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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I'm trying to protect you

I'm trying to protect you tradutor Espanhol

353 parallel translation
I'm trying to help you and protect you.
Intento ayudarte y protegerte.
No, I'm trying to protect you.
No, intento protegerte.
I'm only trying to protect you from your own worse instincts.
Sólo trato de protegerte de tus peores instintos.
I'm only trying to protect you.
Sólo intento protegerle.
Oh, I know you think I'm trying to protect Tom, But I've no reason to do that.
Oh, sé que crees que trato de proteger a Tom, pero no tengo ningún motivo para hacerlo.
I'm trying to spare you an unhappy marriage I want to protect you from anything that would make you unhappy
Tu padre se preocupa de tu futuro y de que no tengas un mal matrimonio. Me preocupo de que seas feliz.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Sólo intento protegerte.
I'm trying to protect you.
Solo quiero protegerte.
I love you, children, and I'm trying to protect you.
Yo los amo, niños, y estoy tratando de protegerlos.
I'm trying to protect you.
Intento protegerla.
Ahora, Tanya, me preguntaba si usted podría darme información que nos ayude a protegerla.
I'm only trying to protect you.
Mira, lo hago por protegerte.
Scamp, I ´ m only trying to protect you.
No quiero que te pase nada.
I mean, uh, I'm trying to protect myself... because, really, there are these abrasive beatings to be avoided everywhere you look.
Intento protegerme de los golpes que te da la vida.
- I'm trying to protect you.
- Intento protegerlos.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Sólo quiero protegerte.
I'm trying to protect you.
Yo intento protegerte.
I'm a monk, trying to protect you
Soy un monje que intenta protegerte.
I'm trying to protect you from yourself.
Intento protegerle de usted mismo.
I'm trying to protect you!
¡ Intento protegerte!
I'm trying to protect you.
Intento protegerte.
I'm trying to protect you.
Estoy tratando de protegerte.
Listen to me! I'm only trying to protect you!
Sólo intento protegerte.
I'm trying to protect you, Sharon.
Trato de protegerte, Sharon.
I'm trying to take you out of harm's way to protect you.
- Trato de protegerte. - ¿ A esto le llamas protección?
Larry... I'm sorry if I tried to run things but... you know, I was just trying to protect you.
Larry... discúlpame si traté de dirigir el negocio, pero yo sólo estaba tratando de protegerte.
I'm trying to protect you.
Intento protegerlo.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Intento protegerte.
I understand you're trying to protect me, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
- Sé que trata de protegerme. Correré ese riesgo.
I'm telling you your agents in that office are acting improperly. Now who are they trying to protect?
Le estoy diciendo que sus agentes actúan de forma incorrecta. ¿ A quién protegen?
Alex, I'm trying to protect you.
Alex, intento protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you, ma'am.
lntento protegerla.
- l am guilty. Clayton, I'm trying to protect you.
Clayton, trato de protegerte.
So long as I'm trying to protect them, you can force me to cooperate.
En tanto esté tratando de protegerlos, usted me puede obligar a cooperar.
I'm trying to protect you.
Sólo estoy intentando protegerte.
I'm only trying to protect you from those people.
Solamente quiero protegerte de esa gente.
You don't understand. I'm trying to protect that boy.
- Estoy intentando protegerlo.
I'm trying to protect you.
Yo intento protegerlo.
- I'm trying to protect you.
- Trato de protegerte.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Sólo trato de protegerte.
Clark, you know that guy you're trying to protect? I'm gonna shoot him now.
Clark, sabes, ese tipo al que tratas de proteger voy a dispararle ahora.
Look, I'm sure your dad's just trying to protect you... but, ultimately, it's just between you and Chase.
Estoy segura de que tu papá sólo trata de protegerte pero, en última instancia, es entre Chase y tú.
I'm trying to protect him. And you.
¡ Trato de protegerle a él y a ti!
If you can't see that I'm trying to protect everyone in this operation, then I overestimated your intelligence.
Y si no quieres ver que estoy tratando de proteger las vidas de los que están en el centro de operaciones entonces es que he sobrestimado tu inteligencia.
You're looking after Irv I'm trying to protect our marriage. Because of that we're shrews.
Cuidas a Irv, protejo el matrimonio y por eso somos fieras.
You, of all people, should understand. I'm only trying to protect my son.
Ustedes más que nadie deberían entender que intento proteger a mi hijo.
Okay, I'm trying to protect you and the integrity of this investigation.
- Bien. - Bien. El ADN coincidió.
I'm trying to protect you from... pissing all over yourself.
- Estoy tratando de protegerte para que no te cagues vos.
I'm trying to protect you.
Estoy intentando protegerte.
- I'm trying to protect you.
- Estoy tratando de protegerte.
But I want you to know, I'm only trying to protect you.
Pero quiero que sepas, que solo trato de protegerte.

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