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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've been thinking about this

I've been thinking about this tradutor Espanhol

551 parallel translation
President Joo, I've been thinking about it... I was able to get on just fine on my own this past week with your pen alone.
Presidente Joo, he estado pensando en ello... fui capaz de estar bien yo sola esta semana pasada solo con su pluma.
Do you know how long I've been thinking about this wedding?
¿ Sabes desde cuándo he estado pensando en esta boda?
"I've been up all night thinking about you. " I have just sent for a messenger to take this to you in the dawn.
He estado despierto toda la noche pensando en ti acabo de enviar un mensajero que te entregará esto de madrugada.
Say, since you're always right, but this time... Indeed, I've been thinking about the chauffeur.
Siempre tienes razón... pero esta vez... de hecho, estaba pensando en ese chófer.
Mr. Kralik I've been thinking all day about what you said this morning.
Sr. Kralik he estado pensando todo el día en lo que dijo esta mañana.
I've been thinking about this.
Bien, he estado pensando.
I'm not busy. I've just been thinking about fixing up this old storeroom.
No, solo estaba intentando arreglar esto.
I've been thinking about this for a while.
Hace tanto que lo estoy pensando.
I've been thinking about this miserable business all night.
Me he pasado toda la noche pensando en esto.
I've been thinking about this case Holmes, that is Duncan Bleek and I have.
Estábamos pensando en este asunto, Holmes me refiero a Duncan Bleak y yo.
I've been thinking about this for a long time.
Llevo mucho tiempo pensándolo.
I've been thinking about this the whole night.
He estado pensando en ello toda la noche.
I've been thinking it's not safe for you to roam Chicago looking for this George Kaplan you've been telling me about.
He pensado... que sería peligroso para ti recorrer Chicago en busca de ese George Kaplan... del que me has hablado.
I've been thinking, amigo, about this Longworth.
Amigo, estuve pensando en ese LongWorth.
Now, i've been doing some thinking about this thing, see, and i got it figured out.
Esa es la razón por la que los hemos perdido. He estado pensando sobre esta cosa, verán, y lo he resuelto.
I've been thinking about it a lot, and I fear my father may no longer be of this world.
He estado pensando mucho sobre ello... y me temo que mi padre ya no pertenece a este mundo.
I've been thinking about this.
He estado pensando en eso.
Suzanne... I've been thinking about this Longchamp affair.
Suzanne... he pensado en lo de Longchamps.
Listen, Dan, I've been thinking about this.
Escucha, Dan, lo he estado pensando.
This time i've been thinking seriously about changing careers.
Sí, pero pensaba cambiar de profesión.
Well, I've been thinking about this, and I've decided... the best way for everyone - you know, for you and me... for the C.I.A., for Mr. Azenauer -
Bueno... he estado pensando en ello y he decidido... lo mejor para todos... ya sabes, para los dos... para la C.I.A., y para el señor Azenauer...
Estuve pensando mucho acerca de esta noche.
I've been thinking about this for two days.
- Lo estuve pensando dos días.
99, I've been thinking about what I said this morning and what you said and I've come to the conclusion that you're absolutely right.
99, estuve pensando en lo que dije y lo que tú dijiste, y tienes toda la razón.
I've been lying in this bed for three weeks thinking about it and all I know is I don't want to go to prison and I can't play Cathcart's game.
Llevo tres semanas en esta cama dándole vueltas y sólo sé que no quiero ir a la cárcel ni seguirle el juego a Cathcart.
I've been thinking about this for a long time...
He estado pensando acerca de esto por largo tiempo.
Sonja... Sonja, I've been thinking about this.
Sonja, he estado pensando en esto.
I've been thinking all night about how I'm gonna miss all this.
Bonita mañana.
You know, I've been thinking a lot about this... and I'm ready to have kids.
Sabes, he estado pensando bastante sobre esto y estoy listo para tener hijos.
Now I've been hearing stuff on the radio... and thinking about how we went about this thing.
Ahora que he escuchado en el radio... y pienso como pudimos haberlo hecho.
I've been missing you, thinking about you and I had this sudden urge.
Te echo de menos, pienso en ti... y tuve esta urgencia repentina.
[Ice Clattering] I've been thinking about this thing nonstop.
No puedo dejar de pensar en esto.
Diane, I've been thinking about this carefully.
Me lo he pensado con mucho cuidado.
I've been thinking about this Scottish Island scandal.
Pensaba en el escándalo de la isla escocesa.
I've been thinking about this, Mr. Hand.
Estuve pensando en esto, Sr. Hand.
This is what I've been thinking lately about my profession.
Eso es lo que estado pensando ultimamente sobre mi profesion.
You know, Crockett, I've been doing some thinking about that possible leak, and, uh, well, how well do you know this Lieutenant Rodriguez?
Estuve pensando sobre la filtración de información... y, pues, ¿ cuán bien conoces a este teniente Rodríguez?
Professor Cooper, I've been thinking about what you said, and I have no intention of repeating this course.
He estado pensando en Io que dijo y no tengo intención de repetir.
I've been thinking about this
He estado pensando en esto.
I've been thinking about this all day and I'm willing to sell... if you keep Nigel as part-owner.
Estuve pensando en esto todo el día, y me gustaría vender... si Nigel permanece como socio.
- I've been thinking about this.
- He pensado acerca de esto.
Hey, I've been thinking about this whole thing and it's really getting complicated with the group.
Martín, estuve pensando sobre esto... y las cosas se están complicando con el grupo.
I've been thinking about this Harvard thing.
Pensé acerca de Harvard...
I've been thinking about this daddy business.
Estuve pensando en eso del papá.
You know, I've really been seriously thinking about getting all this cut off.
Sabes que he reflexionado... en hacerme cortar todo esto.
I've been thinking, Homer, and you know what bothers me the most about this whole thing?
He estado pensando. ¿ Sabes qué es lo que más me molesta de este asunto?
I've been thinking about this and I meant to talk to you.
Estuve pensando mucho. Quería hablar contigo.
This is hard to say but I've been thinking a lot about it and we can't have a relationship.
Es difícil decirlo, pero... he estado pensando mucho... No podemos tener una relación.
Well, you know, I've been thinking about what Mara said this afternoon, about no one ever mentioning Castle Vladislas.
He pensado en lo que dijo Mara esta tarde. Que nadie menciona el castillo.
I've been thinking about this because I've heard it before.
Lo pense porque lo oí antes.
Listen, I haven't told this to anybody but I've been thinking about what's been happening to me lately, to us lately and I'm gonna stop saying The Nation of Islam's behind this.
Escucha, no se lo he dicho a nadie pero he estado pensando en lo que nos ha estado pasando últimamente y dejaré de decir que la Nación del lslam está detrás de esto.

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