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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'm just trying to protect you

I'm just trying to protect you tradutor Espanhol

84 parallel translation
I'm just trying to protect you.
Sólo intento protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Sólo quiero protegerte.
Larry... I'm sorry if I tried to run things but... you know, I was just trying to protect you.
Larry... discúlpame si traté de dirigir el negocio, pero yo sólo estaba tratando de protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Intento protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you, ma'am.
lntento protegerla.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Sólo trato de protegerte.
Look, I'm sure your dad's just trying to protect you... but, ultimately, it's just between you and Chase.
Estoy segura de que tu papá sólo trata de protegerte pero, en última instancia, es entre Chase y tú.
So maybe you're thinking I'm an asshole... scaring that kid for no reason... but I'm just trying to protect him.
tal vez piensan que yo sea un imbécil por haber asustado a ese niño sin razón alguna,... pero sólo trataba de protegerlo.
God, this is exactly why I didn't tell you in the first place. I'm just trying to protect that shot and now you're throwing it away again.
Esta es la razón por la que no te lo dije desde el principio ahora sólo piensas en proteger a ese niño y lo estás fastidiando todo.
I'm just trying to protect lives, the same as you.
Sólo intento proteger vidas, igual que tú.
- I'm just trying to protect you.
- Intento protegerte.
It just didn't feel right. Look, I know that you're trying to protect me from myself, but I'm a big girl and I know when it's right. Ok.
Es sólo que... no me parecía bien. pero ya soy mayorcita y sé cuando está bien. ¿ vamos a ir al baile?
- I'm just trying to protect you.
Soy tu madre, Maria.
Look, I'm just trying to protect you.
Mira, estoy intentando protegerte.
- I'm just trying to protect you.
- Sólo intento protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Es una forma de protegerte.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I was just trying to protect you from becoming me.
Lo que intento decir es... que intentaba protegerte de que te convirtieras en mí.
You're new to the job, and I'm just trying to protect you from being caught in the middle of a very awkward professional situation.
Eres nueva en el trabajo y sólo estoy tratando de evitarte quedar en medio de una situación profesional muy inoportuna.
I'm just trying to protect you from this cock mongrel.
sólo trato de protegerte de este pene chusco.
It's a stupid, dangerous game that you're playing. Because I'm just trying to help you protect the only thing that really matters to you.
Es un estúpido y peligroso juego el que estás jugando porque sólo estoy tratando de ayudarte a proteger lo único que te importa.
- I'm just trying to protect you.
- Estoy tratando de protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you, Marika.
- Sólo trato de protegerte, Marika.
I'm just trying to protect you.
- Solo intento protegerte.
- I'm just trying to protect you here.
Sólo trato de protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you from what could happen to him.
Solo estoy tratando de protegerte de lo que pudiera ocurrirle a el
I don't need you babysitting me. Look, I'm not babysitting you, I'm just trying to protect you.
No necesito seguir hablando sobre esto.
I'm just trying to protect you, Arthur.
Estoy intentando protegerte, Arthur
Sorry Bianca, I'm just trying to protect you from yourself.
Lo siento, Bianca. Sólo intento protegerte de ti misma.
I'm trying to protect you, just the same as you are!
Intento protegerte, ¡ igual que lo haces tú!
- I'm just trying to protect you, just like you were trying to protect ashleigh.
Intento protegerte. Como tú intentaste proteger a Ashleigh.
I'm sorry. I know you're just trying to protect your family.
Lo siento. Sé que solo intentas proteger a tu familia.
I'm just trying to protect him - and you.
Solamente trato de protegerlo. Y a ti también.
Just how many hurdles are you willing to jump to expose the person that I'm trying to protect?
cuantas barreras estas dispuesto a saltar para exponer a la persona que estoy tratando de proteger?
Sam, listen, I really appreciate you trying to protect him. It's not just your dad I'm looking out for.
No es solo a tu padre al que busco.
Olivia, I'm sorry I went behind your back, but I was just trying to protect you. You don't know anything.
Olivia, disculpa lo hice por detras tuyo, pero sólo estaba tratando de protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you!
¡ Sólo estoy tratando de protegerte!
I'm just trying to protect you.
Sólo estoy tratando de protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Solo intento protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Solo trato de protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you here, that's all.
Solo estoy intentando protegerte, eso es todo.
I'm just trying to protect you as a friend because it's, like...
Solo intento protegerte como amiga porque es coma... ^ Mike?
You guys are trying to protect me from the fact that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in a gigantic plastic bubble... Just like the movie I'm writing.
Estáis ocultándome que tendré que pasar el resto de mi vida metido en una burbuja de plástico gigante, como la película que estoy escribiendo.
And I'm just trying to protect myself because it's pretty clear how quickly you'll compromise your integrity for money.
Y yo solo me estoy protegiendo porque es muy claro que tan rápido tú comprometerás tu integridad por dinero.
Hey, I'm just trying to protect both of you.
Hey, solo trato de protegerlos y ambos de ti.
I'm just trying to protect you, Susan.
Solo intento protegerte, Susan.
I'm just trying to protect both of you guys.
Solo intento protegeros.
Honey, I-I'm just trying to protect you.
Cariño, solo intento protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect my family, same as you.
Intento proteger a mi familia, igual que tú.
- No, I'm just trying to protect you.
No, solo intento protegerte.
We were just trying to protect you, which is exactly what I'm trying to do right now.
Solo tratábamos de protegerte, que es exactamente lo que estoy tratando de hacer ahora mismo.
No, I'm just doing what I usually do, which is trying to protect you.
- No, solo estoy haciendo lo que suelo hacer, que es tratar de protegerte.

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