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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've been trying

I've been trying tradutor Espanhol

5,781 parallel translation
I've been trying you for hours. Where are you?
Hace horas que intento localizarte. ¿ Dónde estabas?
I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been trying to be and act a lot more Swedish lately.
No sé si lo has notado, pero he estado intentando ser y actuar de forma más sueca últimamente.
I've been trying to get a hold of you for hours.
He estado tratando de contactar durante horas.
Damn right, I've been trying to protect you.
Claro que sí, he estado intentando protegerte.
He doesn't speak any English, so I've been trying to fire him forever.
No habla inglés, así que llevo intentando despedirle toda la vida.
I've been trying to call her on her phone but she's not answering.
He intentado llamarla por teléfono pero no contesta.
I've been trying to call her.
He intentado llamarla.
I've been trying to help Miranda find an agent.
He estado intentando ayudar a Miranda a encontrar un agente.
"I've been trying this girl."
"Estoy intentando a esta chica".
I've been trying to shave my head in solidarity forever.
Hace siglos que intento raparme por solidaridad.
Well, that's the point I've been trying to make for the last 200 Miles.
Bueno, eso es lo que he intentado decirte los últimos 320 kilómetros.
I've been trying to make you eggs for the last 10 minutes.
He estado tratando de prepararte huevos durante los últimos 10 minutos.
Hey, I've been trying to call you.
Oye, he estado intentando llamarte.
Which is what I've been trying to do all night, But if getting this bowl back means this much to you, Then I am in.
Que es lo que he estado intentando hacer toda la noche, pero si recuperar ese bol significa tanto para ti, entonces me apunto.
No, I've been trying to tell you that Riley and I are dating.
No, he estado intentado decirte que Riley y yo estamos saliendo.
Look, I get that I was an immature jerk, but I've been genuinely trying to change and it's still not enough for you.
Mira, entiendo que era un idiota inmaduro, pero de verdad he estado intentando cambiar y ni así es suficiente para ti.
You know how long I've been trying to sign this guy.
¿ Sabes lo que ha costado firmar con ese tipo?
I've been practising my power, trying to find Alice.
He estando practicando mi poder, intentando encontrar a Alice.
I realize you've been trying to compartmentalize your life, but it's affecting your ability to do your job.
Me doy cuenta de que has estado intentando compartimentar tu vida, pero está afectando a tu capacidad de hacer tu trabajo.
[Scoffs] I've been attacked by girls like you my whole life, and the kid I "attacked" in the fourth grade, she was with two other kids in the bathroom, holding me down, trying to dunk my head into a toilet,
He sido atacada por chicas como tu toda mi vida, y el niño al que "ataqué" en cuarto curso, estaba con otros dos niños en el baño, agarrándome, intentando meterme la cabeza en el retrete,
That's what I've been trying to tell them.
Eso es lo que he estado tratando de decirles.
I've been really nuts trying to get this house, Abs, and I know that's not an excuse, but... meet me tonight for dinner.
Me he vuelto loco intentando conseguir esta casa, Abs, y sé que no es una excusa, pero... ven a cenar conmigo.
I've been trying to call her on her cell phone since the accident.
He estado tratando de llamarla por su teléfono celular desde el accidente.
I've been trying to convince Jan to hire Patrick.
He estado tratando de convencer a Jan de que contrate a Patrick.
I hear you've been trying to get ahold of Ryan.
He oído que has estado intentando contactar con Ryan.
I've been trying to get ahold of you for days.
He intentado ponerme en contacto contigo desde hace días.
I'm sorry. L'm not trying to be a bitch, but I've been here for a long time.
No quiero ser una arpía, pero llevo mucho tiempo aquí.
I've been trying to metalbend, and I can't figure it out.
He estado intentando controlar el metal y no me apaño.
What I can't figure out, what I am trying to surmise, is, after all of this, after everything we've been through - - you needed a friend or a pawn?
Lo que no puedo descubrir, lo que estoy tratando de suponer, es, que después de todo esto, después de todo lo que hemos pasado... ¿ necesitabas un amigo o un peón?
The good people of Salem, the people I've been trying to save, they all want me dead.
La buena gente de Salem, la gente que he estado intentando salvar, todos me quieren muerto.
Uh, I've been working on a lot of my own music, though, trying to help deal with it, I guess.
Pero he estado trabajando mucho en mi música, intentando que me ayude a lidiar con esto, supongo.
And I've been trying to shove it down, and I've been trying to stay positive, and then I just start thinking about how much he freakin'hates me, and then that makes me cry, and then I get pissed off that that makes me cry.
Y he tratado de tragarme el orgullo y de ser positiva, y entonces empiezo a pensar en que me debe odiar a muerte, y entonces eso me hace llorar, y me enfado tanto por eso que me vuelve a hacer llorar.
So, I've been trying to figure out your angle all night, but I can't come up with anything.
He estado tratando de averiguar qué te traes entre manos toda la noche, pero no se me ocurre nada.
So, I've been trying to come up with a cute couple's nickname for me and Emily.
He estado intentando idear un lindo apodo de pareja para mí y Emily.
I've been trying to cheer her up.
He intentado animarla.
I've been worried sick trying to find you.
He estado mu preocupado intentando encontrarte.
I've been trying to reach you.
Intenté comunicarme contigo.
I've been trying for hours, and I still can't make heads or tails of these tattoos.
He estado tratando durante horas, y todavía no puedo hacer cara o cruz de estos tatuajes.
God, I've been trying to tell her!
Dios, yo he estado tratando de decirle!
I know you've been trying way too hard to convince me you're a good guy.
Sabes has intentado mucho convencerme que eres un buen tío.
I just wanted to say that I'm really hurt because my whole life, I've been trying to make you proud of me.
Solo quería decirte que me has hecho mucho daño porque toda mi vida he intentado que te sientas orgullosa de mí.
I've been trying to reach you.
He estado tratando de contactar contigo.
Yeah, and I've been trying to help get her straightened out.
Sí, y he estado tratando de ayudar a enderezarla.
I've been trying to do that for years.
He intentando hacerlo durante años.
I think there's someone here you've been trying to find.
Creo que hay alguien aquí a quien has estado intentando encontrar.
Look, I know that you've only been back for a few weeks, and we're all still trying to process it, but I gotta say,
Mira, sé que hace pocas semanas que has vuelto, y que todos estamos aún intentando procesarlo, pero tengo que decirte que,
I appreciate that, Mako and fellow prisoner man, but I've been trying and trying and trying, and I've never been able to do it... not even a little.
Os lo agradezco, Mako y señor prisionero de al lado, pero lo he intentado, lo he reintentado y lo he vuelto a intentar, pero nunca he sido capaz de hacerlo... ni siquiera un poquito.
That's what I've been trying to tell you!
¡ Eso es lo que he tratado de decirles! Sé donde están los maestros tierra,
I've been trying to call you all night.
Estuve intentando llamarte toda la noche.
I've been trying both of their cell phones.
He llamado a las dos.
I've been trying to call you all day.
He tratado de llamarte durante todo el día.

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