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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'm trying to be nice

I'm trying to be nice tradutor Espanhol

147 parallel translation
I'm trying to be nice...
Bastante, bastante.
I'm trying to be nice.
Mira, intento ser amable.
That's not very nice, I'm trying to be helpful
Qué borde, intento ayudar.
- I'm trying to be nice.
¿ Por qué no intenta ser agradable?
I'm trying to be nice to you, you know.
Estoy intentando ser bueno con usted.
- It's a nice set, I'll be frank. - Thank you. But, Mr. Turner, believe me, I'm not trying to...
- Si le digo la verdad, es muy bonito pero, no es que intente...
I'm trying to be nice to you and you won't.
He intentado ser bueno, y tú nada.
I'm just trying to be nice.
Trato de ser amable.
Well, I'm trying to be nice. That's why I didn't say anything.
Intentaba ser amable, por eso no he dicho nada.
Look, I'm trying to be nice to you.
sólo intento seramable contigo.
I'm trying to be nice to you.
Estoy tratando de ser amable contigo.
I'm trying to rationalize with those lyrics... trying to think, "Wouldn't it be nice?" And it just wasn't working.
Trataba de entrar en razón con la letra intentaba pensar : "¿ No sería lindo?" Y no funcionaba.
I'm trying to be a nice guy... but now you're really starting to piss me off.
Estoy tratando de ser un buen tipo... pero ahora estás realmente comenzando a enojarme.
- I'm trying to be nice.
- Intento ser buena.
You know, I'm trying to be nice to you.
Estoy tratando de ser amable.
I'm just trying to be nice.
- Sólo intento ser amable.
Okay, don't tell me. I'm only trying to be nice because -
Ok, no me digas, solo trataba de ser buena porque...
Is that being nice? I'm trying to be nice.
Yo estoy intentando ser amable.
I'm trying to be nice to you, Lisa.
Intento ser amable contigo, Lisa.
But what you don't understand is that I'm trying to be nice.
Pero lo que no entiendo es porqué estoy tratando de ser amable. Yo realmente lo soy.
I'm only trying to be nice.
Sólo trato de ser amable.
I'm not trying to be difficult, but... So many nice things.
No estoy tratando de hacer las cosas difíciles, pero... tantas cosas bonitas.
I tried to be a nice guy, I'm trying to save your life, and you have a terrible weekend on my account.
Traté de ser un buen tipo, de salvarte la vida y pasas un terrible fin de semana por mi culpa.
I could be this charming, sweet guy and score myself a really nice girlfriend. But, unlike you, I'm trying to do the right thing.
Porque podría ser un tipo encantador, dulce... y conseguir una novia muy buena, pero a diferencia de ti... estoy realmente intentando hacer lo correcto
Look, I'm trying to be nice... but I was brought in to leverage your synergy... and I am not going to let you or some wacky duck - -
Estoy tratando de ser amable pero me trajeron para canalizar tu sinergia y no permitiré que tú ni que un pato loco...
I'm trying to be nice, and my daughter said, "Daddy, this is my friend Lucy."
Quise ser amable. Mi hija dijo, "mi amiga Lucy".
So I'm trying to be nice to this woman in the lost luggage office.
Quería ser amable con la de las maletas.
I'm trying to be nice, but he's completely clueless.
Intento ser amable.
If I wanted to be nice I'd say yes- - but I'm afraid too many people have done you disservice trying to be nice.
Si quisiera ser amable diría "SÍ", pero me temo que mucha gente... te ha perjudicado por ser amable.
I'm trying to be nice.
Intento ser agradable.
I'm not trying to be nice.
No intento ser amable.
I'm not that fond of you either, buddy. I'm just trying to be nice for the kids.
Usted tampoco me cae bien, pero intento ser amable por los chicos.
I guess all I'm trying to say here, Will, is it's nice to know that whatever happens to me, you'll still be around to save the world.
Lo que trato de decir es que es bueno saber que... no importa lo que me suceda... tú estarás para salvar al mundo.
I'm trying really hard to be nice about this, but you're backing meinto a corner.
Estoy intentando ser agradable contigo, pero me estás acorralando.
You're trying to be nice, and I'm not playing along.
Está tratando de ser amable y yo no le correspondo.
Enough head games. - I'm trying to be nice.
- Ganamos por ocho goles, está bien.
You know, I'm just trying to be a nice guy.
Sólo trato de ser un chico bueno.
I'm trying to be nice to you.
Intento ser bueno contigo.
I'm trying to be nice.
Estoy tratando de ser agradable.
- Shut up! I'm trying to be nice!
Trato de ser amable.
- Hey, I'm... I'm just trying to be nice.
Sólo intento ser amable.
- I'm trying to be nice.
- Intento ser amable.
I'm not angry that you got stuck, I know you were just trying to be nice, because you're a good-hearted, wonderful, thoughtful man.
No estoy enojada porque estés atascado sé que sólo querías ser agradable porque eres un hombre de buen corazón y maravilloso.
- I'm trying to be nice to you.
- Intento ser amable contigo.
- I'm trying to be nice to you.
- Trato de ser amable.
Intento ser simpática.
- I'm trying to be nice.
- Solo estoy tratando de ser buena.
I'm trying to be nice.
Trato de ser amable.
Hey, now, Dumbbell, I'm trying to be nice to this idiot.
Oye idiota, estoy intentando ser amable con este idiota...
No, I'm not trying to be nice.
No, no intento ser amable.
I'm just trying to be nice, okay.
Solo trato de ser agradable, ¿ de acuerdo?

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