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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've been working on it

I've been working on it tradutor Espanhol

286 parallel translation
It's about the Gillespie case I've been working on.
Es sobre el caso Gillespie en el que he estado trabajando.
I've been working on it.
He trabajado en ello toda la semana.
I've been working on it and I've changed it in such a way I know it won't be offensive, I promise you that.
He estado trabajando en él y lo he cambiado de tal modo que se que no será ofensivo, te lo prometo.
Será mejor que la tape, trabajé en ese bebé seis meses.
You know I've been working on it every minute.
Sabes que trabajo en ella todo el tiempo.
All the way across Ohio, I've been working on it in my mins.
La pensé mientras atravesaba Ohio.
- Sure, I've been working on it.
- Claro, he estado trabajándolo.
I've been working on it for years.
Llevo años trabajando en ello.
I don't know, you've been working on this all week, and it's Friday night... and I just thought a little fun wouldn't hurt us.
No sé, has trabajado en esto toda la semana y es viernes noche... y creí que un poco de diversión no nos dañara.
I'd forgotten, you've been working on the front hedge that always account for your sinking into the dumps, doesn't it?
Me olvidé de que has trabajado en el seto. Eso siempre te deja deprimido, ¿ verdad?
Trabajo en él, día y noche.
I've been working on this tank of yours all week, and I got it up to where it will wipe out anything on wheels.
Trabajé toda la semana en ese carro suyo... y lo acondicioné para que le pase el trapo a todo lo que ruede.
I've been working on it so much, I didn't realise it when I was writing it.
He trabajado tanto en ella que no me he dado cuenta al escribirla.
Come on... we've been working together for five years, and it's the first time I've ever failed.
Vamos... Ilevamos cinco años trabajando, y es la primera vez que he fallado.
It's something I've been working on.
Es algo en lo que trabajo.
I've been working on it like mad.
He trabajado en eso como una loca.
Three years I've been working on it.
He estado trabajando en él tres años.
- I've been working on it, sir. - Oh!
He estado trabajando en ello, señor.
- I've been working on it.
- He practicado.
I've been working on it for some time.
He estado trabajando en el algún tiempo.
I've been working on it for years.
- ¿ Otra vez me haces un cumplido?
I've been working on it all day.
Llevo todo el día pensándolo.
What I'm trying to explain is that while I was sleeping, my mind must've still been working on the case because it sort of came to me who really killed Danforth.
Lo que intento explicar es que mientras dormía mi mente siguió trabajando en el caso porque de repente supe quién mató a Danforth.
Well, like I say, I've been working on this thing, well, for quite a while, it's about a Chinese girl who disappeared...
Llevo tiempo con la historia... y es sobre una china...
I know Angel, it would've been swell to work on a song together but, well, you're working with the best now.
Lo sé Ángel... Me hubiera gustado trabajar contigo, Pero ahora estás trabajando con el mejor
Look, I've been working on your dialogue... revising some scenes... polishing it up a bit.
Estuve trabajando en su diálogo... revisando algunas escenas... puliéndolas un poco.
I've been working on a new song and I want you to hear it.
He estado trabajando en una canción y quiero cantártela.
It's just something I've been working on.
No está terminado.
- Working on it, yeah. I've been following it myself, and all of a sudden I thought "radio".
He estado siguiendo el caso y, de repente, pensé : "Radio".
Well, you know, I've been working on that, and I think I can fix it.
He estado meditándolo y creo que puedo arreglarlo.
We've been working on it for 3 weeks, and I don't understand.
Hace tres semanas que estamos con este principio... y no lo entiendo.
I've been working on this invention it will destroy a goblin, I mean, an enemy.
Fabriqué este dispositivo para protegerme de los espíritus, o de lo que sea.
I've been working on it for five years.
He estado trabajando en ella por 5 años.
It's a problem, and I've been working on it.
Es un problema e intento solucionarlo.
It's a step I've been working on at home.
Es un paso que he ensayado en casa.
- Es algo en lo que he estado trabajando.
Look, I've been working on this since junior year. I'm not going to just start again because a bum is holding it hostage.
No pienso volver a empezar porque un vago la tiene de rehén.
Well, it's this math problem I've been working on.
Bueno, es este problema de matemáticas en el que he estado trabajando.
- I've been working on it.
- He estado practicando.
I've been working on it all night.
Llevo toda la noche con ello.
I've been working on this Hammerman account for about three months now, and it's a very- - - It's a good account- -
he estado trabajando en esta cuenta de Hamerman por tres meses y... es una muy... es una buena cuenta.
- I've been working on it, genetically.
- Estuve desarrollándolo genéticamente.
It has to do with a murder I've been working with Exley on.
Se trata de un asesinato que Exley y yo estamos investigando.
Sorry, it's just that I've been working on this Melody
Lo siento, es que he estado trabajando en esta melodía
- I've been working on it.
- He estado trabajando en eso.
It's based on a very complicated formula that I've been working on since day that you were born.
Basado en una fórmula complicada en la que he estado trabajando desde el día en que naciste.
I've been working on it for a year... and I can't progress unless a star is involved.
Ya llevo un año trabajando en él... y no lo venderé, sin una estrella dentro.
I've been working on it all day.
- ¿ Que si lo está?
It's a theory I've been working on.
es una teoría en la que he estado trabajando.
Well, it's rather difficult to imagine Mikhail Baryshnikov... while Edward is humming, "I've Been Working On The Railroad."
Es difícil imaginarse a Mikhail Baryshnikov mientras Edward canturrea "I've Been Working on the Railroad".
I've been working on that, but they're adamant about it. Keep trying.
Lo que es divertido en James...

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