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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've been here all night

I've been here all night tradutor Espanhol

111 parallel translation
We've been here all night, and I haven't even finished sorting the screws.
Nos hemos pasado la noche aquí y no he terminado ni de separar los tornillos.
I've been here all night, they'll think I've been killed.
He pasado la noche aquí, creerán que estoy muerta.
Ted! - I've been waiting here all night for you.
- Llevo toda la noches aquí esperándote.
I've been walking all night to get here.
He caminado toda la noche.
I've been practising'here all night.
Pasé la noche ensayando.
I've been here all night.
Llevo aquí toda la noche.
He's barmy. I've been here all night, haven't I, Colonel?
él está loco, he estado aquí toda la noche
You know... I've been lying here all night long trying to...
Mira, llevo aquí tumbada toda la noche
Now, we've been sitting here all night waiting for the guy with the shotgun and you wanna take it with your cap pistol and I'm telling you it's very un-fucking-professional, all right?
Llevamos toda la noche sentados, esperando al de la escopeta y quieres usar tu pistola de juguete y yo te digo que no es nada profesional, joder. ¿ Vale?
I've been sitting here thinking about you all night.
No pude dormir en toda la noche pensando en ti.
Look Harold, I've been here all night.
Anoche estuve aquí.
I've been in here all night.
Llevo aquí toda la noche.
I've been here all night and there is nothing
Estuve aquí toda la noche y no hay nada.
I've been up here all night, working the numbers.
Me he pasado toda la noche despierto, haciendo cálculos.
I've been here all night.
Estuve toda la noche aquí.
I've been here all night.
Toda la noche.
- No, I've been here all night.
- No, he estado aquí toda la noche.
Come on. I've been out here all night.
Vamos Estuve afuera toda la noche.
I've been sitting here all night.
He estado aquí sentado toda la noche.
I've been sitting here all night.
Llevo sentado aquí toda la noche.
- I've been here all night.
Cierra los ojos.
I've been out here all night.
He estado aquí toda la noche.
Come on! I've been asking for all night over here
Estuve pidiendolo toda la noche.
- But I've been here all night.
- Pero si he estado ahí toda la noche.
I've been here all night.
Hay muertos y heridos.
I've been in a fucking cell, all night and you come around here, talking shite.
He estado en una puta celda toda la noche y nos viene usted con sus chorradas.
We got to Tribal Council last night, hadn't been there probably five minutes, I guess, and then all of a sudden, here come the awfulest downpour, the heaviest rain we've had since we,
Anoche fuimos al consejo tribal no llevábamos ahí ni 5 minutos, me parece, Cuando de repente empezó a caer un diluvio apestoso.
Siobhan would know who it is. I've been sitting here all night looking for clues, looking for suspects.
Pasé aquí toda la noche, buscando pistas y sospechosos.
I've been right here all night.
Estuve aquí toda la noche.
I've been here alone all night.
Estuve esperando sola toda la noche
I've been here, alone, all night!
He estado sola toda la noche.
If Marty asks, I've been here all night.
Si Marty pregunta, estuve aquí toda la noche.
I've been sitting here all night too, you know.
Yo también estuve sentada aquí toda la noche, sabes.
I've been up here all night thinking about this.
Estuve aquí toda la noche pensando en esto.
I've been here all night with you.
Estuve aquí toda la noche con usted.
I--I've been here all night. I... had to get out of the house.
He estado aquí toda la noche... tuve que irme de casa.
I've been up here all night thinking about this.
Estuve despierto toda la noche. Pensando en esto.
I've been trying to get in here all night.
Estuve intentando entrar toda la noche.
Honey, I've been here all night.
Cariño, he estado aquí toda la noche.
I've been here all night.
He permanecido aquí toda la noche.
I've been here all night, too.
Yo también estuve toda la noche.
I've been brainstorming all night. Here we go.
Estuve escribiendo ideas toda la noche.
I've been here all night.
He estado aqui toda la noche.
I've been here all night.
He estado aquí toda la noche.
Shoot, I've been standing out here all night.
Estuve aquí parada toda la noche.
- Christ, I've been waitin'out here all night.
Dios, llevo esperando aquí toda la noche.
I've been out here all night trying to arrange this thing for you.
Estuve toda la noche tratando de arreglarte esto. ¿ Cómo estás?
Well, too bad I didn't know you guys were out here. I've been bartending all night. I could have hooked you guys up with something.
Es una pena no haber sabido que estaban aquí, llevo trabajando toda la noche y podría haberme acercado por aquí.
I've been here all night... scouring databases.
Estuve aquí toda la noche... revisando algunos datos.
I've been working here all night.
He estado trabajando aquí toda la noche.
- Oh, I've just been here all night.
No lo estás. Has estado aquí toda la noche.

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