo.
I'll try to remember that.
Trataré de recordarlo.
I'll try to remember what you said last night... that years from now, this will seem the greatest adventure we ever had, even though we had it separately.
Trataré de recordar lo que dijiste anoche que cuando pase el tiempo, veremos esto como nuestra mejor aventura, a pesar de haberla vivido separados.
Yeah, I'll try to remember that.
Estoy tentando.
I'll try to remember that.
Intentaré recordarlo.
I won't try and explain what happened last night because I know that, in time you'll find a proper way in which to remember it.
No intentaré explicarte lo de anoche... porque sé que con el tiempo... lo recordarás de una forma adecuada.
Well, i'll try to remember that.
Bueno, trataré de acordarme.
Oh, I'll try to remember that, Minister.
Trataré de recordarlo, ministro.
I'll try to remember that.
Intentaré acordarme.
We'll get along just fine if you try to remember... that I'm not your addlepated great-aunt from East Nowhere.
Nos llevaremos muy bien si tienes presente que no soy tu tía vieja y tonta del campo.
Well, I'll try to remember that.
Procuraré recordarlo.
I'll try to remember that.
Trataré de recordar eso.
- I'll try to remember that.
- Trataré de recordar eso.
I'll... try to remember that. What...
Trataré de recordarlo.
- I'll try to remember that, Iolaus.
- Trataré de recordarlo, Iolaus.
I'll try to remember that.
Intentaré tenerlo en cuenta.
- I'll try to remember that.
- No lo olvidaré.
Tratare de recordarlo.
- You listen, if you can`t remember note it down that if you try to meet Muscan, I`ll finish you.
- Usted escuche, si usted no puede recordar si usted intenta encontrarse Muscan, yo lo terminare.
- I'll try to remember that. - All right.
- Trataré de acordarme.
I'll try to remember that.
Procuraré recordarlo.
I'll try to remember that.
Intentaré acordarme de eso.
Thank you. I'll... try to remember that.
- Gracias. lntentaré recordarlo.
All I ask is that, after you assume the presidency, you'll try to remember me as I used to be.
Lo único que te pido es que, cuando asumas la presidencia, trates de recordarme tal como era.
I'll try to remember that.
Trataré de recordarlo
I'll try to remember that. - Is he coming back?
Da igual la ley.
I'll try to remember that next time we have to fake a reactor breach.
Trataré de recordarlo la próxima vez que tengamos que simular una rotura del reactor. Naves celda.
I'll try to remember that... when I have to unfasten his jaw from my leg!
Sí, claro. Trataré de recordarlo cuando tenga que zafar su mandíbula de mi pierna.
You know, Syd, yeah, you know, I'll try to remember that.
Sí, Syd, trataré de recordarlo.
I'll try to remember that.
- Intentaré recordar eso. - Y harás bien...
I'll try to remember that.
Voy a recordar eso.
- I'll try to remember that for next time.
Voy a tratar de recordarlo para la próxima.
I'll try to remember that.
Trataré de acordarme de eso.
I'll try to remember that when you and I meet with him later.
Trataré de recordar eso cuando tú y yo nos reunamos con él al rato. ¿ Qué?
Next time I find a friend dead, I'll try to remember that.
La próxima vez que encuentre a una amiga muerta, intentaré recordarlo.
Thanks, I'll try to remember that.
Trataré de recordarlo.
- I'll try to remember that.
- Trataré de recordarlo.
So if you go to the boys and try and screw me over, I'll remember that for a really long time. Got it?
Así que si le dices a los chicos e intentas fastidiarme lo voy a recordar por mucho tiempo. ¿ Entendido?
I'll try to remember that.
Me recordaré.
I'll try to remember that when I take your life.
Intentaré recordarlo cuando te mate.
I'll... I'll try to remember that.
Intentaré acordarme.
I'll try to remember that.
Intentaré recordar eso.
Thanks. I'll try to remember that.
Gracias, Voy a tratar de recordar.
I'll - - I'll try to remember that, sir.
Yo... intentaré recordar eso, señor.
I'll try to remember that when I Wipe his ass.
Intentaré recordar eso cuando me limpie el trasero.
I'll try to remember that.
Voy a tratar de recordar eso.
I'll try to remember that while they're deep frying our toes and sprinkling them with powdered sugar.
Intentaré recordar eso cuando estén friendo nuestros dedos de los pies... y espolvoreándolos con azúcar glas.
Yeah, I'll try to remember that.
Sí, trataré de recordarlo.
I'll try not to remember that.
Trataré de no recordar eso.
We'll get to the bit where I cut your toes off fairly soon now, so you'll maybe be wanting to try and remember where that bitch has taken ma money, eh?
Vamos a llegar al punto donde te corte los dedos del pie muy pronto, así que tal vez vas a querer tratar de recordar dónde esa perra tomó mi dinero ¿ eh?
Well, I'll try to remember that.
Trataré de recordar eso.

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